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Buying Arrows


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I was at DICKs a while ago and a guy was buying arrows and a few other things for his son . He thought the boxed arrows were 36" and I laughed . They are 31" . He wasn't sure how long he needed them and said his son has a 30" draw length . The associate said to check things out as once they are cut , they are yours . The guy said his son needed them as he was hunting tomorrow . I got out of there before I said something I would regret . I checked out a few things and left . As I was walking toward my car , the guy who bought the arrows was heading back to the store . He said the arrows don't have the inserts in them . I said they are probably in an envelope at the bottom of the box and that they don't glue them in until the arrows are cut to length . I bit my tongue and left .

Oh yeah , I have to quit wearing my Field and Stream shirt to DICKs . I had 3 people ask me for help .  :rolleyes:

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  On 10/6/2016 at 8:49 PM, Hock3y24 said:
unreal, on a lighter note victory decimator arrows from dicks are very good, tough and accurate at $40 a dozen with blazers. Ive had the same arrow go through 4 deer now. 

These things. Gonna get another box while still $20. Unfortunately I will not be reusing this arrow.ae07859a982142abab5b1309cce75d0a.jpg
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That's a good price if they shoot well. I typically won't buy arrows that are greater than .003 but that's just my OCD. I used to only buy the gold tip velocity Pro's which are .001 but at $150/dozen they add up quick... Thanks for the info.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 9:15 PM, chrisw said:
That's a good price if they shoot well. I typically won't buy arrows that are greater than .003 but that's just my OCD. I used to only buy the gold tip velocity Pro's which are .001 but at $150/dozen they add up quick... Thanks for the info.

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I'm with you and then I decided it was insane hunting with $150 shafts, aside from being heavy (which I like) the cheap ones fly just as good for me. I still shoot .001 for 3D
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The things I've over heard guys saying in stores like that is funny and even scary at times. Some people really have no business hunting if they can't take the time to become at least averagely proficient with everything that is hunting.

I'll admit sometimes I can't keep my mouth shut and have to offer advice or warn them if I think it's gonna get someone killed.

Trail camera section is where I open my mouth the most. A lot of guys do zero research before buying and just go by what the boxes say. So I'm usually tempted to offer some free advice as someone who's tried a crap ton of brands and models. I kinda see it as my good deed for the day helping out these poor saps. Helps keep my karma in the positive lol

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^^^ All true! So...If an uninformed, new hunter goes into one of those big box outdoors stores and seeks advice from an equally uninformed ~$12/hr sales associate, whose to blame? This is unfortunately most prevalent to encounter an idiot sales associate while shopping for bows &/or accessories since it's more specialized or personalized than shotgun &/or rifle hunting supplies.

Fasteddie, if you're talking about the Dick's in Webster, just had a couple of.....cringe-worthy experiences there. Just bought a rifle there after doing my due diligence research and handling numerous models. Picked out one I wanted, sales associate put bore scope in it & told me it was ~1/2" high @ 100yrds and dead-on Lft-Rgt. Good thing I did NOT take his word for it, first shots at ranged were 12" to left & 6" high. WTH was he talking about. Okay, so while waiting for all the paperwork BS for new rifle, I'm watching another associate sell a shotgun to an uninformed father whose 14yo son was just getting into hunting. Anyways, talked the father into a Mossberg 500 12ga, 3" mag. Had to bite my tongue with that one! Poor kid will hate his dad after shooting that ...!!

Edited by nyslowhand
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We as hunters have to try and make the cleanest kill on an animal. We also have the chance to help new or inexpeirenced hunters come into the sport and make good choices. I guess I don't understand why people don't choose to help others out. Maybe if more of us out there helped these newbies out once in a while instead of biting out tounges we would have more hunters and fisherman out there. Hell i helped a 12 year old boy who i didn't even know catch his first salmon because his uncle was too busy to help. Even if the person with them gets upset its worth it to try and help them out. A little advice go a long ways. I am truly appreciative of all those who helped along the way and most are people I never met before.

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  On 10/8/2016 at 7:49 PM, Trailer said:

We as hunters have to try and make the cleanest kill on an animal. We also have the chance to help new or inexpeirenced hunters come into the sport and make good choices. I guess I don't understand why people don't choose to help others out. Maybe if more of us out there helped these newbies out once in a while instead of biting out tounges we would have more hunters and fisherman out there. Hell i helped a 12 year old boy who i didn't even know catch his first salmon because his uncle was too busy to help. Even if the person with them gets upset its worth it to try and help them out. A little advice go a long ways. I am truly appreciative of all those who helped along the way and most are people I never met before.


Can't agree wth you more, I help other people get there bows set more than my own. Paid off this year got my friend his first, and second bow kill In consecutive days.

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