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  On 11/16/2015 at 9:10 PM, growalot said:

Last year I would do this in the cube target ..they are small and easy to carry in your car....


That doesn't work for me, I use a quad to get in and out of the woods. So I have to de knock my bow before I get on my quad.


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A person may not transport or possess a shotgun,
rifle or crossbow in or on a motor vehicle
unless the firearm is unloaded in both chamber
and magazine or the crossbow is unloaded or
taken down.
While legally hunting migratory
game birds, a loaded firearm may be possessed
in a motorboat not under power OR in a motorboat
under power only while retrieving dead/
crippled birds.
A muzzleloader is considered unloaded
when the cap is off the nipple, the primer is
removed, the primer powder is removed from
the flintlock pan, or the battery is removed
from an electric-fired muzzleloader.

A crossbow is considered unloaded when
the arrow/bolt is removed and the crossbow
is uncocked

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  On 11/16/2015 at 9:30 PM, Culvercreek hunt club said:

Actually was told otherwise by a ECO and two instructors. If I recall I think it may have even said in the Q&A in the regulations guide

Transportation of Firearms

A person may not transport or possess a shotgun, rifle or crossbow in or on a motor vehicle unless the firearm is unloaded in both chamber and magazine or the crossbow is unloaded or taken down. A loaded firearm may be carried or possessed in a motorboat while legally hunting migratory game birds.

A muzzleloader is considered unloaded when the cap is off the nipple, the primer is removed, the primer powder is removed from the flintlock pan, or the battery is not in an electric-fired muzzleloader.

A crossbow is considered unloaded when it is uncocked. A crossbow is considered taken down when the limbs have been removed from the stock, securely fastened in a case, or locked in a trunk.

you are correct!!!
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  On 11/16/2015 at 9:34 PM, Cabin Fever said:

I use a Carbon Express decocking bolt. http://www.amazon.com/Carbon-Express-22-Inch-Crossbow-Release/dp/B015ZLKCE2 I picked up mine at Dicks.


Just shoot it into the ground, only goes in ~4". Haven't had an issue. Sure more convenient than lugging around a target to shoot a fieldpoint into.


Why didn't I see that first? Looks like that one will fit the bill.



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I keep a really small yellow jacket target in the woods. I shoot it with a field point.  Other option is taking the bolt out and holding the string with rope cocker and pull the trigger and let it down slowly. I think shooting a bolt is better for an xbow, but when you change string on an Excalibur the holding of the string and pulling the stringer technique has to be used to change strings, so it can be done without harm. Just make sure the bolt is out or you will impale your foot!

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  On 11/16/2015 at 9:54 PM, growalot said:

That's what I thought...we have shale ground...blocks more convenient to me than an exploding carbon splinters going God knows where...

yeah, never crossed my mind until now......if you keep shooting the same bolt into the ground, it could potentially lead to a bad oucome.

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Throw some old towels/sweatshirts/rags in a small burlap/nylon bag and tie it closed with a piece of string.   Shoot a fieldpoint into it to unload.   this is cheaper, lighter, and much easier to pull the bolts out of than a foam block target.   To keep the center from getting worn, open it up and stir the rags around from time to time.  Last year I carried a block, but this works much better.   I see the unloading after every hunt as an advantage over a regular bow because it gives you continuous in-season practice. That is something many conventional archers neglect much to their peril when it comes to wounding or missing deer.    

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