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Do you guys use grunt calls this time of year ?


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So my main stand is on a ridge with a valley and creek behind me , in 50 yards inside the woods on the edge of a golden rod field.

  I’ve killed 4 bucks in the last two years out of this stand .

 Now the last three nights I’ve had some nice bucks just out of range that don’t seem to come in close enough.

 And they are always in different spots , last night one was behind me , one just outside of the woods , one on my fat right in the woods .

 I tried a drag scent of code blue but they don’t seem interested .

 I had a big 8 last night just out of crossbow range , he stopped , looked up like he saw me …locked on for a minute , then laid down.

 I haven’t been busted that I know of .

wonder about soft grunts ? Haven’t seen any rubs or scrapes to speak of.

The strip of woods I’m in is between two bean fields that have just been cut 


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October 24th of last year I saw a lone doe walking by at 60 yards, although they shouldn’t respond to a grunt, I used the “call to prayer” tube and gave a few soft grunts. Out of the mountain Laurel nearby I hear crashing and running. An 8 ptr comes trotting in to investigate, had no idea he was there. He came home with me.

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49 minutes ago, ANTLERS said:

October 24th of last year I saw a lone doe walking by at 60 yards, although they shouldn’t respond to a grunt, I used the “call to prayer” tube and gave a few soft grunts. Out of the mountain Laurel nearby I hear crashing and running. An 8 ptr comes trotting in to investigate, had no idea he was there. He came home with me.

But the rut isn’t on now right ?

isnit too early for estruses drag ?

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I fooled around with a few different calls down through the years but never had what I would call success, a deer moving and getting them to stop for a shot is about the best I have seen. There are some that swear by calls so I do not completely discount them.

Rattling is another technique I have had little luck with but have seen where others bring in some nice Bucks when things go right.

Of all things, I have had better luck while varmint hunting using varmint calls bringing Deer into view, I think they come in more out of curiosity than anything else.


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I would recommend avoiding any type of call when hunting with subsonic weapon.  Reason being, you want deer to be completely relaxed when you release your arrow/bolt.  Any sound will put them on high alert.  Save the calls till gun season opens up. 

If you absolutely must use a call during archery season, then use the lower heart as your aim point.  That way they might still take the arrow/bolt below the spine when they duck your shot.  

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Over the years I have experimented with different calls. For the most part they don't work but I have had some success with a couple. The one that has had the most response is the can. One time I used it on a buck that was over a 100 yds. away and he came straight to the call.

Another time while using a grunt call I had two bucks come down opposite ridges. They met at the bottom (to far away for a shot) and put on one hell of a show. After the fight was over they both walked away and I couldn't call them back but it was worth the price of admission.

At the right time and place they will work. On a few other occasions using the grunt I have had them bolt like someone just kicked them.

In your case if you can see them I would keep it very subtle. Just enough for them to hear it and don't over do it.

These are the two I have had luck with.

Good Luck & shoot straight!!


bleat can.jpg


Edited by Steve D
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I have used a call when I know there is an actively rutting buck in the area...known by sight/activity. In some areas, calls are way overused, and the bucks get used to them/ignore them....( I am sure it is the same as them recognizing a friends voice, as telling the difference form someone trying to imitate a voice). I have used bleets to call does in closer, but seldom use them anymore. With a rifle/muzzleloader, generally if you can see them, they are in range, no reason to entice them closer. (I generally hunt north wood, where 75 yards is a looong shot.

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