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Animals are now humans


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An unborn child seems to have more rights than a living one. At least conservatives are a lot more concerned with the child being born than feeding it or providing healthcare after it is.


WJ - this is a tough one to stand on - pretty sure we can safely assume the people behind the nonhuman project are not conservative. 


Conservatives are concerned with the child and not chimps' status as a person.


Whatever disagreements reside among the parties and its peoples, tying up court resources for something like this just seems like a bad idea. Reading some of the comments of that link are pretty scary.

Edited by phade
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She should be disbarred and you know this isn't worth the paper it's printed on...like it wouldn't go unchallenged?




Clarification Posted 4/21/2015, 1 pm Eastern

Within the last few hours, the Nonhuman Rights Project has become aware of certain reporting about yesterday’s “Order to Show Cause and Writ of Habeas Corpus” issued by Judge Barbara Jaffe of the New York County Supreme Court that we think exaggerates or reads too much into the Judge’s Order. We would like to make clear what we believe the Order does, and does not, necessarily mean and at the same time clarify a press release that we issued yesterday afternoon.

The Order does not necessarily mean that the Court has declared that the two chimpanzees, Hercules and Leo, are legal persons for the purpose of an Article 70 common law writ of habeas corpus proceeding. In New York, an Article 70 proceeding has two steps. The first is that the Court may issue an Order to Show Cause (which is the equivalent of a writ of habeas corpus, except the petitioner does not request that the body of the alleged detainee be immediately brought before the Court). The issuance of the Order means, we believe, that the Court believes at minimum that the chimpanzees could possibly be legal persons for the purpose of Article 70, without deciding that they are, and that the issue will be determined only after it is fully briefed and argued at the adversarial hearing that is step 2 of the Article 70 proceeding.


Edited by growalot
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  I grew up on a farm. We raised, killed,  butchered & ate our hogs, chickens, ducks, turkeys,  what ever. I guess I have a different out look at animals.  We loved our dogs & cats(did not eat) also but they are all still animals.  Now days people talk about them like they are people & they have more rights than people.  Now we have "pet parents"  WTH!

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See, it's stuff like this that makes me not feel so bad about getting old, and having a finite time on this earth. The society is truly going mad, and it is really painful to see this kind of lunacy taking over mankind. I only wish that our generation could have done something to stop this perversion of thought. We did not do enough to maintain sanity, and in fact we paved the way for the next generation of idiocracy. God help us all!

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I grew up on a farm. We raised, killed, butchered & ate our hogs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, what ever. I guess I have a different out look at animals. We loved our dogs & cats(did not eat) also but they are all still animals. Now days people talk about them like they are people & they have more rights than people. Now we have "pet parents" WTH!

I hate that. You could be talking about your kids just to have them jump in and talk about what fido did.
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See, it's stuff like this that makes me not feel so bad about getting old, and having a finite time on this earth. The society is truly going mad, and it is really painful to see this kind of lunacy taking over mankind. I only wish that our generation could have done something to stop this perversion of thought. We did not do enough to maintain sanity, and in fact we paved the way for the next generation of idiocracy. God help us all!


I resent that last bit.  And you can thank me for your social security payment later.

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I resent that last bit.  And you can thank me for your social security payment later.

Sorry if what I feel offends you, but I have stood about as much of this evolution toward devaluation of humanity as I can stand, and I have watched it all progress with each generation getting more and more acceptant of these mindless concepts as some sort of expressions of superiority over previous generations. Personally, I take offense to the directions that human thinking are going and this little article about chimps achieving human status, is absolutely a sign that human mentality is indeed devolving.


As far as your social security payments, I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with anything in this thread, but I will thank you for abiding by the same laws that I have been subjected to during my lifetime. But in case it needs explaining for some reason, understand that Social Security was not my invention.

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An unborn child seems to have more rights than a living one. At least conservatives are a lot more concerned with the child being born than feeding it or providing healthcare after it is.

Let me correct this myth.

Conservatives are pro-life. They believe killing an unborn child is murder. That's not hard to understand. Liberals believe it's not murder. They believe it's not a child. The SCOTUS has decided it's a privacy issue. So neither political side has been vindicated. That's why it's still an issue.

On the second point, Conservatives believe it is the obligation of the parents to provide for their children. If you can't feed them, don't breed them. They will, however, provide assistance to any family that falls on hard times, through no fault of their own, with the intention of getting them back on their feet.

Liberals promote the destruction of the family with support for abortion, same sex marriage, additional welfare for single mothers who choose to have another child, no fault divorce and single parent families, by offering assistance, with taxpayer funds, to people who voluntarily choose to put themselves in a hard position.

The Liberal policies of the past and present are most responsible for the need to provide food and healthcare for the children of Americans who are making poor choices. Liberals actually admit to their failed policies by arguing we must abort children because we cannot feed them or take care of them.

The rights of children in America has to start with the right to be born. The other issues can't be corrected if they are not alive.

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Sorry if what I feel offends you, but I have stood about as much of this evolution toward devaluation of humanity as I can stand, and I have watched it all progress with each generation getting more and more acceptant of these mindless concepts as some sort of expressions of superiority over previous generations. Personally, I take offense to the directions that human thinking are going and this little article about chimps achieving human status, is absolutely a sign that human mentality is indeed devolving.


As far as your social security payments, I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with anything in this thread, but I will thank you for abiding by the same laws that I have been subjected to during my lifetime. But in case it needs explaining for some reason, understand that Social Security was not my invention.


Every single generation believes things were better then, and that things are getting worse.   Those damned kids are always screwing the world up!




“We can assert with some confidence that our own period is one of decline; that the standards of culture are lower than they were fifty years ago; and that the evidences of this decline are visible in every department of human activity.” -- T.S. Eliot, 1948


He was wrong of course.  Life is much better now than in 1948 in almost every single way.  




“Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”  -  Douglas Adams


Also, the article didn't say anything about chimps having the same status as humans, it's just a judges order to show cause why they should be transferred to a different facility to get better care and life.




“There has probably never been a generation since the Paleolithic that did not deplore the fecklessness of the next and worship a golden memory of the past,” -- Matt Ridley, 'The Rational Optimist'
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"He was wrong of course. Life is much better now than in 1948 in almost every single way."

That is a matter of opinion of course. When discussing American values and the standards of American culture, he was certainly right. I will also give more value to the opinion of the man who actually was living it, than someone who can only read about it now.

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Sorry if what I feel offends you, but I have stood about as much of this evolution toward devaluation of humanity as I can stand, and I have watched it all progress with each generation getting more and more acceptant of these mindless concepts as some sort of expressions of superiority over previous generations. Personally, I take offense to the directions that human thinking are going and this little article about chimps achieving human status, is absolutely a sign that human mentality is indeed devolving.


As far as your social security payments, I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with anything in this thread, but I will thank you for abiding by the same laws that I have been subjected to during my lifetime. But in case it needs explaining for some reason, understand that Social Security was not my invention.

  I am with Doc. 100%.!  Also as far as social security we have paid thousands of $$$$ into it for over 50 yrs.  This is our money & not a favor to us as some political A-holes have said.  I would be willing to bet that we will not get out of it what we paid into it for over 50 yrs.!

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I am with Doc. 100%.! Also as far as social security we have paid thousands of $$$$ into it for over 50 yrs. This is our money & not a favor to us as some political A-holes have said. I would be willing to bet that we will not get out of it what we paid into it for over 50 yrs.!

Reagan started stealing it to cover his tax cuts.

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