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Trump protest why you lost get over it .

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2 hours ago, Salmon_Run said:

After reading some of the narrow, and uninformed views of others I am not sure how Americans will sleep tonight knowing that these views are out there of Trump.

Seems that the ones who scream racist and call others deplorable live in glass houses. It was an election and while I grasp the severity and totality of the issues at hand how, can we be possibly worse off than if Hillary won...

Rest easy America will be a country we can ALL be proud of again.......We have changed direction as we often have in history. Change is always good, especially if we grow and learn from within that change.

I am confident that Trump will not be a "one man band" and will knowing surround himself with a knowledgeable staff with sound judgement and reason.

If not we, Americans, can throw him out of the White House in four years.


Well i can tell you this once trump is in there a lot of  this garbage will stop .


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10 minutes ago, virgil said:

Didn't Trump encourage people to protest and 'march on Washington' after Obama beat Romney in 2012?

Protest all you want. It's part of our roots and everyone should feel that they can. The violence that has become the norm with this is unacceptable and should be dealt with harshly. 

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6 minutes ago, virgil said:

Didn't Trump encourage people to protest and 'march on Washington' after Obama beat Romney in 2012?

I have no problem with civilized protest, but smashing cars and burning buildings and beating up people in the streets because of how they voted, goes well beyond protest. I really don't recall Trump ever calling for anything like this. Take a few minutes to educate yourself about what is going on out there. Take a look at that guy being beaten and kicked because of how he voted. Take a look at all those busses that are parked along the streets after having delivered their cargo of professional rioters. And then feel maybe just a little shame at having compared that to simple protest and not really knowing the difference.

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You're right- there's a difference between a protest and a riot.  And, yes, he absolutely did tweet the quote in included in my post- just after the 2012 election.

Not sure who the rest of your lecture was directed at.  I made no such comparisons.

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On 11/10/2016 at 10:52 AM, Jeremy K said:

I'm really starting to realize how much of challenge it's going to be to raise my son to not be a self entitled cry baby, he is going to be surrounded by them at school all day.

I got one left in high school and I can tell you the last one and the current one in school, well its not easy, not easy at all.  They see all the crap the other kids have handed too them and just demand to have the same.  Mom caves sometimes and I end up on the couch when that happens.  I was raised you want it you work for it.  The kids can not even grasp that concept.  Want want want its not easy raising kids in the entitlement era.

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16 minutes ago, wdswtr said:

I got one left in high school and I can tell you the last one and the current one in school, well its not easy, not easy at all.  They see all the crap the other kids have handed too them and just demand to have the same.  Mom caves sometimes and I end up on the couch when that happens.  I was raised you want it you work for it.  The kids can not even grasp that concept.  Want want want its not easy raising kids in the entitlement era.

Yea ,


not only that but on tv   when you here these morons on cnn saying we need the goverment to do everything for us even Wipe are butts  like we are all babys  it just sends the wrong message. .

I was told as a kid you want more you work more there is no other way . 

Its been that way since the beginning of time and it never will change.

it is what it is.

Just like hunting you have to work at it to be good at it .

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Thing is I dont see these kids watching TV ever.  It used to be video games, now its social media, snapchat, twitter, facebook, facetime blah blah blah.  Its the bullcrap of over sensitivity that started this pansy mind set.  I live in a small town in a small redneck school district and its no different than a kid in the city, all through there sports growing up, they dont keep score cause there is no losing teams, everyone gets a trophy, parents smothering kids with everything they desire to own,  laws and regulations that protect them from even riding a damn bicycle in your driveways without a helmet, laws where you can not even discipline your kids when they get in trouble, parents that are so naive that wont accept there child isnt perfect,  the list goes on and on.  These protestors and many more have been damn right spoiled and never told no or not gotten  there way, never taught right from wrong with consequences.  And we stand here wondering how these people can act like this, they were not born this way they were taught to be this way, from day 1.  

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       Society should not be raising our kids We should. Have 4 kids age 26 down to 13. Not one of them has ever thought they should be given anything. They have been taught all there life's that if you want something you work for it. I can't  count the number of times the youngest has come home complaining about other kids that just get stuff handed. She absolutely hates the everyone get an award. She tells them if I didn't  earn it I do not want it.She does her best at everything and if it isn't good enough she will try harder not want an award for trying. All the kids are that way. 

               Never had a problem with them being stuck on tv, video games, or electronics. The do spend time with that stuff but not as much as they do outside doing other things. Our kids are raised to be the way they are society does not make them that way. Not as long as we teach them to not let it. 

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