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How many rounds do you carry..?...


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I used to put 5 in the slug gun but then realized it was alittle heavier and there was no need. Only once have I shot more then once and that was at a runnign deer when i was young....3 shots all missed cleanly. If i had to track after the first shot that would mean i had time to put more slugs in....Besides, I hunt with my old man and he is never far away, if i need more he has them.

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I had once considered taking a CASE of slugs hunting . With all the shooting that was going on I probably could have sold the cheap rifled Foster slugs for $20 a box . Sometimes it sounded like a war zone ! I'd bet a lot of the shooters ran out of slugs .

Get your slugs here $20 a box bargain deal $45 for two boxes ............... ::P

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with my rifle I carry 100. two 50 bandaleros around my neck criss crossed. Oh yeah and one in the gun.  My muzzleoader one of course in it and 125 speed loaders in a little wagon I pull behind me.  Oh yeah and my rambo knife just in case I need to defend myself.  You never know when an organized deer stampede may start. ;D  Actualy ml loaded and three speed loaders.  Rifle the same one in it and three in my shell holder on my belt.  I do however load the same shell in the gun until I finally use it.  Is anyone else noticing a pattern here?  People state when carrying the ML they load it and 3 or 4 speed loaders for a total of 5 st most.  They drag out the shotgun or rifle that holds 4 or 5 they carry 10 to 15.  I guess I would wonder why you need that many extra in a supposedly hgher power more effective gun.  If i had to fire 15 times at a wounded deer while chasing it, I guess the wound was not that bad or the chase was on instantly. I doubt all 15 hit the deer, so where were they flying around the woods and at what?  Ethical quick clean kills. 

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If you are hunting with a repeating firearm, why carry only what can be loaded into the gun?  Some here seem to carry even less than can actually fit into the gun.  I feel that one should carry at least an extra full reload.  We are hunting with firearms after all.  People lug in cameras, food, blinds, portable stands, everything but the kitchen sink, yet want to take 5 rounds or less with them.  Sort of sounds funny if you ask me.  Like Doc said, sooner or later you guys will be in a situation where you will be needing some extra rounds.  If you haven't already, you probably haven't been hunting long enough.  Better to be prepared for such a situation, instead of being left with a gun and NO ammo out in the middle of nowhere.  Now that there, would be an Elmer Fudd moment if you ask me!

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Unless I intend to slaughter the whole population, I dont see the need to carry loads of ammo.  I guess it is a personal preference.  I guess I feel if I have less ammo, I need to make them count.  Like I said people have a ml, they carry 3 or 4 total and do fine. They have a gun that holds 5 they need 15 or 20.  Just a mind set I guess especially when they seem to do fine with the ML and 3 extra rounds. I have an ex hunting buddy who has a 30-06 semi remongton  which holds 5.  When he sees a deer, the gun gets emptied regardless. That is one reason he is an ex hunting buddy.  I guess true sportsman fire a couple warning shots, or practice shoot and release. 

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Well, I am pretty much a weekend warrior and my hunting time is rather limited since I live 3 hours away from my hunting area.  I for one won't go all that way and carry the minimum amount of ammo with me.  One never knows what might happen. On more than one occasion I had an deer run over to me that was hit by someone else.  If I had already used up ammo with a kill of my own, I surely would not have been able to finish off and help avoid a lost animal for someone else.  There is some good ethics in that also.  You guys think that all those who carry some extra ammo are sure to use it all up on every deer they see.  That is where you fellas are wrong!  It is more like that these hunters come prepared with something that weighs next to nothing in the scheme of things and is an essential part of the weapon they intend to use while hunting.  I have never tried it, but I don't think any of my rifles would fire rocks that I picked up from the ground if I tried to load them into them.  I rather have some extra ammo that was made for them!

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a haha rocks thgat is hilarious.  I dont think the question was how many do you take with you to hunt, the question was how many do you carry?  I live 20 minutes from my camp.  That doesn't mean I only carry 4 shells to camp with me.  It means I carry 4 in the woods with me.

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I said that I carry 13 with me. The 2 spare clips in my belt case have had the same bullets in them for 5 or 6 years. Over the past 3 years I have shot 5 shots & killed 4 deer.

Some of you are right, I carry way more ammo than I hopefully ever need, but 2 clips weigh 6-8 ounces each, I'll carry the extra weight thank you.

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i said i carry 15 which i do my single shot gets "unloaded" on every deer i have a good leathal shot at and i don't get a follow up i carry the fifteen just in case. i hunt swamps and have had rounds slip out of my butt holder i have fumbled a round into knee deep water not to be found. i just like to carry extra. also i start with 15 and finish the season from there as i shot my number goes down. it has also been said about muzzleloader yes i load one and have 2 speed loads but also have the rest of my bullets 15 primers some pellets ect in my fanny pack. i guess it becasue i leanred young to be prepared.

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