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Blizzard buck


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Well, I woke up head hanging planning on going to work when my wife tells me to hurry up and come check this out... so I rolled out of bed and started watching the news, cars stranded, 5' some places, travel bans etc. So, I gave a look outside and it sure was snowing and blowing, but, that itch was there. So I convinced the wife that it was worth a shot, so I bundled up and headed to my covered tower stand. Only sat for a few hours cause it was impossible to see most of the time. On my way back to the house I crossed 2 sets of fresh tracks... what the heck !! They snuck right behind me and I never saw them !!? I knew with the " feet " coming I had to get the plow on the wheeler so I changed outfits and headed to the out building. I was prob working for about 20 minutes when something caught my eye outside. To my surprise it was a rutted up, puffed neck 8 point, looking all stud like. He was looking right at me and was only 15 yards away. So I shot him with the camera. I could tell he was on a mission so I knew I had to be out there for the evening sit. So I did my work, plowed the driveway and headed back out into the abiss of powder. Deer kept running around all evening. At one point visability was about 20 yards and I had a yearling run in under my stand and run right back the way she came. I knew " it " was on. The deer just kept pouring out of the bedding area all evening, either chasing bucks or girls being chased. It was awesome to know every time the snow slowed I would see deer. So I had seen a large body about 80 yards away but couldn't make out what it was, so I stayed focused on where it was. Must have stared for 30 minutes and still couldn't tell what it was. just to be sure I wasn't missing anything I did a full scan and to my surprise a big body deer coming from the opposite way right into my shooting lane....so I fired up the red dot and got ready. I could barely see at this point with the snow blowing but I caught a glimpse of bones and knew he was mature, he came right in to bow range and stopped for a perfect broadside shot. Boom ! And off he ran, about 40 yards then stopped in the swamp and looked back, so out of desperation thinking I may have missed I tried to thread one through the apple tree and off he went again. Got down to find blood and hair at my first shot so I got right to tracking. He went about 60 yards total and there he was !! Oddly enough I thought I hit him once but when I skinned him out I had actually put 2 in him, one was on one side of a rib and the other was the other side of that same rib. Nice 2" group ! His heart was barely recognizable.

The only bad part to him is that he must have taken on one of the big boys and he had mutiple punctures on his neck, one was so bad the fur is missing about 5" around the oozing hole.

This has been a great year for me, my best buck ever during bow and one of my best bucks during gun. A ton of work over the years at this property and obvious qdm/ let em go principles helped me achieve my only 2 buck year ever. So excited ! Looks like I'll be washing dishes at the taxidermist !!





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I don't want to derail your thread but I do want to ask you a question about those battle wounds.  I shot a 7 point opening morning with an oozing wound on his back either from an arrow or another buck.  My buddy refused to eat any meat off of him on the off-chance that he was "tainted." I lost the backstraps but kept the rest of the meat.  Do you eat a deer with an obviously infected wound? 

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Happy for you treeguy! I hunt the same unit (9H) and your posts are very encouraging! Matter of fact I had an extremely slow start to bow season and it kept me motivated and I finally got a buck the day before gun season opened


Edited by BfloHunter
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I don't want to derail your thread but I do want to ask you a question about those battle wounds. I shot a 7 point opening morning with an oozing wound on his back either from an arrow or another buck. My buddy refused to eat any meat off of him on the off-chance that he was "tainted." I lost the backstraps but kept the rest of the meat. Do you eat a deer with an obviously infected wound?

You can rest assured I will be eating every last steak. Tenderloins for lunch and dinner today, and backstraps for the next week or so. I feel, if you cook it, you will kill any infection type stuff... either way, if I get sick I'll let you know.
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Happy for you treeguy! I hunt the same unit (9H) and your posts are very encouraging! Matter of fact I had an extremely slow start to bow season and it kept me motivated and I finally got a buck the day before gun season opened


Hey brother, glad to hear !!! Makes me very humbled to know I was an encouragement. I really have invested so much time effort and dollars into this place I call home... and it's paying off. But if my story's motivate that's even better than me just nailing 2 big guys !!!
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