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Logical Fallacies - Irrelevant Appeals







So do take the time to explain how they know, in advance, what variant strain of flu is on the way for a given season


This should be good.


I like how you ignored the CDC claim that flu vaccine efficacy is low.


Perhaps you should carefully read what you refer to before rendering an opinion!


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I did. No issues here mon ami. Belo made some irrelevant comments with regards anecdotal behaviour on the part of 'doctors all over the country', which had no bearing on the matter under discussion.


I was greatly amused at the ease with which he lumped in, by inference, the higly credentialed Kelly Brogan MD, with his snake oil salesman.Kelly Brogan MD , was not endorsing any product as far as I could determine, further underscoring Belo's irrelevancies.


The Irony, of course, is that the manner in which flu shots are promoted as the magic and unassailable curative,  is classic snake oil salemanship.


Belo has merely confirmed himself as a company man, which apparently comes with a handsome pay-check he has no qualms in letting us all know about. He seems to conflate this with oracle-like knowledge on all manner of concerns.


If you have anything pertinent to add to the debate feel free.


No doubt you and Belo will be clamoring for the Ebola shot that the WHO plans to launch next year. I find this stunning given how little is known about Ebola and how long it actually takes to produce vaccines for well understood illnesses. Do let us know how you guys get on.


My point is this, flu vaccines have proven effective over the years. I made no mention of the Ebola virus nor have I rendered an opinion concerning it! Do yourself a favor and read up on "pandemics as they relate to flu viruses beginning from the turn of the twentieth century" and how flu vaccines have have "HELPED" to prevent such!


Get a flu shot! The members of this site and those who view it would be greatly disappointed if you succumbed to the flu!


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Naturally. This how people are kept sweet, onside and quiet. It's an old tactic. As I said Belo. Just keep thinking inside the handomely paid box. You wouldn't wan't to jepordize your comfort with uncomfortable truths now...

If it makes you feel better, I do fine on the finance front too. I just don't need to lobotomize myself in order to make a succes of it.

What field are you in? I'm interested to know if I'm talking to someone in the healthcare field or someone who just reads a lot of wacko internet articles.

For what it's worth I too rarely get sick. Good health and hygiene generally do the trick. However the guy next to you who you think has the flu, does not. The REAL flu can leave you bedridden for weeks. It's not the sniffles and aches for a few days.

Low probability is still better than no probability of helping me not get sick. Heck is hunters spend a lot of money on things that might only partially improve our odds. So what's so bad again with a FREE flu shot? Does your job not offer health insurance?

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Today was free flu shots where I work actually. I did not attend.

Separately, have you ever posted anything hunting related? Or just nonsense videos?

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Once again, who cares about the flu! I don't even know anyone who has ever had it.

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I had it a few years ago,for the first time, and trust me it SUCKS!!!! When you're not on or over the can you just want to curl up and not move. It SUCKS….. And I use to think just like you. "No big deal". If you ever get it, I guarantee you will get a flu shot every year……..Did I mention that the flu F'ing   SUCKS???????



Edited by ants
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I had it a few years ago,for the first time, and trust me it SUCKS!!!! When you're not on or over the can you just want to curl up and not move. It SUCKS….. And I use to think just like you. "No big deal". If you ever get it, I guarantee you will get a flu shot every year……..Did I mention that the flu F'ing SUCKS???????

I'm not saying it's not bad. I'm sure it is. Just not sure why it keeps getting talked about in this thread lol. This thread is all about the Ebola haha

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Ebola was a waste of a couple of weeks, but now there is the Zika Virus!

I'm headed to Costa Rica in April for a bachelor party. Good thing I'm not pregnant or my kid would be born with a shrunken head.


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Ebola was a waste of a couple of weeks, but now there is the Zika Virus!

I'm headed to Costa Rica in April for a bachelor party. Good thing I'm not pregnant or my kid would be born with a shrunken head.


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Bachelor party you say??....



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Ebola was a waste of a couple of weeks, but now there is the Zika Virus!

I'm headed to Costa Rica in April for a bachelor party. Good thing I'm not pregnant or my kid would be born with a shrunken head.


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I've heard of these shrunken heads in Peru....

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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