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I usually just put a screwdriver to every one prior to sighting in on the range in the late summer/early fall, and make sure they are tight.   I never had an issue with one loosening up.   If you are going to be bouncing one around on an atv or in a gun-rack in a truck, you might have an issue due to vibration and then blue Loctite would probably help.  The red stuff would be a nightmare to remove if you ever broke your scope or decided to upgrade.   My scoped guns are only transported in a padded case or carried on a sling on my shoulder so vibration is not a problem.  

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Since rings and bases started coming with Allen fittings or Torx heads, rather than flat head screws, they can be tightened a lot more, and I wouldn't worry too much if I didn't have loctite on hand. But if I could, I would still use a tiny bit of the blue loctite. Just to play it safe. Some ring screws come pre treated with the blue stuff. You can see it on the threads.

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Obviously I'm doing something wrong.



No....not ever. 22LR's to full house 458 Lott loads.


Maybe close to 50 mounts.....10 or so for others included.


Lapped a few rings here and there to get a good fit, and sometimes use a little rosin on the rings if they don't have the right feel.





Only rings I have had to mess with were some Burris Signature Zee's on a 22LR,11mm integral base rifle. Had to regrind the clamping geometry to get a good grip. 

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