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The Stupid & Dumb


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I will keep this short. Today I was scouting some state land, and found a few nice spots to set up in. Runs, food, thick stuff for bedding, water close by. I was stoked! In the way back of checking out a clearing I see some "stuff" on some logs on the ground. I go look......Well, someone has me taking a pic of their bait on their trail cam. Hoping it was for yote's, but probably not.

Edited by ....rob
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Looks like that stuff hank parker pushes? C'mere deer or something similar. I would turn them in Rob! I have 0 tolerance for a poacher! Maybe they even have a pic of themselves on the cam, after setting? Do it before they check the cam, and see you, or you will be blamed if someone else turn them in! I know that area, and it gets a good amount of people.  Hunters, hikers, dog walkers and such. So like you said, they really are stupid and dumb to bait deer there!

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Grampy and I were in there this morning. Cam was gone or moved. Thinking moved as how as the brick/bait was moved from the ground to sitting on a log. Park office was open on my way home and I gave them a heads up. I hated to do that. I feel like a snitch. But, it is what it is. Don't break the law and people won't turn you in.

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1 hour ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

Or...IT WAS A MEMBER FROM THIS SITE!!??!?! Cue the law and order music

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is no way someone on this site would commit such a crime!  Wait, maybe thats why the bike was in the tree.

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The bike could be a distraction. It makes you look in that direction .

i have cameras up for security , one is on a lane way in, as the lane bends your natural tendency is to look to the outside of the bend  , so I place things like a large dolls head on the outside bend to make you look there even more , wondering wtf .....

The camera is on the inside of the bend .  Works Kinda of like the magicians helper , the beautiful woman is a distraction .

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7 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Because that is exactly what you are, i guess you have never been taught to mind your own business. You could have just as easily destroyed the bait pile or gotten rid of it in some other way.

Coming from someone who ignores drug dealers in front of schools. Or perverts on the playground. But he's no rat. Gotta love a guy like that!

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17 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Because that is exactly what you are, i guess you have never been taught to mind your own business. You could have just as easily destroyed the bait pile or gotten rid of it in some other way.


17 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Damn right!

And the respect that comes with that is worth a whole hellva lot more then reporting someone to the cops, which by the way reporting things to the cops gets you absolutely nothing in return.   


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Uptown Turtle Neck-

FFS! I feel not responding to our local cop hating, cellar dwelling, anti gun, anti hunting, ISIS supporting, low life poaching ( if it even hunts ), over all clueless, bottom dwelling troll of a member, that maybe you should stay in the political area. Uptown, you can't even follow up on threads you make. You throw a jab, then run.

OH! If you really want to talk about snitches? You sure you want to go there? You are a snitch too. Just ask greg54. 

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