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Salt lick


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That link doesn't seem to go to the right place (transposed number).

Try this:


It states:


Part 189 of Title 6 of the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York was last amended on July 28, 2010. Part of this rule restricts the feeding of deer and moose.

In New York, it is illegal to feed deer and moose by putting out any material that attracts them to feed.

There are five exceptions to the rule:

Agricultural crops including wildlife food plots.

Distribution of food to livestock.

Distribution of food to captive deer and elk.

Cutting of trees and brush.

Scientific research, wildlife damage abatement, and wildlife population reduction programs, but only under a permit issued by DEC.


It all depends on where your archery shop owner/hunter safety instructor lives. In Sullivan County (only), the feeding section of the law was struck down. http://www.outdoornews.com/November-2012/Feeding-ban-appealed-struck-down-in-Sullivan/ I have read no where that it was legally re-instated or addressed in any way by the DEC. In the remainder of the state the law stands.

That's interesting about Sullivan County. From the article, is it clear that feeding is legal in Sullivan County? The spokesperson did say it "effectively" invalidates the law in Sullivan, but the DEC also says they stand behind the law. That seems to indicate they retain the option to ticket for feeding. Each case is different. The referenced decision would carry weight in Sullivan County, but could also be used as a strong defense in any case throughout state. I am not sure a county court can invalidate a state law just for that county.

Another interesting quote from that article:


“It is unclear whether the planting of fruit trees on private residential property is prohibited if the fruit on the trees, or fallen fruit attract white-tailed deer to feed. The regulation is not only unconstitutionally vague with regard to what constitutes material and therefore prohibited, but what type of conduct is prohibited. Is planting of fruit trees legal, even if they attract deer, but placing out fruit is illegal?” asked LaBuda in his decision.

There are plenty of debates on this site comparing baiting/feeding to food plots. Here, the appeals judge is saying there is no difference between feeding and planting fruit trees. (Although the DEC exception list seems to cover that).

Edited by jrm
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 As I have stated before these kinds of threads make it easier to determine which deer are shot over bait and which are not.I choose to put in the time,scout and hunt hard to kill deer.I don't feel it's necessary to influence deer movement.I am out there to hunt.Not to sit,shoot,kill.If my neighbor was setting out salt licks It's not my problem to teach him the game laws or give him the benefit of doubt.He is a big boy-he can deal with the consequences.

Rat snitch? The people most against the rules,regulations and conservation officers are usually the ones who are most afraid of being caught by them and breaking them.


Good luck buddy.You're my new internet hero.

People like you are the worst kind of people to have a discussion with . Im not on the side of calling the police on a neighbor for putting out a salt lick and i have never used bait for deer ever , that clearly does not jive with your statement . Im guessing you are the kind of guy that calls the cops on the neighbors for everything that makes you upset. 

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I wonder how many would call D.E.C. on their neighbor in an instant but when they are driving home with their legally taken deer on their truck are illegally talking on their cell phone calling friends about the 8 point they shot. :negative:

 certainly not me...I never drink beer and Mr B drinks only NA...and I have mentioned more than once...hate cell phones and mine is rarely one...Mr B uses only a work/ job phone so he wouldn't be either...


What an asinine  assumption on your part Jeremy...want to disagree with his or my stance fine.... but don't make worse assumptions than his:


The people most against the rules,regulations and conservation officers are usually the ones who are most afraid of being caught by them and breaking them.

 For cripes sake just once I'd like to see opposing opinions with out the BS high school shite thrown in... Really whats the mental age of this group 10?

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certainly not me...I never drink beer and Mr B drinks only NA...and I have mentioned more than once...hate cell phones and mine is rarely one...Mr B uses only a work/ job phone so he wouldn't be either...

What an asinine assumption on your part Jeremy...want to disagree with his or my stance fine.... but don't make worse assumptions than his:

For cripes sake just once I'd like to see opposing opinions with out the BS high school shite thrown in... Really whats the mental age of this group 10?

Worse assumptions? Myself as well as the other people in the thread who said they would not call the police were accused of breaking the law.
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 certainly not me...I never drink beer and Mr B drinks only NA...and I have mentioned more than once...hate cell phones and mine is rarely one...Mr B uses only a work/ job phone so he wouldn't be either...


What an asinine  assumption on your part Jeremy...want to disagree with his or my stance fine.... but don't make worse assumptions than his:

 For cripes sake just once I'd like to see opposing opinions with out the BS high school shite thrown in... Really whats the mental age of this group 10?

What a bunch of crap!  You of all people cant call someone out on a post with some of the winners you put on here. The guy is 100% right and i would bet most people on this site have used their cell while riding down the road after killing a nice buck.


I know i sure have!

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Why of course you have!...we all know how many times you've mentioned breaking this game law or that because you know what's best conceding your place. What would make anyone think you would obey any other laws....

No because myself and a few others on here speak the truth and dont spew a bunch of bullsh!t like you do. 

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That is twice you have tried to bolster you statements by sticking a mouse or two in you pocket..That is very telling of the man you are...not one worth my engaging further.

Yeah i would give up also. You are so two faced on here its a joke. I can show you a handful of mice on this site that tell the truth and then i can show you a few two faced ones that are either virgins and saints.  Yeah i guess so!

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Can we not just all agree that there are different levels of "rule breaking". I'm so sick of the driving with a cell phone argument being compared to poaching, or a salt lick being the same thing as spot lighting.


Not all rules are the same. The goody goodies on this site are hilarious. How boring your life must be.


and also, get a new car, they all come with bluetooth.

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Can we not just all agree that there are different levels of "rule breaking". I'm so sick of the driving with a cell phone argument being compared to poaching, or a salt lick being the same thing as spot lighting.


Not all rules are the same. The goody goodies on this site are hilarious. How boring your life must be.


and also, get a new car, they all come with bluetooth.

although I bet more people have been killed or seriously injured by people using their cell phones when driving then the salt licks or spot lighters.........and I'm pretty sure that's a bet I would win.

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