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I can understand owning ATV's if you live upstate.  I can see how they can be useful for various chores, but to me it's a complete joke when I see people hauling them upstate from downstate for a quick weekend hunt.

Interesting assumption... I never thought about it that way.

I know several people who tow their ATVs upstate for the weekend. Almost none of them hunt. Those that do, don't use the ATVs for hunting. They tow their ATVs to ride on private land because there is nowhere to ride downstate.

What I see as the joke is the towing.

If you buy a locked shed and keep the ATVs upstate, insurance is much cheaper than keeping it in your downstate garage. Plus trailering costs more in gas and tolls. Add that to the initial cost of the trailer and it makes more sense to simply keep it where you ride it.

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everyone's entitled to spend their money and land anyway they choose, whether wisely or not is up to them. I find a lot of stuff wasteful and foolish, but that's my opinion, I would rather use a wheelbarrow to move a load of wood 100 yards than an $8000.00  machine, but to each his own. The problem I have is the driving on public roads and going on land they shouldn't be on...but I think I said that already.

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I really don't care what people do on their own property.....they can race around and crash into trees and kill themselves and it doesn't bother me one bit, they can go out and buy toys they can't afford and that's even better. The problem is when they're used in places they don't belong.........idiots racing down the street every time there's 2 inches of snow on the streets and going onto public land and unposted private land and destroying the landscape, that's the problem.

Other people killing themselves does affect you. Your insurance rates, rules and laws. Remember 3 wheelers? Remember not needing seat belts? Get enough idiots doing things and they'll come for yours. It's gun control at another level.

Precious house had dirt bike track boarding my property. Perfectly legal but annoying as hell. Not very neighborly but it is what it is right?

Edited by Belo
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I was watching a beautiful buck,not kidding 160 in plus in a field when a neighbor started up his atv the buck looked in that direction and jumped into the woods.. learned responce? You bet! My area is completly quiet till two weekends before season. Ever camp up the road is flying around the woods with atv hanging stands,scouting, ect.. they all.ask why I have so many deer on my place.. they sca re them all into my quiet sanctuary. Young bucks does maybe let you drive up on th if you have driven around enough to let them get familiar and comfortable with the sound but in my experiance most do not. I stay out of my woods for a month before season and deer seem to love the peace and quiet..

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I never thought of a lawn mower, I think i could go either way on those.

Anything over a couple grand can be financed these days. I'll generally sign up for the 12 month 0 financing. As long as I know I can pay it off before the interest. Mowers, TV, appliances etc. all common.

A low interest loan on a $10k utv doesn't seem like a huge deal. Especially if you're using it for plowing, lawn work, farming hunting etc. if it's a garage queen except a few weekends a year that's silly. High interest loans are what baffle me. Know a guy that took out a loan on a $10k motorcycle at 20%apr. wow.

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Other people killing themselves does affect you. Your insurance rates, rules and laws. Remember 3 wheelers? Remember not needing seat belts? Get enough idiots doing things and they'll come for yours. It's gun control at another level.

Precious house had dirt bike track boarding my property. Perfectly legal but annoying as hell. Not very neighborly but it is what it is right?

it may affect me, but it doesn't bother me if they kill themselves acting like fools and hey, I may get some peace and quiet if they do ........and yes, like you said, annoying as hell, but it is what it is.

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ATV's have a place and a play a useful part in life for many......I live on L.I. and have a neighbor who has an ATV, he doesn't hunt, have property anywhere to use it or take the thing anywhere for a useful purpose, yet every time it snows out he takes it out with his kid, without helmets on and races up and down the streets, that there is beyond annoying......I would have zero sympathy for them if something bad were to happen, classic case of stupid people doing stupid things

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The peace and quiet in the woods has always been one of the things that I treasured about hunting. But today, just sit in an average NYS hunting parcel, and see how often you can hear nothing but the wind. It's getting to be a pretty scarce experience these days. You can hear chainsaws, ATVs, snowmobiles, lawn mowers, weed-eaters, leaf blowers, tractor-trailers ripping down the road, Motorcycles, dirt bikes, even airplanes going overhead, etc., etc. It is almost a constant din of sounds.


