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Obama executive order a go.....

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"The thing I don't get is how you can support a president or anyone for that matter that is trying to strip you and other law abiding citizens of their rights"


I challenge you to show me where anyone is being striped of ANY of their rights under Obama's executive action. Nowhere does it even suggest that anyone's guns will be taken away or any limits or bans will be introduced?

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IRS targeting, Benghazi obstruction,bypassing Congress, stripping . The wording of this last EO 1 ,2 or more firearms pose infindgement of the 2nd Amendment. He sits back while NY citizens are stripped of 2nd Amendment rights, it makes him guilty along with coumo. Just because it passed doesn't make it right, but its part of his agenda.

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  On 1/7/2016 at 4:18 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

"The thing I don't get is how you can support a president or anyone for that matter that is trying to strip you and other law abiding citizens of their rights"


I challenge you to show me where anyone is being striped of ANY of their rights under Obama's executive action. Nowhere does it even suggest that anyone's guns will be taken away or any limits or bans will be introduced?

Have you read them? Are the including the No-fly list provision? Have you read his mental health reporting provisions?

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  On 1/7/2016 at 4:18 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

"The thing I don't get is how you can support a president or anyone for that matter that is trying to strip you and other law abiding citizens of their rights"


I challenge you to show me where anyone is being striped of ANY of their rights under Obama's executive action. Nowhere does it even suggest that anyone's guns will be taken away or any limits or bans will be introduced?

He has trying to make the no fly list a means of taking away guns. They can put anyone on the no fly list just because basically they "feel" like it.


Sorry culvercreek I didn't realize you said the same thing.

Edited by chas0218
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  On 1/7/2016 at 5:37 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

Please show me where in his executive order he speaks of the no fly list

I was asking you if it was in the text of the EO's. It was spoken about a week earlier but I didn't know if it was included in his section to improve background checks. I didn't say it WAS there I asked you if it was. 

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Anyone ask yourself why are we always on the defense hardly ever on the offense of this laws. I want to see the GOP Congress pass laws pro to guns, overturn this nonsense. The new GOP president needs to undue what Obama has done. I like to see safe act looked into for its infindgement of nys gun owners constitutional rights . man it would be nice to have some common sense leadership.

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To the posters on my thread...Apologies in advance:




Say what you want, cover your backside. I get it. See, to keep in secrecy with your true thoughts and feelings, there's a word for topics like this ( pssst, it starts with a "T" ).



Now Rob....I felt bad I had to paste the definition of elicit for you.

I feel worse that you made a big ta do about...OH no! the term troll... See All I did was start a thread for people bring their thoughts to the table...I actually did not do any trolling unless you consider defending my self from yours to be ...Though you on the other hand don't seem to be able to stop.Now let me post the definition for you... Wait I need you to grab something before reading...a mirror:




Internet troll
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Troll (Internet))
"Trolling" redirects here. For other uses, see Troll (disambiguation).
"Please do not feed the troll" redirects here. For the Wikipedia advice, see Wikipedia:Deny recognition.
Don't feed the trolls sign, near Fløyen, Bergen, Norway

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement.

This sense of the word "troll" and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For


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What do you think the words stricter background checks mean? More mentasl health and terrorist checks. In other words the suspected terrorists on the no fly list. Anyone can be added tontgast list without due process. Put tweo and two together. It is not that difficult

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When he can stand up there and blatantly lie by saying feloins with a history of aggressive crimes can buy a gun online without a background check to get people onboard, and then pull the fakje cry, he will not be upfront about what is in the executive orders

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This is all you need to know if you don't think this morons EO is designed to take as many firearms from responsible Americans as possible.


It is intentionally vague in so many areas, it can be used to confiscate guns from ANYONE!


And why is it needed in the first place?  Is crime that far out of control?  How about we look at murders?


For the record: "There reportedly are more than 300 million privately owned guns floating around the USA. If just 1 percent of those guns were used to kill someone every year, there would be 3 million gun homicides in the United States. In 2014, according to the FBI, there were 8,124 gun homicides. It’s still way too many, and most of them are in cities or states with strict gun laws. But if my calculator is correct, that means 0.00002708 per cent of the guns in America were used in 2014 to kill someone and .99998 percent were not. I don’t know how many knives and sharp objects there are in the United States, but in 2014 about 1,561 of them were used to murder someone. Is an executive action on knife control next on the president’s emotional bucket list? Clubs and hammers? Didn’t Cain kill Abel with a rock?" —Michael Reagan


So if those are the facts, why isn't the moron writing an EO that would actually target crime?


