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DMP going up another 17% ....


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the problem is us trophy bow hunters. we don't shoot doe and it's all our fault. so i'm told anyhow.[/quote

According to the dec web site,we need to take 7 or 8 doe for every 10 bucks to balance things.

Most big buck guys I know take one or two doe at least,frankly if you take one for each buck according to the dec you'er doing your part.

Over the years my guestamet,would be I've taken 2 to 3 per buck,lately it's more of a one to one.im well into my 50's with more bad body parts then good,so dragging them a half mile across plowed ground,has little appeal after the first one......

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Four Seasone I only ask where the property is because as I said I have hunted land around letchworth for years. By you talking about the hundreds of deer we use to see down there I think I kind of know where. Back when the numbers were that high there were never any problems now the problem is no deer. i woundered where because of the fact that the population has droped and you said hunting is good and the pop is good.

You never said out right that you make alot of money from your farm yet you sure implied it and keep talking how you are money driven and we will all be left out in the future of mony hunting. I think is why we all make statements of you makeing lots of money

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Four Seasone I only ask where the property is because as I said I have hunted land around letchworth for years. By you talking about the hundreds of deer we use to see down there I think I kind of know where. Back when the numbers were that high there were never any problems now the problem is no deer. i woundered where because of the fact that the population has droped and you said hunting is good and the pop is good.

You never said out right that you make alot of money from your farm yet you sure implied it and keep talking how you are money driven and we will all be left out in the future of mony hunting. I think is why we all make statements of you makeing lots of money

I have hunted that park for 17 years. I was there when you could see 100 deer a day on either end of the park. I am not sure where you hunt but there is no lack of deer on the park where we hunt. Like i said, We took like 16 and 2 would make P&Y. That was on the park not on the farm. My farm borders the safety zone so there will never be a lack of deer .


My farm had nothing to do with the conversation untill someone brought it up,which he does in every thread i make a post in( Envy).If anyone on this site paid attention on what goes on in other parts of the country along with Ny you would see the writing on the wall. People know there are only so many places to hunt and even fewer good places to hunt so its now come to who writes the biggest check. Has been that way for years in some states and now with the way states DEC and DNR's are messing up the population it has spread. I said you would be on one side of the line or the other and that i knew what side of the line i would be on. Thats called being smart and ready. The future of hunting for me and those around me will not be an issue regardless of what happens to hunting as a whole for many years to come. Ya snooze Ya lose!

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We have 380 acres just a few miles from the park and another 90 not far from that. I have hunted this and most of the land that borders the park for over 30 years. Our views on what a lack of deer is are very different. I remember very well seeing hundreds of deer on either side of the the road. I remember sitting in the truck for 10 minutes or more waiting for deer to cross 19A. The number of deer in these areas is way down. I use to be able to go into the woods and see 15 or 20 deer every day here and now I am lucky to see 15 deer a season. Are there nice bucks? Yes Do I care? no. I have gotten a lot of nice bucks and never thought wow what a rack. I thought that will make a great dinner.

You may say I want to see lots of deer because I am lazy and do not want to work for my deer. That couldn't be further from the truth. I am in the woods 3 days every week more when I take time off of work. I like to go scout sit and watch all the animals especially the deer. When hunting season comes around I like to be able to just and watch them and shoot one when I feel I want to not have to shoot one because there is a good chance I might not see another one. To me a good deer population means a lot of deer period not a lot of decorations.

I have seen the way hunting is going as well, big bucks for the wall and big bucks for the pocket. I like many others would rather not hunt then be a part of this. I hunt for the meat and for the peace that it and just being in the woods rewards me with. I feel a little sad for you that you miss out on what hunting is really about and only care about big bucks and money.

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We have 380 acres just a few miles from the park and another 90 not far from that. I have hunted this and most of the land that borders the park for over 30 years. Our views on what a lack of deer is are very different. I remember very well seeing hundreds of deer on either side of the the road. I remember sitting in the truck for 10 minutes or more waiting for deer to cross 19A. The number of deer in these areas is way down. I use to be able to go into the woods and see 15 or 20 deer every day here and now I am lucky to see 15 deer a season. Are there nice bucks? Yes Do I care? no. I have gotten a lot of nice bucks and never thought wow what a rack. I thought that will make a great dinner.

