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Assault Weapon Ban NO WE WILL NOT COMPLY

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There is a new lawsuit coming out against the NY Safe Act, and I will be one of the many plaintiff's. So there are lots of NY Firearms owners willing to put there names and their guns, Magazine on the line against this law.

And that's the right way to go about this. Legal, non-violent protest.

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Anyone who thinks the safe act is not a violation of the second amendment of the constitution if the united States as well as a violation of the NY state constitution clearly does not get it. I do not need to sit back and wait and hope some court says it is. Case in point Obama care. And if they say it is constitutional I guess we again roll over and take it. Feel free to do so.

Dude nobody is arguing in favor of it. We are simply saying that we're not quite ready to be convicted felons. An unjust law is still a law.

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Nobody is saying violence is what we need. I don't know how many times I've said that, and fools keep bringing it up. Non-compliance is what we need and we need to make it known we will not comply, which is what is happening. Many people are ignoring this law and Cuomo knows it. Some have even left the state and taken their fortunes and taxes with them as the ultimate protest. .

I left NY 1/2/14. I now live a state where I can own and shoot what I want. I make a very nice salary and no longer contribute anything to NY.


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I left NY 1/2/14. I now live a state where I can own and shoot what I want. I make a very nice salary and no longer contribute anything to NY.



Good for you.  But it should be making you happy, not me.  I'm still fighting Cuomo and the SAFE act from another state, along with Schumer, Obama, Holder, Clinton and whatever anti-gun hack deserves it.

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Dude nobody is arguing in favor of it. We are simply saying that we're not quite ready to be convicted felons. An unjust law is still a law.

Apparently not ready to stand up against it either. And BTW I am not dude
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Nice to see some basic agreement here!


A lot of people in this country would like to completely rewrite the Constitution and effectively change the way we live as Americans. Guns, speech, assembly, religion, due process, you name it. I think that's wrong.

There's the fight, no matter which state you call home and no matter which color tie you want to see your next president wear.

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ok below. Your lame attempts at what I think is humor or avoiding the subject is what I said lame.  I have a name and I would request you use it or do not address me at all.  I will not be disrespected by the likes of you.

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bubba, on 29 Jun 2014 - 10:14 PM, said:

  I have a name and I would request you use it or do not address me at all.  I will not be disrespected by the likes of you.



TFF.......holy crap I just about pissed myself laughing at that.



Yo, yo, yo


Don't be dissin' my homey


Or I be gittin' all up in u greee-ill

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I think some of you forget that these laws really are no good anywere other than NY and Cali. Theres 48 others states filled with pro gun guys and girls with high cap mags and nice rifles.


Their going to take as many guns/rights away as we let them thats just a fact that you can not argue.

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I think some of you forget that these laws really are no good anywere other than NY and Cali. Theres 48 others states filled with pro gun guys and girls with high cap mags and nice rifles.


Their going to take as many guns/rights away as we let them thats just a fact that you can not argue.

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I think some of you forget that these laws really are no good anywere other than NY and Cali. Theres 48 others states filled with pro gun guys and girls with high cap mags and nice rifles.


Their going to take as many guns/rights away as we let them thats just a fact that you can not argue.

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I guess if you would not say it to my face and trust me you would not don't try to be cool hiding behind your keyboard



the term "dude" or "buddy" etc. aren't negative terms. I work in senior management with executives and a lot of us use those terms. So, chances are i would use it to your face, but I would not have known it was offensive. Again, relax a little.

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I have a name I use. You have not earned the privilege to call me anything else. Simple as that. I am not a surfer dude or your Buddy.

Well so sorry your majesty. I had no idea how holier than thou you are. I will surely not make that mistake again.check out what's legal in my state

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The government has done a great job, over the last couple of decades, making life so busy for the masses, with both parents needing to work to just get by, that the average citizen doesn't have time to pay attention to the insidious encroachment on their liberties by the government.  That is something that works in the governments favor, so they have done nothing to stop it from progressing every year.  Higher taxes, more debt, more overtime, less time to be grassroots.  See how that works?  We are becoming slaves and don't seem to realize it.


