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How many of you have cell phone coverage in your stand / blind? And do you text?


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Just curious.....

How many of you have cell phone coverage in your stand / blind? And do you text or browse the web from your phone while in the woods?

I do... Going to try to do a journal live (when its slow or am bored) while in my stand.  ;)

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I only carry my cell for emergencies when hunting.  It's a Verizon phone so I get coverage in the woods most of the places I hunt, and coverage on my land all the time.  (The higher up the mountain I climb, the better the signal too)

I've got it set for phone calls only.  No e-mail, net or text options.  I don't want to pay extra for that garbage.  That's why I have the PC at home.  I'm not paying extra for that stuff on my phone.

I did have a company paid "Dingleberry" phone at one time.  It had everything and was nice to be able to check the weather while hunting.  But it can become a distraction when hunting if you like to surf the web rather than looking for deer.

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I have cell phone coverage in all of my hunting areas except for Italy Valley . No cell towers there . When hunting , I keep the cellphone on Vibe and use it for emergencies . I have a Motorola Bluetooth that I sometimes wear when I am hunting .

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Switched phones so I could get coverage at camp, I better get coverage now, the whole transfer of service was a pia. I'll settle for 1-2 bars even.

I don't intend to 'text' while hunting or use it as a distraction. But for unplanned emergencies, a quick note or memo, back-up alarm. Got to get the local sheriff & dec O #'s just in case. Has a camera, I don't think I'll have tresspasser problems but just in case I do, they won't get quarter or slack either.

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When I hunt with friends I always bring my motorola walkie talkies along. Since not all areas have cell phione coverage. However, I always have my cell phone "turned off" and in my pack for emergencies only. I was hunting one morning and after only seeing one lone doe shortly after sunrise, it was the opening weekend, the early season lull. At 10 AM I decided to text my wife... the reply I got was "Honey can you come home?! .............. (Never Again).  ;D

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My curent job requires me to be oncall 24/7.  I get paid for it , so I do it. anyway my oncall consists of a company cell phone. I carry it with me, and any place I hunt, I get coverage.  I put it on vibrate and hope it doesnt activate. I use it to play game apps to help pass the time.  When I hunt with my buddies, we all have two way radios and ear buds.  They are silent and ar eonly used fo rnecessary communication. Thiis year we are moving to signal flares.   

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I do have coverage and do carry my phone. But it stays off, and will unless I have an emergency where I need help. I don't really want that stuff brought into my hunting. I hate phones anyway, and really don't feel the need to be wired up and in contact all the time. I have to laugh everytime I see these people who can't even drive down the road without having that thing stuck in their ear. Or how about the people who think that everybody in a restaurant needs to listen to their conversations....lol. At any rate, for me hunting time is not socializing time or game time or surfing time so the thing stays turned off.


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Ok, I have a related question. Do all cell towers service all service providers? In other words if a tower was put up by Verizon, can an AT&T customer utilize that tower? Or another way of asking the same question would be, "If I can see a cell tower over on the next hill, am I guaranteed to get a signal regardless of what service I use?" I have heard both stories, one saying that cell towers are used for any service provider and one saying that cell towers are vendor specific. I thought maybe someone here might know the answer.


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