You may say I want to see lots of deer because I am lazy and do not want to work for my deer. That couldn't be further from the truth. I am in the woods 3 days every week more when I take time off of work. I like to go scout sit and watch all the animals especially the deer. When hunting season comes around I like to be able to just and watch them and shoot one when I feel I want to not have to shoot one because there is a good chance I might not see another one. To me a good deer population means a lot of deer period not a lot of decorations.

I have seen the way hunting is going as well, big bucks for the wall and big bucks for the pocket. I like many others would rather not hunt then be a part of this. I hunt for the meat and for the peace that it and just being in the woods rewards me with. I feel a little sad for you that you miss out on what hunting is really about and only care about big bucks and money.

Oh please. You must feel sorry for 99.9% of the hunters that walk in the woods today. I hear all kinds of guys putting in food plots ant throwing up a bunch of trail cams so they can see what size does they have running around. If you need to see 15 to 20 deer a day to get your deer or enjoyment out of the hunt then you have a problem.

 Your 10 to 15 deer a day were blated out by the farmers whos land all those little inbred 50 and 60 pound deer that used to be there. Take a look at the harvest thread from last season at the pic i put up on the park deer we take. The park still has to many deer in some areas we hunt and 10 deer a day is easy and last year there were 10 in a herd come down at times. 


Dont try to tell me what kind of enjoyment i should get out of hunting. Some of us like a challenge!

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Could'nt fine the thread you mentioned. Seeing the animals is why Im out there no one get enjoyment out of looking at trees all day. Im not saying I need the 15 or 20 deer a day I am saying that is how is was and now most are lucky if they see half that all season. I don't know what deer you were getting back then but 50 or 60 pounders were not what we were getting. I never said I do not like a challenge. I like hunting a old smart deer buck or doe. I am saying that some days I like to just go in the woods and watch the deer. That is hard to do when they are not there.

As for ten a day being easy or 10 in a heard near the park, just drive down 19A every day as I do and you will see it is hard to see 10 deer a week out in those fields anymore.

I don't want to see just big bucks I want to see deer period. You said you like a challenge yet you brag about how easy it is to find the big bucks. Just like other trophy hunters the only challenge you want is the challenge of keeping someone else from getting your big buck. As I said I am in the woods a lot.I buy a license to hunt and fill my freezer not decorate my walls and brag about the big buck I got. When I can no longer fill my freezer I will stop hunting but I will not stop going to the woods. The way you and many others think is why hunting is going down hill so fast. Sooner then later real hunters will nolonger have a place in what will be a so called hunting world. It will no longer be hunting it will be buying a product and that is something I will gladly step away from

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Could'nt fine the thread you mentioned. Seeing the animals is why Im out there no one get enjoyment out of looking at trees all day. Im not saying I need the 15 or 20 deer a day I am saying that is how is was and now most are lucky if they see half that all season. I don't know what deer you were getting back then but 50 or 60 pounders were not what we were getting. I never said I do not like a challenge. I like hunting a old smart deer buck or doe. I am saying that some days I like to just go in the woods and watch the deer. That is hard to do when they are not there.

As for ten a day being easy or 10 in a heard near the park, just drive down 19A every day as I do and you will see it is hard to see 10 deer a week out in those fields anymore.

I don't want to see just big bucks I want to see deer period. You said you like a challenge yet you brag about how easy it is to find the big bucks. Just like other trophy hunters the only challenge you want is the challenge of keeping someone else from getting your big buck. As I said I am in the woods a lot.I buy a license to hunt and fill my freezer not decorate my walls and brag about the big buck I got. When I can no longer fill my freezer I will stop hunting but I will not stop going to the woods. The way you and many others think is why hunting is going down hill so fast. Sooner then later real hunters will nolonger have a place in what will be a so called hunting world. It will no longer be hunting it will be buying a product and that is something I will gladly step away from

There ya go. Dug it up just for you and great memories for me and a couple other guys that use this great site!


Dont know where or how you hunt dont there but sounds like you may need to learn a new trick or two. I have that many in my alfalfa fields on all sides of the farm every night.

