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3,000 deer on LI in federal sharpshooters' sights this winter

the blur

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So Riverhead is going to open up some new properties to hunting. I just hope they don't limit it to Riverhead residents only.

it was in the local paper a week or two ago, pretty sure it was just for the old Grumman property at this point..............and once again, for residents only.

Edited by jjb4900
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how do you suggest they select the people to hunt these neighborhoods? I've met a lot of hunters in my life, and I certainly wouldn't want some of them within a mile of my house.

You sign up and one day they have a proficiency test held...cull the the group to good shooters ....




For example, In Irondequoit, NY they ran a 9 year sharpshooting program in one specific park. They ended up taking 876 deer out of there in that span.

Yes and I think they did it in Genessee park. IF I recall Correctly...but ...


re-read your statement...there you have it...that was not 3000 deer in a short span and they didn't shoot out of vehicles (I believe) nor were silencers ever mentioned

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"Next, Walter said the town plans to work with Legislator Al Krupski to open up the North Fork Preserve on Sound Avenue, as well as with New York State, to open up 700 acres in Wildwood State Park and a park in Jamesport for hunting, with the town's hunting committee coordinating efforts."

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"Next, Walter said the town plans to work with Legislator Al Krupski to open up the North Fork Preserve on Sound Avenue, as well as with New York State, to open up 700 acres in Wildwood State Park and a park in Jamesport for hunting, with the town's hunting committee coordinating efforts."

that would be nice......and I doubt Riverhead could limit a State park hunt to their residents only........not sure who owns the North Fork Preserve, but that place is overrun with deer.

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WNYBH...this is not a jab or argument starter.... seriously but a simple question....


You and I hunt some real deer populated areas and as you know DEC is pounding the DMP yet still there is a rise in the population...8H and 8N are good sized deserve WMU...so there are pockets way worse than others...What would be your attitude should the DEC decide to open these 2 areas up to such a culling process using their "sharpshooters"...put aside any connections you may have and go with you wouldn't be one of the shooters....

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how do you suggest they select the people to hunt these neighborhoods? I've met a lot of hunters in my life, and I certainly wouldn't want some of them within a mile of my house.

1)They could have someone interview the home owner applicants during sign up and address any of their concerns.  If they really want deer culled then they should allow bow hunters. 


2)Worst case scenario they can have home owners choose from a list of hunters and have the option of removing one if they did not fit their view of what a hunter should LOOK like.  I have meet many hunters too and have the opposite thinking on them.  The hunters I know are well respected individuals and I would allow them on my property and in my house.   Otherwise they shouldn't judge a book by it's cover as so many like to do!  Even here I get that, unreal... Expected though...  Its the internet...


3)Base the hunter on his actions and success if he falters then remove him from the list or put his name on the bottom depending on circumstances.  If he passes deer remove him.  And actions that upset the home owner will result in removal of the area and possibly the program depending on actions performed.  Reward successful hunters by putting them in area's that need population control the most.  Not very hard to figure out how to do this... 


Your point of view is echoed by many east end home owners.  They do not want us low life hunters in there town.  Hence lets do a cull. 


Funny to me how hunters blame other hunters for not controlling the population when the real issue is access to the area's that need control.  I think it's funny that these same hunters believe the hype that too many deer are on LI when they do not hunt these areas. 


Do we need control of the herd?  Yes.  Will setting up baiting stations on farms and public land help in rural areas?  NO  If you think these snipers are actually going to do this shooting in residential areas, well again you are just kidding yourself.  But this will eliminate deer from public lands for a few years until population on residential area force them out again.  Then we can do the sniper shooting again???  Do you see my point?  Bow hunting is the best long term solution that saves tax payers money.

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NFA, do you think the sharpshooter or bait and shoot program is new? Its not at all. LI is no "test bed" for it, its been used, with success in many areas for many years. Yes, right here in NY, and even in my general area of the state.


For example, In Irondequoit, NY they ran a 9 year sharpshooting program in one specific park. They ended up taking 876 deer out of there in that span. They then enacted a special permit bow season in the areas around the park, and that has been successful to keep the numbers to a controllable level. In the first decade of that program, 449 deer were taken. Last year they didnt do the bow hunt, but this year they did.


From the looks of things, without that first cull, bowhunters in that area would not have dropped the numbers to a level that they needed to to get the herd under control.

Not new, they have been doing this in Caumsett for years...  Now they use bow hunters...  Works great!!!  Lesson learned, NOT, lol...

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You sign up and one day they have a proficiency test held...cull the the group to good shooters ....



Yes and I think they did it in Genessee park. IF I recall Correctly...but ...


re-read your statement...there you have it...that was not 3000 deer in a short span and they didn't shoot out of vehicles (I believe) nor were silencers ever mentioned


It was just a smaller scale program of what is happening on LI. Remember, we are talking about areas on LI that are much larger than Irondequoit.


Im not sure what difference silencers would make, or shooting out of vehicles. Id bet they used suppressors in Irondequoit so that the residents were ticked off by the sounds of shots nearby at night.

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Not new, they have been doing this in Caumsett for years...  Now they use bow hunters...  Works great!!!  Lesson learned, NOT, lol...

are you sure Caumsett is open for hunting to the general public? it's not listed as one of the State parks open to hunting and I can't find anything on their website saying it is............just curious.

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WNYBH...this is not a jab or argument starter.... seriously but a simple question....


You and I hunt some real deer populated areas and as you know DEC is pounding the DMP yet still there is a rise in the population...8H and 8N are good sized deserve WMU...so there are pockets way worse than others...What would be your attitude should the DEC decide to open these 2 areas up to such a culling process using their "sharpshooters"...put aside any connections you may have and go with you wouldn't be one of the shooters....


