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2015 Rut Report

Canis Latrans

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Rut in full swing here in 3G. At dawn, had a 4pt work a scrape 60 yds to my left. As this was happening, a monster 8 chased a doe by at 80 yds to my right. Got settled in hoping to see some fireworks. A bit later, heard a twig snap behind me. Turned around to see a big wide rack in the briars/brush and he keeps going and stops and destroys a sapling. No interest in my calls.


20 minutes later, the big 8 from earlier is still chasing the doe and they are heading for me. I draw, they run by at 40 yds and disappear.


A little while later, I hear movement behind me and see a nice dark racked 8 chasing a doe in the briars towards me. They scented me and stop in their tracks. Her at 15 yds and he at 30 with just his head poking out of brush. He knew something was up and ducked down in the briars and disappeared but he didn't go far. The doe didn't move an inch for 45 minutes, just stood and looked around and wouldn't let me move at all. Snot icicles running down my beard. She had me pinned and I hear something moving in back of me, couldn't move my head because she and the buck in the briars would see me. The doe turns her head and I look behind me and see the monster 8 at 20 yds strolling trough without the doe, just passing my shooting lane. Have to just watch him go. Damnit. The buck from the briar patch shows himself again at 50 yds but stays behind a tree and just watches the doe. A group of 6 does pass behind me. The one doe eventually walks off and the briar buck starts chasing her and I didn't see them again.


Spike runs by and hangs out for bit. I see the 4pt again with nose to the ground. A doe and doe fawn come by at 8 yds with no bucks in tow, I couldn't resist and shot the doe. She pilled up in 60 yds. Incredible day in the woods. 2 doe tags filled and 2 buck tags left.

Edited by blackradio
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Rut in full swing here in 3G. At dawn, had a 4pt work a scrape 60 yds to my left. As this was happening, a monster 8 chased a doe by at 80 yds to my right. Got settled in hoping to see some fireworks. A bit later, heard a twig snap behind me. Turned around to see a big wide rack in the briars/brush and he keeps going and stops and destroys a sapling. No interest in my calls.

20 minutes later, the big 8 from earlier is still chasing the doe and they are heading for me. I draw, they run by at 40 yds and disappear.

A little while later, I hear movement behind me and see a nice dark racked 8 chasing a doe in the briars towards me. They scented me and stop in their tracks. Her at 15 yds and he at 30 with just his head poking out of brush. He knew something was up and ducked down in the briars and disappeared but he didn't go far. The doe didn't move an inch for 45 minutes, just stood and looked around and wouldn't let me move at all. Snot icicles running down my beard. She had me pinned and I hear something moving in back of me, couldn't move my head because she and the buck in the briars would see me. The doe turns her head and I look behind me and see the monster 8 at 20 yds strolling trough without the doe, just passing my shooting lane. Have to just watch him go. Damnit. The buck from the briar patch shows himself again at 50 yds but stays behind a tree and just watches the doe. A group of 6 does pass behind me. The one doe eventually walks off and the briar buck starts chasing her and I didn't see them again.

Spike runs by and hangs out for bit. I see the 4pt again with nose to the ground. A doe and doe fawn come by at 8 yds with no bucks in tow, I couldn't resist and shot the doe. She pilled up in 60 yds. Incredible day in the woods. 2 doe tags filled and 2 buck tags left.

Must be nice!

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Rut in full swing here in 3G. At dawn, had a 4pt work a scrape 60 yds to my left. As this was happening, a monster 8 chased a doe by at 80 yds to my right. Got settled in hoping to see some fireworks. A bit later, heard a twig snap behind me. Turned around to see a big wide rack in the briars/brush and he keeps going and stops and destroys a sapling. No interest in my calls.

20 minutes later, the big 8 from earlier is still chasing the doe and they are heading for me. I draw, they run by at 40 yds and disappear.

A little while later, I hear movement behind me and see a nice dark racked 8 chasing a doe in the briars towards me. They scented me and stop in their tracks. Her at 15 yds and he at 30 with just his head poking out of brush. He knew something was up and ducked down in the briars and disappeared but he didn't go far. The doe didn't move an inch for 45 minutes, just stood and looked around and wouldn't let me move at all. Snot icicles running down my beard. She had me pinned and I hear something moving in back of me, couldn't move my head because she and the buck in the briars would see me. The doe turns her head and I look behind me and see the monster 8 at 20 yds strolling trough without the doe, just passing my shooting lane. Have to just watch him go. Damnit. The buck from the briar patch shows himself again at 50 yds but stays behind a tree and just watches the doe. A group of 6 does pass behind me. The one doe eventually walks off and the briar buck starts chasing her and I didn't see them again.

Spike runs by and hangs out for bit. I see the 4pt again with nose to the ground. A doe and doe fawn come by at 8 yds with no bucks in tow, I couldn't resist and shot the doe. She pilled up in 60 yds. Incredible day in the woods. 2 doe tags filled and 2 buck tags left.

That's a hell of a day.

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For what it's worth, on two properties we hunt in 8A/8G the last two weeks of October were crazy with searching, then there a week of chasing, then the does ditched the little ones (which were wandering around alone), and now I think that we're in the midst of breeding...we've seen several large bucks tending does at field edges...with some does rejoined with their yearlings already. There's still some small bucks searching/chasing, but I think that it was a slow burn this year and that the first round is nearly done.

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New rubs and scrapes are showing up. Some old ones are still active, but quite a few abandoned. Buck activity has increased rapidly the last two days. By the signs, the next phase of the breeding season is coming. Had five bucks in, yesterday before sunset,  scraping,rubbing. and tearing up bushes. Grunting coming from all sides. Colder weather will only make it better.

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New rubs and scrapes are showing up. Some old ones are still active, but quite a few abandoned. Buck activity has increased rapidly the last two days. By the signs, the next phase of the breeding season is coming. Had five bucks in, yesterday before sunset, scraping,rubbing. and tearing up bushes. Grunting coming from all sides. Colder weather will only make it better.

Must be nice...what area?

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This year did not see heavy rut activity, a little sign that's it. My friend killed a buck last week, he still was just feeding bedding, big 8pt no interest a doe. My friend said he acted like early fall.His buck was not what I'd call all rutted up (stink, swollen neck, chasing) killed right a dusk. My deer population here is at a all time Low, trail cams showed a decline from the same places last season. Every deer I've seen in the woods was not Chasing nor any midday bucks, normal early morning and right at dusk. I hunted the 7's quite.

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Trail cam photos show an 8 pt breeding a doe about an hour before I got to my stand!  I think I bumped them off, but my neighbor might have too.  I'm pretty sure I saw the same buck creeping through, over the property line, about 45 min before first light.  Sounded like my neighbor winged a couple shots at him right after first light, but I think it was a clean miss.


Doe about 30 min before dark.

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