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I was out hunting Saturday and ended up with quite a bad stomach ache by the early afternoon.  I decided to call it a day and headed home to my appt.  As soon as I got there I started vomitting.  I couldn't keep anything down all night and with a long story, short I ended up in the hospital that night.  I'm still here now :)  as I had my appendix removed really early on Sunday morning.  I might get released later today or tomorow.  Uggghh.  I'm in quite a bit of pain though and don't know if I'll be able to make it out hunting anymore this year.  Hopefully maybe for the Late Muzzleloader if I'm lucky. 

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rest up and get well. There are many seasons left and your health is the most important. Did it burst or were they able to take it out laparascopically? . I had mine done the latter and if that is the case you might make ML...assuming you get some one to drag your trophy and don't over do it...stand watches wil be the only option. there will be lifting restrictions and FOLLOW THE DR.'s instructions...good luck and speedy recovery

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if you are like me;it wont slow you down.Hell my 6 yr old got hers taken out and was wrestling her brother just days later.If you got a way to get the deer out of the woods(which you know if you can accomplish)you will be there.Just be carefull.The strain can put you out of work for a while if you hurt yourself.I am lucky enough to have two teenage boys and the rest of my family to help me drag a deer.A Polaris would be even better though.LOL.Good luck.

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