So sad, but so true.  To experience what you miss I can only say head North young man, and bring a good pair of boots.  The silence is still there if you're willing to work for it.

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So sad, but so true. To experience what you miss I can only say head North young man, and bring a good pair of boots. The silence is still there if you're willing to work for it.

I hunt there for a week every year....and I'll tell you what I'd think twice about pulling that trigger after a half day walking in...lol
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I live on L.I. and have a neighbor who has an ATV, he doesn't hunt, have property anywhere to use it or take the thing anywhere for a useful purpose, yet every time it snows out he takes it out with his kid, without helmets on and races up and down the streets, that there is beyond annoying......

I think you may live on the same street as me. Unless I have a guy just like that on my block too. I cringe every time I see it as it is a bad accident waiting to happen.

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It is kind of silly to complain about the way some people appear to waste their money. We have to remember that it is their money after all. I know I have spent money on things that many would consider foolish and unnecessary products. Lets face it, anything that doesn't relate to food and shelter in some way could be called foolish and wasteful spending by others. My gosh if anyone knew the total cash that I have spent on hunting products alone, they would just shake their head and call me a money-waster....lol. We all have our ways of spending our hard-earned cash, and it probably doesn't agree with everybody else's thought on frugal spending ...... so what? I say worry about your own budget, and I will worry about mine.


By the way, this may all sound real good, but I do understand the lure of criticizing people for what appears to be excessive spending. And I must confess that I do it all the time. But, really when you think about it, the only opinion that really counts is that of the one who has to cough up the money.

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I'm ignorant too. Didn't know there were "sportsman" who actually wanted to limit property owners from driving on their own land and running chainsaws.



I will tell you what Steve, just because I don't like something does not mean I am going to lobby to limit it. And regardless of what others do, I  continue to conduct myself within the law and considerate  of my neighbors, other hunters, other drivers etc...


However, you know what, when somebody who fails to be considerate of me, needs to be pulled or winched out, or in need of  any other "favor" I  tell them to take a hike, pun intended.... 

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it may affect me, but it doesn't bother me if they kill themselves acting like fools and hey, I may get some peace and quiet if they do ........and yes, like you said, annoying as hell, but it is what it is.


what if our ban happy government deemed them too dangerous though and made them illegal?

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ATV's have a place and a play a useful part in life for many......I live on L.I. and have a neighbor who has an ATV, he doesn't hunt, have property anywhere to use it or take the thing anywhere for a useful purpose, yet every time it snows out he takes it out with his kid, without helmets on and races up and down the streets, that there is beyond annoying......I would have zero sympathy for them if something bad were to happen, classic case of stupid people doing stupid things

Part of our Societal problem is we have taken up legislating and engineering Darwinism out of equation.

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Part of our Societal problem is we have taken up legislating and engineering Darwinism out of equation.

good point.....every time they invent or discover something that weeds out the idiots, they ban it or make it illegal.

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amen to that... but it's still a reality. It's the same argument as the motorcycle helmet laws that will go on till the end of time.

I'm willing to bet, that responsible, non-helmet wearing motorcycle riders die in accidents at a much lower rate then the dopes who wear helmets, yet drive recklessly..........

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0% interest is like a free lunch. Offer cash and see what it does to the price.



Part of our Societal problem is we have taken up legislating and engineering Darwinism out of equation.


We haven't completely removed Darwinism. This from the Oneonta Daily Star last week. An 11 year old on an ATV on a public road with his 9 year old brother behind him.







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I'm willing to bet, that responsible, non-helmet wearing motorcycle riders die in accidents at a much lower rate then the dopes who wear helmets, yet drive recklessly..........

And yet my point is, my insurance goes up every time one of them does. So the actions of others do affect you. Every kid who shoots up a school affects you.

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