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Young crab claw with great main beams....


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for his age... Now later sometime I 'll address what I have experience on when it comes to two totally different areas and antler size...That said...before the farms moved in and before they realized soybeans grow great here... a young 4 would never have had beams like this....

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Years ago  we had one and then the following year he turned into a big bodied 6pt,short brows .. a nice looking deer...I passed him because I had gone to my personal 8pt target. Also it was opening day of gun and right at legal shooting time...neighbors brother shot him 5 mins later  then never went to see if he hit him...I found him in our creek after season just 70 or so yards from the guys stand. I haven't seen one like it until now...hope he makes it I am curious as to what he will turn into.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

got a whole family of crabbies out East LI area.  The best of the lot I've seen on my cameras is a big 12.  He had the body of a 5 year old on him.  A true tank.  No day time pics of him ever.  Truth be told I haven't seen him on  camera in two seasons so he maybe gone.  But he's definitely a P&Y deer so I doubt he was taken legally if he's gone.  He sure made a lot of does happy because there is a bunch of 2 and 3 year olds with crab claw racks out that way.  

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