The areas that we hunt are vastly different from the areas they are using the sharpshooting programs in. You are talking mostly ag land vs mostly suburban land with homes not far from each other. Cant really compare the two, but Ill entertain the question. In my area, they already use DMAPs and DDPs to help control things. Typically, the farmers allow us to use them, and we are very good at getting them filled. If our group couldnt do it, and it needed to be done, then by all means, they should be allowed to bring people in that can get it done.

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But like I said  we have pockets...of worse areas...and you can't compare the farm management permits to wide range sharp shooting...but since it's mentioned...what if they decided that several of the Very large farm areas needed a 3000 deer cull...you hunt farms....and it was to be done by hired sharp shooters...across a farm area you hunt....or lets say Rush...Bloomfield..Groveland...Honeyoe ...Springwater...Canandagua ...there are developments popping up all over...those are now suburban areas...farmers selling huge chunks for housing developments...don't think it won't be here soon...It sounds all fine and dandy...but it's the doe that produce those bucks you post....you know what to take and what not to each year....several mass cullings around a unit...... I firmly believe.... would devastate hunting for a long time and set a president...pushing back hunting when even more developments spring up as ppl flee the margin surrounding the cities....Ppl that think government intervention with "professionals" is safer than an open season with whom ever roaming the woods with guns....Ten years doesn't seem very long...and it won't be at the rate suburbia is expanding..but 10yrs down the road will it be your daughter or a sharp shooter in the woods you use to hunt? I think your stance will change...

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Grow, that simply would not happen in a largely agricultural, open area. Its fine and dandy to say what if and such, but its not a realistic question to begin with. You will always have farmers allowing hunters in those areas. Sure, land access is an issue to many people that dont own the land, but the majority of those that do, will allow hunting to go on. Especially farmers. Who they allow on their land, is really nobodys business other than their own. As far as the pockets of super high deer density, well, those pockets need to be taken care of. It is what it is.


In any case, it wont happen in my area, certainly not in the next 10 years, and definitely not on the land I hunt. If you wish to know how I can be certain of that, you can PM me.

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Guys NFA is on to a conspiracy, it's all lies by the media!

Lol. That's your best nonsense yet, congrats!

Again NFA, I don't care about you, how you hunt, what you do or don't kill. If you don't choose to shoot doe, do not complain about a cull as you are not helping them control the population at all.

Maybe they should open a year round season for you down there.

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WNYBH...we will have to agree to disagree with some of Our opinions......I will wonder if ppl that hunted all the land I saw on my way back and forth to the hospital 10 yrs ago thought as you...for I got lost 2x's due to all the roads I use to drive by sight for direction..... filled in by row after row of houses that were not there as little as 5 yrs ago...some new small wineries......Farmers get old...they send their kids to college and in return those kids do not want to farm farmer retires and sells to highest bidder...or dies and the kids sell it off.....unless there is a huge operation nearby then it's usually housing or commercial....We have a very large farmer here...my age...crop farmer but switching gears...has been selling 5 acre lots here and there...starting to lease and going into other aspects of farming ....sales of ag products sprays and such....he got the farm from his dad and down sized and you can bet his kids will go off to school more than likely not to return to the whims of weather and markets...wasn't long ago Avon and Geneseo were quaint little towns....Now they are starting to look like Henrietta  did when I was in my 20's

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They will still never be the same as long island. You do realize, that most of the homes you see in those areas are just road frontage thats been sold. Lots of farms backing them up. You can still hunt in Henrietta and other suburban areas, they dont do bait and shoots just anywhere.

Towns like Avon and Geneseo wont become Henriettas, they are too far from the real commerce center of the area, which is still Rochester and the surrounding towns that hold the infrastructure to make it possible. They will see a bit of sprawl, but it will only go so far unless some major infrastructure changes happen and bigger industry moves in. 390 keeps Avon somewhat viable, and the college in Geneseo keeps that town going.

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If the hunters want to "help" control the deer on L.I. make a mandatory law that before you can shoot a buck two does have to be taken. 1st two months they are all after the bucks, now that we have been int the last few weeks "brown and down" is the attitude. This has to start at the beginning, maybe start the season September 15th

and make the first month does only, shoot as many as you want. 

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Caumsett Does Not allow hunting and never did. it is for hiking ,fishing. Deer that were shot there were shot by head hunters that left the bodies and sold the heads and or antlers for cash.

If you look at a map of L.I. broken down into townships.You will notice from the town of Brookhaven out to the North and South Forks comprise of a large part of L.I of which is still a large amount of farm land or land owned by them,which they let the DEC use for co op areas.

Now if you look into the owenership of a good amount of the property in the towns in Westhampton, South Hampton , East Hampton.The Big money properties, Who owns them. Not people that live there all year long.A lot of big business people, actors, singers ect. That go there in the Summer.That could afford to have there precious plants protected by other means.The same people that get there beachfront properties repaired every year after a storm by the Army Core of Eng. that we pay tax dollars for.

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If the hunters want to "help" control the deer on L.I. make a mandatory law that before you can shoot a buck two does have to be taken. 1st two months they are all after the bucks, now that we have been int the last few weeks "brown and down" is the attitude. This has to start at the beginning, maybe start the season September 15th

and make the first month does only, shoot as many as you want. 


I do not know if you ever hunted on L.I. But You Can Shoot as many Does that you want before you shoot a Buck.

On the DEC controlled lands.

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