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Weird looking deer


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similar to the virus that causes cold sores...skin deep...many ppl actually have viruses living on them that are immune so they never know.... but others aren't......years ago I had a virus that caused my skin to get red blotches when exposed to sun...have no idea where it came from...I had to wear long sleeves and hats that whole summer ...but it disappeared..or I became immune to it's effects within a year...Dr's told me the name but I can't remember...it was many years ago...It's just too creepy thinking of all the microbs that are living on and around all of us every day...makes ya want to shower in bleach yewwww ;):D

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similar to the virus that causes cold sores...skin deep...many ppl actually have viruses living on them that are immune so they never know.... but others aren't......

Great.......now our deer have herpes. :-*


Maybe they caught it from hunters??  I have a suspicion it was one of those butt-out tools that started it all. 

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