There is no bragging to find and kill a big buck. Its called hunting and killing an animal that happens to be the smartest animal in the woods!  On his turf and terms.  If that makes me bad for being good at it then thats something i can handle and if thats the case then 99% of hunters wish they were as bad as me. You take from hunting what you will and everyone else will take something for them. Mine just happens to not be killing baby deer and tiny bucks. Pretty Simple!


You say im not a hunter. What would you call a guy that throws 200-300 feet of rope over a hill to get down to where he hunts and has a hand cart with a 500ft winch welded to it that is run by 2 marine batteries to take any deer out of any spot?Thats not for the real big ones of course. They get cut and caped on the spot and packed.

Nah..Would rather just pop a tiny one up next to the road!

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a guy that throws 200-300 feet of rope over a hill to get down to where he hunts and has a hand cart with a 500ft winch welded to it that is run by 2 marine batteries to take any deer out of any spot?

Sounds like an interesting way to get to the deer. I would love to hear the details of how you do this.

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There ya go. Dug it up just for you and great memories for me and a couple other guys that use this great site!


Dont know where or how you hunt dont there but sounds like you may need to learn a new trick or two. I have that many in my alfalfa fields on all sides of the farm every night.

There is no bragging to find and kill a big buck. Its called hunting and killing an animal that happens to be the smartest animal in the woods!  On his turf and terms.  If that makes me bad for being good at it then thats something i can handle and if thats the case then 99% of hunters wish they were as bad as me. You take from hunting what you will and everyone else will take something for them. Mine just happens to not be killing baby deer and tiny bucks. Pretty Simple!


You say im not a hunter. What would you call a guy that throws 200-300 feet of rope over a hill to get down to where he hunts and has a hand cart with a 500ft winch welded to it that is run by 2 marine batteries to take any deer out of any spot?Thats not for the real big ones of course. They get cut and caped on the spot and packed.

Nah..Would rather just pop a tiny one up next to the road!

Lol ..... careful you don't throw a shoulder out of joint with all that patting yourself on the back. Wouldn't that be a treat to hunt with somebody that never tires of telling you how great he is. I'm sure that gets real tired real quick.....Ha-ha. Oh and then gets his jollies by telling you that your deer harvest is substandard. That's just the personality (or lack thereof) that we need in hunting.

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post-5009-0-00969300-1406411503_thumb.jppost-5009-0-09674400-1406411485_thumb.jppost-5009-0-27302500-1406411476_thumb.jppost-5009-0-70537900-1406411466_thumb.jppost-5009-0-20328700-1406411456_thumb.jp I would call that guy full of it. I have been down in the gorge hunting and you do not have to get in or out that way. Neither do the many other hunters that are down there. All they do is drive deer and when they start pushing it is like a sea of stupidity comeing at you.

You call that proof of a lot of deer it took 7 guys to get that many if you had said 2 or 3 guys I would agree with you but 7? Thats what? 1 1/2 each? Yep over population there.

As for the big bucks I do not see any hanging there. As far as a big buck being the smartest animal in the woods I have always thought of all whitetails as farely dumb especially dureing the rut.

If the pics posted they are of bucks that were shot because they were in wrong sights at wrong time and became meat in the freezer put there by the smartest animal in the woods. An educated hunter.

You and I have really hijacked this thread with our pissing match. I say we agree to disagree and bid each other ado. If for some reason you feel the need to carry on I am willing to keep going. Looking to our next argument or discussion which ever you prefer to call this. You are quite fun to talk with and can not help thinking I have met you.

Oh and Doc I have to say this is the first thread I felt we were even close to being on the same side of anything and actually agree with damn near everything you have said. That is not to say others were not spot on aswell. just that your posts usually stick out post-5009-0-68509300-1406411860_thumb.jp

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attachicon.gif019.jpgattachicon.gif017.jpgattachicon.gif016.jpgattachicon.gif014.jpgattachicon.gif012.jpg I would call that guy full of it. I have been down in the gorge hunting and you do not have to get in or out that way. Neither do the many other hunters that are down there. All they do is drive deer and when they start pushing it is like a sea of stupidity comeing at you.

You call that proof of a lot of deer it took 7 guys to get that many if you had said 2 or 3 guys I would agree with you but 7? Thats what? 1 1/2 each? Yep over population there.