BTW, slaves cannot be armed.  Too dangerous for the masters.


Reagan signed a bill in 1979 making it legal for lobbyists to directly have access to elected state officials. At the time average CEO (and the like) salaries were 40 times the average workers salary. Since then worker salaries have stayed flat adjusted for inflation and CEO salaries have skyrocketed. Corporations through their elected and bought officials have waged war on unions which while they required oversight at least insured that Worker productivity (revenue) was shared with the workers.




Knowing is half the battle...Misinformation is the enemy


(BTW the most recent study out just last month indicates that Americans have gained 2 hours more leisure time each week than a few years ago)

Edited by EspressoBuzz
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Only 13 rounds?  Surely you can do better than that.  BTW, it's a .40 Short & Weak?  Why not a .45 ACP?


it's a carry. Now that I'm in a gun friendly state I have ordered an LCP and am shopping for a 1911 for a big .45 :)


You are so easy to get under your skin. Cool glad you decided to run rather than stay and stand up. Am I surprised. Not in the least


I ran for the $$$. Guns had nothing to do with it, but the timing was nice. NY no longer gets any of my tax dollars. While I'm a drop in a large pond, leaving the state and it's sh!tty laws and high taxes (like the gun manufacturers are doing), is the only way to get them to realize what they've done. And judging by the commercials I see on TV encouraging business to move to NY (haha), we're on our way. Nothing speaks more than the dollar.


In fact, that just gave me an idea. All you bad ass outlaws should just stop paying your taxes. that'll show em! What's the worst that could happen?

Edited by Belo
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Espressobuzz, you don't realize the government, and it's minions, are feeding you a lot of propaganda.  Why do I say that?  


Because Reagan took office as President on January 20.1981.


Also, corporations are nothing more than businesses owned by their stockholders.  The stockholders decide what a CEO gets paid as well as everything the corporation does.  They do that to control the value of the stocks they have invested in.  Technology is what killed unions.  Labor priced itself out of existence by asking wages, benefits and pensions higher than the cost of getting robots to do their jobs.  They didn't notice their extortion rackets were no longer viable in the last decade of the 20th century and found themselves standing outside looking in.


The government had nothing to do with the demise of unions.  In fact the Democrats did everything they could, at taxpayer expense, to prop up unions and save their votes.  The unions did it all to themselves.  Their greed was more important than their members.


On the other hand, the government did raise taxes on everything it possibly could, and severely burdened the working class with property, excise and sales taxes.  Plus, it devalued the dollar after going off the gold standard and began printing money for spending that had nothing to back it up.  That forced the price of everything in the working class market to skyrocket.  Consequently two income households, which used to be a luxury for folks with no children or the means to pay for childcare, became a must for survival.


The government is NOT your friend!  You better start to realize that, rather than believing the people it tells you to hate are your enemies.


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Way ahead of you on that one. I love how the people who run away have all the answers on how we should move forward. Life must suck when your decisions are based on the all mighty dollar which rules your life.

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(BTW the most recent study out just last month indicates that Americans have gained 2 hours more leisure time each week than a few years ago)

I wonder if that stats includes the factors like jobs being moved to less than 30 hours a week to avoid Obama Care, higher unemployment rates (the real ones not the ones that don't include the disenchanted workers) and the increased illegal aliens. A lot of those folks will keep an average leisure time per week number on the increase.

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One thing I will say is I do not believe the US Government is my enemy.  I am a proud American and love my country.  While I do not agree with everything we do I still back my president and would stand behind its forces even if I disagree with why we are fighting.  We live in the best country in the world with the most opportunities available and people on the outside fight to get in. 


ONE thing that really gets me mad is when our values are watered down.  Like the second amendment.  Personally I feel that if I took an oath to uphold the second amendment and then made a law to prevent it from being used I should be impeached and tried as a traitor.  This is how I see Governor Andrew Cuomo, the TRAITOR!!!

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