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So the "new" Playboy came today


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Did Linda carter pose? I believe my father handed down a few of his to my brothers

Yes she did. I have never seen the issue ( actually being serious ).



I heard a rumor Playboy was going this route a while back. I didn't believe it. Surprised they did. There will be a lot of Photo Shop people looking for a new gig now. 


Why is it that everyone who reads playboy goes with the old excuse "I read it for the articles.". Maybe, MAYBE, 1 in 10 people did that. I mean 'cmon! That's like saying you like going to Pizza Hut for the ambiance. LMAO!

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Yes she did. I have never seen the issue ( actually being serious ).



I heard a rumor Playboy was going this route a while back. I didn't believe it. Surprised they did. There will be a lot of Photo Shop people looking for a new gig now. 


Why is it that everyone who reads playboy goes with the old excuse "I read it for the articles.". Maybe, MAYBE, 1 in 10 people did that. I mean 'cmon! That's like saying you like going to Pizza Hut for the ambiance. LMAO!

If I want porn, I'm certainly not gonna buy Playboy....

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Yes she did. I have never seen the issue ( actually being serious ).

I heard a rumor Playboy was going this route a while back. I didn't believe it. Surprised they did. There will be a lot of Photo Shop people looking for a new gig now.

Why is it that everyone who reads playboy goes with the old excuse "I read it for the articles.". Maybe, MAYBE, 1 in 10 people did that. I mean 'cmon! That's like saying you like going to Pizza Hut for the ambiance. LMAO!

After the first 100 or so issues, you get bored of the repetitive poses, and the articles are indeed entertaining.

Taking out the nudity really wasn't a big deal IMO, just like how NYC supposedly isn't allowed nudity in their gentlemen's clubs. If they got rid of topless, now that's a different story.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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used to subscribe as well. at a pre-teen these things were gold... then came the internet. I still subscribed as an adult because it was a good read and the occasional celeb. I honestly barely read any magazines unless I'm on a plane.


You read playboy on the plane?  As I recall, to see the centerfold, you had to hold the magazine high up and sideways so the pages can fully extend.  That means all the people who sat behind you got to see the centerfold as well.

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Couple years back I got rid of most of my 30 year collection ( saved the Dec,Jan and Pam Anderson issues) filled the recycle bin a few times !

Do the guys who pick up your trash and recycles send you Christmas cards????      LOL!!

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Do you see them earlier for their pickups after that incident? Noticed anyone waiting outside in a van or something?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


Don't know what your trying to say.  Read your sentence again and tell me what Im missing…."Do you see them earlier for their pickups after that incident"???????????????????  

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Don't know what your trying to say. Read your sentence again and tell me what Im missing…."Do you see them earlier for their pickups after that incident"???????????????????

Just meant the recycle guys might be eager to do their rounds and show up earlier. Even to the point of camping out in a van.

Don't read into it so much ants.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Just meant the recycle guys might be eager to do their rounds and show up earlier. Even to the point of camping out in a van.

Don't read into it so much ants.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


Oh …. Okay…But you're missing the big picture…….Playboy now has…..No more skin shots???? Whats next ..recipes and how to make your own potpourri ??    

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