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Shotgun scope rec


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Looking for a scope for my sons new 20 gauge deer gun. I am not looking to break the bank. Just a reliable scope that will do the job. I have a Nikon on mine that I love that I got on sale from a reference on here on a going out of stock item!

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The recoil from a slug firing shotgun is a real test for a scope's build quality, buy the best one you can afford. I see many of today's manufacturers produce dedicated shotgun scopes so something from those types should hopefully hold up to recoil and be reliable for your son's slug gun. 


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i have a H&R 12 guage slug gun for all my hunting needs and have that equipped with a bushnell banner 3-9x40. It has held zero perfectly for the past 10 years now and have never had to adjust it what so ever.  I bought that at walmart I do however shoot it once or twice before the seasonn starts to make sure 

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I purchased a Leupold Vari-xII 1-4x for my wingmaster decades ago.  Had it on a cantilever mount for deer hunting on LI.

It now resides on a 8 lb .375 H&H with no problems and hundreds of rounds for the last decade.

One tough scope.   1x is great for close woods hunting and 4x is all I'll ever  need even with the 235's at 2800+fps.

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You know I have a Bushnell $70 scope on one of mine and it has held true for over a decade, no problem with the recoil. I do notice the Nikon is just better glass, it is brighter. I will check out Vortex too. Thanks for the replies.

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go with vortex,I have 3 of there scopes and will buy more.as good or better than Leopold IMO and the warranty is the same.Go to their website,they had some scopes that where run over by trucks dropped off of mountains and I wanna say one that was shot that they replaced!!


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On ‎08‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:04 AM, moog5050 said:

Vortex will be good.  I have a Bushnell elite 3200 on mine and like it.  Can be purchased used for $200 or less, I think.

Have the Bushnell 3200 Elite with firefly on my ML and love it. It's probably the reason I carry the ML from beginning of gun season thru ML season.

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My rifled bolt action 3 inch 12 ga slug gun has a Nikon Pro Staff 2x7 on it and it works perfectly, allows plenty of light at dawn and dusk, is very accurate and is as rugged as any I own.  I've had it on the gun for at least 10 years and shoot it often. (I use a lot of padding when not hunting with it)

Scopes made as "shotgun" scopes are no tougher than the same model not sporting that moniker.  They just have parallax focused at 50 yards rather than 100 yards and usually thicker cross hairs on the reticle for faster shots at moving game in close cover.  Never understood why makers think that should be standard for shotguns used on deer.

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