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Stalking with a bow


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I got my first doe ever with the bow last year stalking. Would not keep an arrow knocked until you need it.

I was on my way to my stand when I saw two doe in a field headed for the woods,so I teied to cut them off. Did not get close enough to shoot,was maybe 35 yds away,then one wanders off a little ways and beds down. Then I was able to close the distance..

That day was windy and ground was wet,perfect conditions for a stalk.

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I've stalked many deer. It takes patience, stealth and knowledge of where the deer hang out.
I just stalked up on a group of 5 deer today. The only one that came into shooting range was a 4pt. The 8pt wouldn't come close enough. I have him figured out and I'll be waiting there for him very soon.

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Who does it?  This is not very easy haha.
do you hike around with the arrow nocked on with the arrow in quiver and nock it when you see something?

Got busted this morning stalking a doe, turns out she had a posse and they ganged up on me. Later surrounded me and started blowing, and it wasn't the good kind either.

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Tried it once and got lucky.  Perfect conditions; doe upwind, high grass field with knoll between me and doe; and doe walked where I anticipated; lastly doe seemed as surprised as me as I rose to make the shot.  Stayed put for a few seconds.  It was one of many doe I have taken but only second with the recurve and remains a very memorable hunt for me. 

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First day ever hunting last year, with a bow on public land I had not scouted, I walked up on a deer to within 25 yards. It was feeding and never knew I was there. It was fairly windy and though there was a lot of scrunching leaves as I walked, I crested a small hill and saw the deer before it saw me. I was lucky enough at this moment to have a large tree between me and the deer. I moved to position them between us and I was able to move closer to it. I was making noise, but as the deer was looking up toward the noise all it saw was the tree. I got as close to the tree as I could and the deer presented a beautiful broadside shot.

I missed and hit a tree. My avatar pic is the miss. As I said, first day ever and I didn't range it properly at all; thought it was further.

I then spent another dozen days trying to replicate this. I spooked many, many deer, often getting close enough for a shot but I didn't know they were there until they jumped out of their cover snorting and running. I believe now what happened that first day was so unbelievably rare: randomly walking up on a deer while it is looking away while the wind is making a lot of forest noise and there is also a hill perfectly between us to hide my initial approach and then a large tree between us to let me get closer. It took me too long to appreciate how unusual it was, hence all the time trying to replicate.

Finally learned my lesson and bought a tree stand and set it in a good area. Four of the last five days hunting (four last year, one this year) I've had shot on deer from that stand.

Still hunting is hard! If you don't have an arrow nocked make sure that nocking one is not loud.

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Nothing like hunting them on the ground with a bow.  I always have an arrow knocked and when I get close I have my release on the string.  In real thick woods, rough terrain, slippery rocks, steep incline or decline I will throw the arrow back in the quiver. 

Something primitive about hunting them from the ground that adds to the excitement!

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4 minutes ago, NFA-ADK said:

Nothing like hunting them on the ground with a bow.  I always have an arrow knocked and when I get close I have my release on the string.  In real thick woods, rough terrain, slippery rocks, steep incline or decline I will throw the arrow back in the quiver. 

Something primitive about hunting them from the ground


It's like going back in time doing something are ancient ancestors did to  survive 

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That's the only way I bow hunt... the hardest part for me is not getting close, but rather when I get close finding a window between me and the deer to fit an arrow. The secret to getting close is using as much cover as possible and moving like a snail. The bigger bucks are much harder because they tend to travel in denser cover. Last year I put myself within 15 yards of a 120 class eight point only to have to watch him walk away because there was no window to fit an arrow for a good shot on the vitals. Frustrating yes... but still exciting.

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