We all know the truth.  The Progressive agenda is to take firearms rights away from citizens.  They've said it out loud many times.  Many have called for a total ban on guns.  Obama said he likes what they did in Australia.  You have to be a complete fool to assume he hasn't got confiscation in mind as he implements this EO and all of it's vague possibilities.


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Well..... lets state the obvious here...If I was biting my tongue not to say what those thoughts were...Saying them now ...only leaves me with a sore tongue...Now that would make no sense to me at all.  I will say yet again ,it had nothing to do with what is floating around in Robs, Vigils ,Shawnu's(based on his "likes") or even perhaps your head. There are many things, actually...that could be done and none of them have anything to do directly with Obama . No I won't hold your hand and guide you though them.

Now lets point out one more obvious thing...My OP that started this whole 8 page discourse has developed a dialogue , for the good or the bad of it...given perspectives ...ideas..information excreta...All despite the absolute pointless and  fruitless post of a couple of people...To that end I'm pleased

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  On 1/7/2016 at 5:37 PM, Uptown Redneck said:

Please show me where in his executive order he speaks of the no fly list

I said he is trying. Never said he has, it is just a matter of time that only military and government officials will be the only one with guns. Well that is if Obama gets his way.

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He dismissed as "a conspiracy" any desire he has to take guns. It's probably true that he wouldn't actually try to confiscate guns, knowing that would likely spark outright civil war, but he's the one who has often praised Australia's gun confiscation as a model we should look at. He's also the one hawking the ban on so-called "assault weapons," which number in the millions. Besides, no one thinks he or the Left will stop with a little "progress." It will never be enough; we'll always need more "common sense" gun control, eroding Liberty incrementally.

Justice Joseph Story once called the 2nd Amendment the "palladium of the liberties of the republic." In other words, owning guns isn't primarily about hunting, sport shooting, or even stopping criminals. Bearing arms secures all of the rights of a free people against tyrannical government. That's why Obama and his ilk hate guns so much, and that's why no town hall will ever find common ground between tyrants like him and the Patriots who hold Liberty so dear.

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After it was all said and done, White press secretary says. " President Obama wants to open conversation on 2nd Amendment " OK ! Than he invites NRA put they need to submit question before hand lol. Obama than can say what he wants. I smell photo op. Open discussion I don't think so.

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  On 1/8/2016 at 8:10 PM, Huntscreek said:

After it was all said and done, White press secretary says. " President Obama wants to open conversation on 2nd Amendment " OK ! Than he invites NRA put they need to submit question before hand lol. Obama than can say what he wants. I smell photo op. Open discussion I don't think so.

Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

You can't use a teleprompter unless questions are submitted beforehand. 

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  On 1/7/2016 at 3:27 PM, growalot said:

Rob ...You really need to grow up...Like I said...I had a conversation in a pm with another member  about this whole thing ...So what I said to you and right about the time you said it...is no different than what I said to virgil...BTW take a look at your likes and see the company your with... I do have my reasoning for the wording and It  was "veiled"...but not in the way you insist on imagining...sorry you are wrong. That disgusting piece of work in the white house is near the end of his impotent reign. That said, do to his not implementing as much  damage as he had hoped,IMO. His well being, good or bad is of no concern to me...his long life after office ,when all he has or hasn't done is taken apart piece by piece in the media and he has no power to stop it...well, that will be his just deserts the thing that will eat away at him as his supporters slowly fall to the way side....See I look farther than my nose at things.

You can try to work your imagined psychic abilities all you wish, but it doesn't make them any less imagined. Sorry...But as far as my purpose for this thread...you have been a great part...thanks

Hey, call me w/e! I am glad I helped!

Yeah, I like certain posts, I have put a lot of "Likes" on many of your other threads and posts as well. As for the people I align myself with, there are none. I like what makes sense and argue what doesn't. 

I do don't remember what the thread was, but I made a comment about you for president. Due to your state it like it is, tell it right, and no bones honesty. I still say you run for president. Because now you have proven you can twist what people say into your own meaning, turn what you say around into a play on words, and stand by your facade;


Facade: a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea of your true feelings or situation.



Pure political tactic right there!

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