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Governor Announces Support for Crossbows in NY


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No state allow guns during archery. Xbow a are allowed in archery because they are a form of archery.

By the way I breaking bolts at 375 yards today with my xbow. Kept getting robin hoods. No rest, hanging by my feet upside down! I can't wait for October, I'm going to shoot a deer in one county while I stand 2 counties away

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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so we've deraile twice now. once to talk about the 150' rule, and another to talk about the SAFE act. Both topics have other threads.


Again, we need to discuss why crossbows are not archery equipment. :)


This thread isn't about "why crossbows are not archery equipment" either.


But as a note of interest, there was another You-tube video of another crossbow manufacturer making a 200 yard shot. Pretty darned impressive. Of course there were all kinds of warnings not to take that sort of shot while hunting. And also the guy doing the shooting was a military sniper, so he kind o knew how to execute.

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In NY- hard work is the enemy of interest. So against them for the general populous


The BIG issue is how so many people are forgetting the same governor who broke your heart is taking you to prom as his backup date..... stop being idiots.... nothing is in your best interest... money and power

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In NY- hard work is the enemy of interest. So against them for the general populous

The BIG issue is how so many people are forgetting the same governor who broke your heart is taking you to prom as his backup date..... stop being idiots.... nothing is in your best interest... money and power

I really don't understand this line of thought. Why is it construed that because he does one thing you like, you are in bed with him and supporting him. I personally hope he would give every hunter a $10,000 tax credit right now. I'd buy a new gun, pay some bills and by the new boots I would wear when I walk in and flip the lever for the other guy.

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Anyone who is interested in any sort of gun ownership rights should be able to understand a little bit of history, and recognize a distinct pattern that shows that the anti-gun forces are interested in nothing other than total elimination of legal private gun ownership. If you don't understand that fact, I would suggest that you pull your head out of that dark unsanitary place and take note of a little history that has gone on in front of where your eyes should have been.


In '68 we started compromising on handguns (big-time), because that promised to be the end to all violent gun crime. Anti-gun forces have been nibbling away at gun ownership until now today here we are with a freshly passed law that has made a whole class of hunting rifles illegal for sale and a proposed registration system for grandfathered owners of those guns of that "made-up" category dubbed the assault rifle. Not only that, but the whole key to using any gun, the ammo, has now had a law added to add harassment and cost to every bullet you buy. And make no mistake, that is the sole purpose of the ammo background checks. It has no impact on crime at all, but is simply designed to throw roadblocks in front of people exercising their gun rights. That fact alone should be a clue to any thinking person exactly the mindset of those that we are told to compromise with. 


So anyone who insists that systematic compromise is not a path to eventual gun confiscation simply is either unaware of the real motives of the anti-gun crowd, or are in the process of actively becoming part of that movement themselves. Yes you all believe that each little compromise will be the last, and apparently don't care that you really know that it won't be.

well one could continue to maintain your position, albeit a failing one, in light of new laws like the safe act and wait until they come and pry them from your cold dead hands, either way thats exactly what will happen as they continue to chip away at gun ownership with politics and the courts because they can. this my way or the highway position besides being a fantasy,...has given them the political cover to do so.the safe act was no compromise it was jammed down our throats exactly the way they will continue to do it...because it WILL work! so you keep spinning your simple talking points but it should be obvious,its happening and you still dont care that it is.crying about it after the fact is not working.insanity was defined by einstein as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.kinda like the way you've got your head in that dark unsanitary place of yours and won't pull it out.

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Just spewing the agenda and trying to be a gun rights guy at the same time.  I swear they get an email every week with the talking points. Ok this week we say the right wing wackos are doing this and this.

sorry bubba i receive no talking points from anyone this attitude of mine is honestly the way i see it.i own handguns,rifles,and shotguns and really believe that they are being endangered by this-fight everything and keep losing strategy.its politics 101 the magority in this state and country say common sense restictions and our reponse is when you pry them from our cold dead hands its just an untenible position.what we do is strengthen the wackos-on the other side of the gun debate.

