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NY State now want to kill all the Mute Swans!

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Not kidding!


NYS has no money for hatcheries, no money for its pension promises, no money for getting rid of feral hogs and many others worthy projects, but it seems to have money to capture or kill or kill 2000 mute swans




these folks are nut!

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Not kidding!


NYS has no money for hatcheries, no money for its pension promises, no money for getting rid of feral hogs and many others worthy projects, but it seems to have money to capture or kill or kill 2000 mute swans




these folks are nut!

Who is nuts? The DEC for wanting the ability to regulate the population of an introduced species or the people commenting on this article?

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Not kidding!


NYS has no money for hatcheries, no money for its pension promises, no money for getting rid of feral hogs and many others worthy projects, but it seems to have money to capture or kill or kill 2000 mute swans




these folks are nut!


How much experience have you had with mutes?



Here is some more info. on the subject:





The ain't just another pretty face.......................................................

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you mean this link...http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7076.html


if so yes...your point?

Actually not that page you linked but the report in PDF that is on the page. It doesn't sound like they want to dump the war chest on this program. What they want in a nutshell is the ability to be able to control the population. Currently they do not have the ability to do anything with them except on specific Govt properties

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I didn't look at the links or articles posted in this thread . I did see some videos of Mute Swans killing ducks and geese and that a pair of mute swans would take over a pond so they would have it all to themselves . They should capture a pair of the mute swans and put them at Marketplace Mall !

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It won't (shouldn't) cost much as the damned things are very bold.

In the report the DEC and other agencies would treat them as a target of opportunity for the adults and the nests. If they ran across them during their normal activities they would take them. Land owners would have the same options. Then they are considering a season.  

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So why don't they kill ever Pheasant?  Brown trout.  None of which is native to NYS. Both are introduced / invasive species. 

Because they are not destructive and a detriment to other species and habitat. I would have to put them more in the category of the wild pigs. They were introduced the same way (released/ escaped captives)

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So why don't they kill ever Pheasant?  Brown trout.  None of which is native to NYS. Both are introduced / invasive species. 

I don't think Pheasant are an invasive species, they have a pretty low survival rate that's why they continually restock them.........just because something is non native, doesn't mean they're also invasive.

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I don't think Pheasant are an invasive species, they have a pretty low survival rate that's why they continually restock them.........just because something is non native, doesn't mean they're also invasive.

Exactly, except some sections of NY with sufficient grass land habitat  do sustain wild populations of pheasant without stocking. That grassland habitat is limited in NY and that limits the range of pheasants, therefore pheasants certainly are not spreading or "invading." And, within that limited range, they are not problematic, so they wouldn't be considered invasive or deleterious.

Edited by mike rossi
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The 1993 mute swan management plan failed because thanks to anti hunters the DEC was only allowed to control them on DEC property, actually only WMAs. The new plan expands the DECs ability to do what they want this time. However heavy public comment by antis between today and February, can again, as it did in 1993,  shape the plan that is finally adopted, and thereby again handicapping the DEC's ability to deal with mute swans.


All states in the Atlantic Flyway developed and began mute swan management plans in 1993. However, NY is the only state in the Atlantic Flyway that did not succeed in reducing its mute swan population and now has the biggest population in the flyway. Take a look at the DEC Face Book page today, that isn't official public comment, but it shows the buzz among anti hunters about the management plan.


The HSUS  is encouraging its network  and facilitating the sending hundreds of thousands of electronic form letters to the DEC during this comment period. Mute Swans , like mourning doves are one of the HSUS prime objectives - it is these issues they historically win because of a weak response from sportsmen. 

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I didn't look at the links or articles posted in this thread . I did see some videos of Mute Swans killing ducks and geese and that a pair of mute swans would take over a pond so they would have it all to themselves . They should capture a pair of the mute swans and put them at Marketplace Mall !

That is exactly what has been done for "non lethal" management. Like most forms of non lethal methods, it was a bad idea. As a matter of fact, one contractor who stocked Mute Swans for a community to disperse geese was actually drowned by one when he was doing his rounds to check up on things. He wasn't an older guy either, he was 38 years old and reportedly a "strong swimmer". The first video I listed is about this. One aspect of the new DEC mute swan management plan would prohibit the use of Mute Swans to disperse geese and other native wildlife.

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Not kidding!


NYS has no money for hatcheries, no money for its pension promises, no money for getting rid of feral hogs and many others worthy projects, but it seems to have money to capture or kill or kill 2000 mute swans




these folks are nut!

Your economic concerns are not accurate and besides  I don't recall you balking when several key figures in the sporting community backed the governor's proposal to reduce the price of sporting licenses because they claimed the  conservation fund was getting too big. I also don't recall you reacting to the information I provided explaining of the diversion of revenue derived from life time licenses  out of the conservation fund and into the state short term investment pool.


And what makes someone think feral hogs are a bigger problem than mute swans?  Factious question, please don't answer, asked to provoke some thought and self reflection...

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