As for the big bucks I do not see any hanging there. As far as a big buck being the smartest animal in the woods I have always thought of all whitetails as farely dumb especially dureing the rut.

If the pics posted they are of bucks that were shot because they were in wrong sights at wrong time and became meat in the freezer put there by the smartest animal in the woods. An educated hunter.

You and I have really hijacked this thread with our pissing match. I say we agree to disagree and bid each other ado. If for some reason you feel the need to carry on I am willing to keep going. Looking to our next argument or discussion which ever you prefer to call this. You are quite fun to talk with and can not help thinking I have met you.

Oh and Doc I have to say this is the first thread I felt we were even close to being on the same side of anything and actually agree with damn near everything you have said. That is not to say others were not spot on aswell. just that your posts usually stick out attachicon.gif036.jpg

Yeah ok you have it down pat... This fall we can meet at overlook we go down and you can lead the way,  By the way,,,Those bucks you posted although nice Ny buks..all would walk minus maybe one. Now a ridge or two down from the road a couple of the guys would have plugged them. Not worth the work down where we go. Driving deer..Thats a good one. We leave our bows and equipment in our trees overnight most nights.  This is no argument this is a fact that i can show you herds of deer about any givin night and 10 deer may take care of just the fawns. Manage the land and the deer will be there.

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Lol ..... careful you don't throw a shoulder out of joint with all that patting yourself on the back. Wouldn't that be a treat to hunt with somebody that never tires of telling you how great he is. I'm sure that gets real tired real quick.....Ha-ha. Oh and then gets his jollies by telling you that your deer harvest is substandard. That's just the personality (or lack thereof) that we need in hunting.

No patting needed here. Sorry but it takes some of us a little more to call ourselves hunters. You on the other hand jump on the wheeler,drive up the hill and kill the first deer that walks out and still has milk teeth. Ya thats hunting..You down play guys that want nothing but mature bucks  but have no problem killing baby deer..Yup you a hunter!    Thats called killing!!!

I would invite ya on the hunt some time but i have seen the pic;s...It aint for you!!!!!!

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Really the smallest one scores 138 the mount is 154 and the one in back of truck scored 168. By the way the oldest is 3 1/2 and is the smallest. One in back of truck was 2 1/2. This is why I know age has little to do with rack size. Not saying age doesn't help but genatics and food have more to do with it. You would let them go yet they all are bigger then the bucks in your pics. Sounds good what day let me know I will even take the day off of work if I need to.

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Really the smallest one scores 138 the mount is 154 and the one in back of truck scored 168. By the way the oldest is 3 1/2 and is the smallest. One in back of truck was 2 1/2. This is why I know age has little to do with rack size. Not saying age doesn't help but genatics and food have more to do with it. You would let them go yet they all are bigger then the bucks in your pics. Sounds good what day let me know I will even take the day off of work if I need to.

138 the smallest? Yeah we should all use that scorer. The truck and mount might get shot down there but not the rest. The pic i showed was the last 11/2 days of bow and the first day of shotgun. There was a 120in 8pt and 2 does in the back of my truck with no room to hang and the better bucks came on day 3. Regardless the fact is you said the deer were thin in that area and thats a crock if you know how to hunt where the deer are. You might not know how to keep deer on your property but the park and my farm do not have that problem. Sorry but we dont take Trail 15 or the easy trail on Gordy although we at times go down Gordy and cross the river there to get over to a great spot on the east side. Kinda swift in spots but a rope tied off at each bank takes care of that problem.

 You want to meet us you better start looking around the Archery Field and oh sweet Helen....

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No patting needed here. Sorry but it takes some of us a little more to call ourselves hunters. You on the other hand jump on the wheeler,drive up the hill and kill the first deer that walks out and still has milk teeth. Ya thats hunting..You down play guys that want nothing but mature bucks  but have no problem killing baby deer..Yup you a hunter!    Thats called killing!!!

I would invite ya on the hunt some time but i have seen the pic;s...It aint for you!!!!!!

You are right ..... definitely no patting is usually needed.


You can call yourself whatever you want, and say whatever it takes to create a positive view of yourself. The old "legend in your own mind" syndrome has never been demonstrated better. But like I said, whatever you need to do to create a passable self image .... you go ahead and do it. We all understand. We've all seen personalities like yours before .... lol.


