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Would you move to Alaska?

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If I was rich, a summer place in Alaska might be ok.


Any of you guys ever watch some of those TV shows about people that live up there (Alaska The Last Frontier and Life Below Zero, etc.). Yeah, I know a lot of that is staged just to beef up the drama level. But the weather isn't staged. Those people are a completely different breed of human.....lol.

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I was there for a month, if you REALLY love the outdoors go for it, it can be fun and you can always come back. Those small float or "bush"  planes are like taxi's up there, I took them everywhere and not too expensive if your not going all that far. 

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If I was rich, a summer place in Alaska might be ok.


Any of you guys ever watch some of those TV shows about people that live up there (Alaska The Last Frontier and Life Below Zero, etc.). Yeah, I know a lot of that is staged just to beef up the drama level. But the weather isn't staged. Those people are a completely different breed of human.....lol.

Regarding staged: Did you catch the episode of Life Below Zero of the guy heading out on his snowmobile with an AR platform, two shots at wolves with AR , they pan to wolves running and all of a sudden he's shooting a bolt action? My 11 year old daughter even picked up on it. They even show him walking with only the AR  

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Regarding staged: Did you catch the episode of Life Below Zero of the guy heading out on his snowmobile with an AR platform, two shots at wolves with AR , they pan to wolves running and all of a sudden he's shooting a bolt action? My 11 year old daughter even picked up on it. They even show him walking with only the AR  

I did see that episode, but never caught that little switcheroo...lol. I was probably multi-tasking again. Watching TV and reading the paper at the same time. However, I am not surprised. I have caught them in other staged activity. Actually anytime they are trying to indicate that they are stranded somewhere, I always have to wonder why they don't use the transportation of the camera crew that are obviously there....lol. But, I kindly look past some of the artistic liberties that they take with their story and acknowledge that most of what they are trying to portray is perfectly likely to happen at some point in their lives or the lives of someone else in that area. It is good not to take these programs too literally. They really are artistic representations.

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Well the job is mine if I want to accept it. They are gracious enough to fly me and my wife up there to visit for four days. We fly to Soldotna, Alaska on the 19th of this month. I'm excited to see it first hand. My biggest concern at the moment about moving up there is housing. The doctor I interviewed with really got excited when he found out I am a hunter. It just so happens, so is he! Lets see how the all plays out.


I maybe I'm not just going just for the "halibut"...lol!

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Well the job is mine if I want to accept it. They are gracious enough to fly me and my wife up there to visit for four days. We fly to Soldotna, Alaska on the 19th of this month. I'm excited to see it first hand. My biggest concern at the moment about moving up there is housing. The doctor I interviewed with really got excited when he found out I am a hunter. It just so happens, so is he! Lets see how the all plays out.


I maybe I'm not just going just for the "halibut"...lol!

So what's the worst thing if you move up there and hate it? You can always move back or somewhere else .... right? We live in a very mobile world these days. I think it's pretty nice that they are giving you a four day visit. Of course they will be showcasing the absolute best weather that the state has to offer.


I notice you can almost wave to the Russians from there .... lol. At least its not way up in the middle of the tundra. The climate should be less extreme there I would imagine.

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