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LIVE from the woods 2015 Edition! - Sixth Year Going Strong


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Back out today in 3h trying something different today, I have all daytime pics of mostly bucks at least 4 different at one of my deeper stands there are two main trails leading to the area 50 yards apart and the wind is right for both of them.....I am sitting one and my buddy is sitting the other. Maybe it will work maybe it won't... It's kind of funny too see his head bob every once in a while

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Wind is crazy this morning. Somehow I got turned around coming into my stand. I have been here with no issues a dozen times this year. My buddies think I am crazy for not using a flashlight. Might have to start at least carrying one. Still in by 6am but I did a lot of unnecessary walking around. Come on deer...go away wind

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not much wind here for me. not much of anything except squirrels. i did see something half hour or so ago. looked like bigfoot but more likely was my hunting buddy wandering. other than this.... nothing.

i am sitting in a new spot that does not seem any better than the old spot .

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Sitting in my stand pissed for blowing the best opportunity I've had all year on the best deer I've seen all year.... It's ok I've got him patterned... I think I have a job offer coming in on Monday if I do I'm quitting my current job and hunting all week.... Type of job I have won't take notice even if I give it

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Sitting in my stand pissed for blowing the best opportunity I've had all year on the best deer I've seen all year.... It's ok I've got him patterned... I think I have a job offer coming in on Monday if I do I'm quitting my current job and hunting all week.... Type of job I have won't take notice even if I give it

Yup I'm mad for being slow to draw but happy I didn't try some shot and injure that fella

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Yup I'm mad for being slow to draw but happy I didn't try some shot and injure that fella

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. He came in stright to me turned broadside at 10 yards he must have seen me ran 15 yards to my right I tried to stand my stand creeked and he took off
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Mine chased a doe bye me and stopped in my lane but slightly behind a tree so I waited he moved ahead still no help then he too crossed the gully with a spike in tow ... so I don't think there coming back today so I'm leaving soon

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First picture of him. There is a rub literally right next to him, a nice one. Almost certain it wasn't from him.

At first glance I thought his other half had just broken off then I saw it was growing in weird.


Looks like a old deer??


I'd shoot em.


O, and that was this morning I walked by there maybe 15 minutes later to get in my stand. This afternoon it's on.

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