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Obama not going to Justice Scalia's funeral

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President Barack Obama will not attend Justice Antonin Scalia's Funeral. He shows no respect to those that served this Country. He wouldn't walk with leaders in France either. The White house said he will be busy, Busy playing Golf? hosting Sharpton, Muslim Brotherhood. The divider in Chief at it again. 

Edited by Huntscreek
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Apparently he wasn't as close of friends as he had claimed he was. I know for a fact that I surely would be going to even a mediocre friends funeral if nothing more than out of respect for them and more importantly their family as they would be the only ones to really benefit from a presence

You Can't Beat My Meat!

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It could be that Scalia's family requested that Barak Hussain not attend….

You know Ants, I was thinking it's walking into a Christian Church. How would the Muslim world view it. When there is a Issue that could unite Obama always chooses Division. Every move he makes, is calculated to undermine American Strength and Values. There's even a message in the things he don't do.

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You know Ants, I was thinking it's walking into a Christian Church. How would the Muslim world view it. When there is a Issue that could unite Obama always chooses Division. Every move he makes, is calculated to undermine American Strength and Values. There's even a message in the things he don't do.

Yeah ….I see your point. But not having the likes of Barak Hussain at this mans funeral, is OK with me. I could see him just going through the motions, not being respectful,smirking and being the Marxist radical little punk that he is. 

I think its all for the best.  

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Not 100% sure....but I think he'll be the first president not to attend a funeral of a active supreme court justice

Thats fine…Why disgrace Scalia by even being there?

Prediction…Barak Hussain will make it a point to be seen golfing, attending a Muslim event or some other event just as an F.U.


Its best that he doesn't  attend. Its a good thing…..

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