By the way, perhaps you could clear up something for me. You claim that the DEC is ruining hunting here in NYS. You also claim to have nearly 1000 acres of private land at your disposal. And yet you spend your time hunting state land managed by the DEC and claim to get trophy deer there. Interesting double-speak there. Apparently they know a whole lot more about deer herd management than you do with your 1000 acres after all.

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You are right ..... definitely no patting is usually needed.


You can call yourself whatever you want, and say whatever it takes to create a positive view of yourself. The old "legend in your own mind" syndrome has never been demonstrated better. But like I said, whatever you need to do to create a passable self image .... you go ahead and do it. We all understand. We've all seen personalities like yours before .... lol.


By the way, perhaps you could clear up something for me. You claim that the DEC is ruining hunting here in NYS. You also claim to have nearly 1000 acres of private land at your disposal. And yet you spend your time hunting state land managed by the DEC and claim to get trophy deer there. Interesting double-speak there. Apparently they know a whole lot more about deer herd management than you do with your 1000 acres after all.

DEC is screwing up hunting in most of the state by not knowing how to manage it. As is shown by them having to add another 17% If they can break down DMU for doe takes they can manage each one for total deer take. Just a quick look at other states would show the answer.

I believe you may want to learn who really manages the deer on Letchworth state park.I am pretty sure it was not the DEC that put on the awesome antler resticts.I dont believe the DEC sets the number of people on that park.  I am also smart enough to hunt both properties and the park when the time is best to kill the biggest whitetail possible. Again you forget that i pattern and hunt mature deer.Most anybody can walk out and KILL a deer but to HUNT a class of deer takes a little more most times than just riding up the hill and killing the first young deer out looking for a snack.


I dont give a rats behind what people think of me because i only kill mature deer. You would think at your age you would do the same but i guess the thrill for you is just killing any deer.babies or not.You have fun with that.

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You say you hunt both yet only talk about the park? You are right the Dec does not directly manage the park. However I know many of the guys there who do and they fallow what the dec sugests and they are still a gov agency. Thinking the dec has nothing to do with what happens with the deer hunting in the park is very closed minded.

I didn't score those deer they were scored by official scorers. I also didn't age them the dec did. At any rate they are still bigger then the monsters you have on the poll. Saying you got bigger ones that you couldnt fit in the pic isn't saying much.

Yea Doc you forgot that he is super hunter. Marvel is makeing there next movie about him.

Is this a come and find me invite. Let me know when you will be going to hunt the gorge and where exactly to meet you so There is no looking and hopeing I find the right blow hard. There are a lot of those around and picking one from the other can get hard.

I will say you are a fun little guy to play with

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You say you hunt both yet only talk about the park? You are right the Dec does not directly manage the park. However I know many of the guys there who do and they fallow what the dec sugests and they are still a gov agency. Thinking the dec has nothing to do with what happens with the deer hunting in the park is very closed minded.

I didn't score those deer they were scored by official scorers. I also didn't age them the dec did. At any rate they are still bigger then the monsters you have on the poll. Saying you got bigger ones that you couldnt fit in the pic isn't saying much.

Yea Doc you forgot that he is super hunter. Marvel is makeing there next movie about him.

Is this a come and find me invite. Let me know when you will be going to hunt the gorge and where exactly to meet you so There is no looking and hopeing I find the right blow hard. There are a lot of those around and picking one from the other can get hard.

I will say you are a fun little guy to play with

Again monsters mean nothing..You said no deer on park and i showed you a pole full from the park period. End of story. Know how and where to hunt and you will find the deer. Pretty simple really or it should be for you seeing as you say all deer are stupid.  

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[quote name="stubby68" post="311170" timestamp="

Yea Doc you forgot that he is super hunter. Marvel is makeing there next movie about him.

Is this a come and find me invite. Let me know when you will be going to hunt the gorge and where exactly to meet you so There is no looking and hopeing I find the right blow hard. There are a lot of those around and picking one from the other can get hard.

I will say you are a fun little guy to play with

LOL!!! He thinks he's Superman and Spider-Man wrapped up in one. I think it's more like the rope snapped one too many times while he was repelling down into the gorges and he bumped his head hard a few times. LOL

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