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There is no expressed constitutional right to 16 bullets in your wanna-be assault weapon.In fact there is no expressed right to own a wannabe assault weapon, tank, nuclear device, armed drones...etc. there are limits.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well the Supreme Court did say in both Miller and Heller, that it applied to arms on common use by the solider. It does not get any more common then the AR . Crew weapons are out so yes no tanks ,mortars , and the ever popular with the antis, Bazookas !

Millers argument that his sawed off shotgun was protected by the Second Amendment was rejected because it was not in common use by the standing Army. Hum what long gun is in common use by the standing Army....

Keeping on topic,I can't wait to get a xgun,both my shoulders are really hurting,my arms go to sleep every night and it's getting had to lift my left arm above parallel at times. That and just shooting it kills all deer with in a half mile I've been told !

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well one could continue to maintain your position, albeit a failing one, in light of new laws like the safe act and wait until they come and pry them from your cold dead hands, either way thats exactly what will happen as they continue to chip away at gun ownership with politics and the courts because they can. this my way or the highway position besides being a fantasy,...has given them the political cover to do so.the safe act was no compromise it was jammed down our throats exactly the way they will continue to do it...because it WILL work! so you keep spinning your simple talking points but it should be obvious,its happening and you still dont care that it is.crying about it after the fact is not working.insanity was defined by einstein as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.kinda like the way you've got your head in that dark unsanitary place of yours and won't pull it out.

I have no idea what you are talking about. This Governor and his merry bunch of libs need no "political cover". Haven't you caught on to that yet? The remainder of your reply says exactly that. So your proposed policy of appeasement is pretty much just a short-cut to eventual total confiscation. Now maybe that's exactly what you want, I don't know. We've had bigger surprises on here. But logic should tell you that stalling tactics are far better than simply buckling under and cowering before the bulldozer tactics of the left.

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I have no idea what you are talking about. This Governor and his merry bunch of libs need no "political cover". Haven't you caught on to that yet? The remainder of your reply says exactly that. So your proposed policy of appeasement is pretty much just a short-cut to eventual total confiscation. Now maybe that's exactly what you want, I don't know. We've had bigger surprises on here. But logic should tell you that stalling tactics are far better than simply buckling under and cowering before the bulldozer tactics of the left.

I'm just sayin that yes there are segments of America that want total confiscation,but there is also a vast majority that wants better control of the way arms are controlled in this country.if we as gun owners don't take a active role in how these laws are rolled out in the future,we will be bulldozed ie: the safe act.in my earlier post Instead of political cover I should have said political mandate.those polls are not just the left.theres a lot of republicans in Colorado and conn and elsewhere that are driving those numbers.

Edited by notasheep
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And the majority of people who want better gun control do not own guns.  That is like saying the people who do not drive want to take away cars.  If they do not want a gun fine, that is their business.  If I want guns that is my business not theirs.  That is the bigger problem is we let ourselves get pushed around by the majority who do not want us to have guns.  Last time I looked this was a republic.  If you think all gun owners suddenly said ok lets go to the table and work out "sensible" gun control measures, we would have a say?  If you think the gun grabbers would stop if we had "sensible" gun control, you are the one living in the fantasy.  As I said give an inch they take a mile and call us extremists when we push back.  The safe act was penned well over a year before sandy hook took place.  They waited for the right opportunity to pull it out.  It was written by the Bloomberg camp.  The only part Cuomo had in it was introducing it.  and taking credit for it, which is back firing.  he was a pawn in it all.  Anything penned by the Bloomberg camp has nothing to do wit "sensible" control, and the plan is for it to go nation wide/  It is all about gun elimination and them controlling all the guns.  I for one will continue to say from my cold dead hands. Why will I say that? Simple, because it is the only "sensible" response.  If there ever was a tine to stand up, it is RIGHT now.  and the constitution guaranteed me that god given right.  Funny thing is the 2nd amendment is the only one we seem to need permission to use. 

