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Man shoots himself in hand --today's D&C


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how long does it take to pull back a slide?...Or in a revolver roll in a chambered round?..About as long as it took the yahoo to pull out a concealed gun and shoot himself and his friend? I guess I don't see the comparison nor where his poor judgment is any worse than the comments made...if your carrying a weapon that has no safety...a chambered round is using poor judgement...IMO

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how long does it take to pull back a slide?...Or in a revolver roll in a chambered round?..About as long as it took the yahoo to pull out a concealed gun and shoot himself and his friend? I guess I don't see the comparison nor where his poor judgment is any worse than the comments made...if your carrying a weapon that has no safety...a chambered round is using poor judgement...IMO


it takes more time than what I want to spend when some delta bravo is threatening my life.


Those guns are designed with no safety on purpose for the most part. You really have to have a lack of judgment to have one discharge.

Edited by phade
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how long does it take to pull back a slide?...

Possibly too long. First you probably are already in the minus column in terms of the element of surprise. Following all the gun safety rules an actual safety is not needed. Many of the pistols have safety components that aren't an actual lever to flip. Palm safety and such. If you aren't comfortable and aware then you probably should select a gun with an actual safety. I would also suggest if you don't want to carry with one in the pipe you probably shouldn't carry. IMO

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how long does it take to pull back a slide?...Or in a revolver roll in a chambered round?..About as long as it took the yahoo to pull out a concealed gun and shoot himself and his friend? I guess I don't see the comparison nor where his poor judgment is any worse than the comments made...if your carrying a weapon that has no safety...a chambered round is using poor judgement...IMO



It doesnt happen like it does in the movies, where someone has time to rack their weapon. What if you only have one hand available to use? Are gonna ask the attacker to hang on a second so you can put your grocery bag down? Or maybe little Sally or Johnny? Most people arent capable of making the decision to use their weapon and remember to take 2 or 3 extra steps to get it ready to fire at the moment of truth. Think of the adrenaline thats flowing in a situation like that. Also knowing your weapon and practicing with it are essential if you are going to effectively use it in a high pressure situation. Its kind of like shooting your bow, so that you dont have to think about as much of what you are doing when the deer is in front of you. Your body just does it from trained memory.

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Grow the definition of ready to fire is just that ready to fire. I asked do you wait to chamber a round until the deer you want to shoot is in front of you?  If not you are chambered before you are ready to fire?  According to what I read in the article the place had other people there including a baby.  

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I do not see it as lack of judgement. It is lack of proper training.  How many here have actually taken any self defense gun courses?  Or tactical training in the use.  if not you are a sitting duck, and will likely be killed with your own gun.  getting a permit buying a gun and going to the range to shoot it once every few months is very inadequate.  

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Bubba I think I answered that...and even phade tried to clarify it....the original statement I made was simple fact...I was taught not to chamber any rounds unless I was ready to shoot...when I am seated in my stand I am ready to shoot and have a safety that is clicked off on a already chambered round...when still hunting the round is chambered and safety on...but I am no where near anyone... when skeet shooting we practice having just 2 rounds then need to reload...we do not sit around all holding guns and talking with the guns loaded and chambered..just our safety procedures..


If I did carry..it would not have a round chambered...and I do know the adrenalin..I have mentioned being attacked  in Rochester not far from the old Genessee hospital by 2 Spanish speaking males..I was a bartender and had some incidences as well...only weapons I had were strength and words..had I needed more it would have been anything at hand and what I have been taught...so not to typical in what most reactions would be..pulling and shooting...Even when faced with a gunman I know first hand that I would be assessing a situation as it was happening...by the way I have had a gun pointed in my face..more than once..not fun but in some ppl something clicks ...experience showed me what that is...

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Grow the definition of ready to fire is just that ready to fire. I asked do you wait to chamber a round until the deer you want to shoot is in front of you?  If not you are chambered before you are ready to fire?

That's right . And chambering a round in a shotgun is LOUD !

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wrong and phade clarified it for you.  You are not ready to shoot until you are on your target simple as that.  there are not two definitions.  If you do not carry for defense, it is easy to see why you do not understand that. 

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That's right . And chambering a round in a shotgun is LOUD !



not that loud  with practice and not as loud as having a stand malfunction and you falling on your back with the shot gun going off possible along with the back of your head...not as loud as you pulling up your gun on a tow line and for what ever reason the line breaks or gun falls and goes off because a round was chambered...just like the guy who crosses a fence and shoots and kills hits hunting partner...because simple safety was too much to consider...shoot me for being taught to be safe...I also triple check my ammo before chambering it...even though I'm the only one using a 20ga...grew up watching Gramps  dislodge the wrong ammo out of guns guys brought to his shop ...only time I ever heard him curse...still don't understand how that could happen with out destroying the barrel...but it's a vivid memory...

Edited by growalot
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Grow -- it's your opinion and belief so do as you please . I think you are going to extremes .

I don't pull a gun up on the line until I am in the stand and have my harness hooked up . Then the gun is loaded and safety is on until I have a target . I can remove a shell without emptying the magazine but empty it anyways before getting down .

I had to learn how to take the safety off my Winchester 1200 . Deer could hear the click which is much less loud than racking a round in the chamber .

As for CC , the pistol is worthless if the chamber is empty . And ..... don't draw if you don't think you could shoot someone . You'll end up a statistic .

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For those saying it's not a lack of judgment, I just can't see the rationale, but whatever.


In a restaurant/bar/tavern...lunch, busy enough there's a family with a baby in there. You decide to pull out a weapon you carry on a permit (assuming concealed) to show a friend. Not use it in self defense, but to merely show it off, in public. Then you "accidentally" shoot yourself and said friend.


If that doesn't show a lack of judgment, I don't know what does. You can't fix stupid.

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Grow the definition of ready to fire is just that ready to fire. I asked do you wait to chamber a round until the deer you want to shoot is in front of you?  If not you are chambered before you are ready to fire?  According to what I read in the article the place had other people there including a baby. 

Because  the question was asked and answered...just like your ?  Was asked and now answered...

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Hey -- I was there. As far as I am concerned, pulling your gun out to show your friend is reckless disregard for other's safety. Couldn't hehave shown his buddy at one of their houses? What the story doesn't tell you is that there was a family with a newborn and toddler (2 - maybe) sitting at the table next to them, a family of six sitting across from them, and then my friend and I having our girls lunch out,and then there was the manager seating people and the waitress. Had that gun misfired in any other direction, he could have easily injured or killed someone else. As it was, he put a significant  hole in his hand. Part of me feels bad for him -- 70 years old and now he faces his retirement years missing his pinky and part of his hand. On the other hand, part of me says, "You deserve what you got," and I am just furious.   Yes, this is the type of yahoo that gives gun owners a bad reputation. As far as losing his permit, he apparently has several handguns. However, whether he loses his rights will obviously be up to a judge. I think he should be barred from having a handgun. On another note, the Cottage is a well respected establishment in our hamlet, and Hillary has done a fantastic job over the last several years of making improvements. You can't beat the food, or service. What's even better is that is doesn't matter if you come in your barn clothes, camo, or a business suit, you will be treated the same. As a matter of fact, the front area was filled with duck hunters when we came in. There is a game room that the kids all play in, while their parents can sit and chat waiting for food. We all appreciate what the Cottage has to offer our community, which is a small, laid back place with great food, great prices and great service. 

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