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And the majority of people who want better gun control do not own guns. That is like saying the people who do not drive want to take away cars. If they do not want a gun fine, that is their business. If I want guns that is my business not theirs. That is the bigger problem is we let ourselves get pushed around by the majority who do not want us to have guns. Last time I looked this was a republic. If you think all gun owners suddenly said ok lets go to the table and work out "sensible" gun control measures, we would have a say? If you think the gun grabbers would stop if we had "sensible" gun control, you are the one living in the fantasy. As I said give an inch they take a mile and call us extremists when we push back. The safe act was penned well over a year before sandy hook took place. They waited for the right opportunity to pull it out. It was written by the Bloomberg camp. The only part Cuomo had in it was introducing it. and taking credit for it, which is back firing. he was a pawn in it all. Anything penned by the Bloomberg camp has nothing to do wit "sensible" control, and the plan is for it to go nation wide/ It is all about gun elimination and them controslling all the guns. I for one will continue to say from my cold dead hands. Why will I say that? Simple, because it is the only "sensible" response. If there ever was a tine to stand up, it is RIGHT now. and the constitution guaranteed me that god given right. Funny thing is the 2nd amendment is the only one we seem to need permission to use.

I am a gun owner I'd like to see a gun safe or trigger locks required in homes with children or mentally handicapped people.or eliminating the gun flea markets in the south.i doubt the majority that also do are non gun owners...would love to see the source of that information.bubba the reason we're getting pushed around is because the gun lobby looks like a bunch of wackos.would also like to see where Bloombergs camp wrote the safe act all I can find is "sources" in reports published by gun manufacturer lobbyists hardly reliable sources.their only responsibility is to make sure they can keep selling guns and ammo.

the second amendment, as adjudicated already, does allow the governments to put restrictions on gun ownership,hardly a god given right.and I'll say it again:the more we look like wackos the easier it will be to restrict gun ownership.also bubba there were many from the right,NRA endorsed , that voted for the safe act.and as far as backfiring I'm sure he will be reelected as will most if not all those who voted for the safe act.

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If the majority wanted gun control, we would have gun control. Stop believing the skewed polls from the Washington press. Not believing god gave us these rights is half the problem.  Before you spew your answers, you might want to study how the backbone of why this country was founded. In a nutshell religious freedom and over taxation form the English.  Just a short history lesson because I do not want to overwhelm you with reality.   


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

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I think it is time for me to leave this thread alone. I find myself becoming more and more disgusted with hunters and gun owners who are now championing gun control, and I am sure that as a result I will eventually say something that I probably shouldn't.....lol.

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It's to bad really, what some hunters forget is that that are out numbered 10 to 1 by the gun owners. I already see the first signs of gun owners ready to push back against the Fudds .

Think hunting land is hard to find now ......

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I have said it all along.  We do not have the numbers to fight this with gun owners alone.  Too many are all for "sensible" gun control.  Yeah right.  When they kick in your door looking for you and your guns, I expect you will hand them over and say hmmmm I guess it is for the good of all.  I for one will not be handing them over willingly.  Just remember it was only 3 percent who stood up against the  british and won.  the other 97 percent rode on their coat tails.  Sad but true.

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  • 2 weeks later...


well one could continue to maintain your position, albeit a failing one, in light of new laws like the safe act and wait until they come and pry them from your cold dead hands, either way thats exactly what will happen as they continue to chip away at gun ownership with politics and the courts because they can. this my way or the highway position besides being a fantasy,...has given them the political cover to do so.the safe act was no compromise it was jammed down our throats exactly the way they will continue to do it...because it WILL work! so you keep spinning your simple talking points but it should be obvious,its happening and you still dont care that it is.crying about it after the fact is not working.insanity was defined by einstein as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.kinda like the way you've got your head in that dark unsanitary place of yours and won't pull it out.

Dude you should really hit the space bar after your sentences. Your post looks like one really long unending sentence.

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