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Latest Dremel project..


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Grabbed an old cow skull from the bone pile the other day and decided I'd carve it up with the Dremel.

Gonna fill this sucker up with design.., stain it (most likely with fire).., and polish it up grungie style!

Ruined a few old deer and cow skulls so far experimenting with more advanced techniques I wasn't prepared for yet, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of the surface work now that I took a few steps back.

I need to get some smaller tips for any finer detail stuff before I get too elaborate.

I had to find something else to carve up before I ran out of antlers,lol

I can see this becoming my newest favorite hobby with plenty of room for improvement!



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20 hours ago, TACC said:

Its definitely different

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Yep- that's kinda what I really like about this stuff!

Getting bored with looking at plain bone white skulls and the camo dipped stuff does nothing for me.

Just got done adding a little more flash to the nose on this guy. Gave him some horns behind the eyes you can see in the first pic. Still need to figure out how I'm gonna make them look like horns though,lol. Tomorrow I'm planning on adding some flames to the blank bone panels on each side of the nose. Then I'll decide what to tackle next on him.



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Very cool Wooly.

If you mean really small tooling like at the level dentists use, I can probably help you out. Tiny burrs, grinding wheels, polishing wheels, etc. I grabbed a bunch of that stuff when my Dad sold his dental practice about 15 years ago and I'd be happy to send it to you.

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20 minutes ago, philoshop said:

Very cool Wooly.

If you mean really small tooling like at the level dentists use, I can probably help you out. Tiny burrs, grinding wheels, polishing wheels, etc. I grabbed a bunch of that stuff when my Dad sold his dental practice about 15 years ago and I'd be happy to send it to you.

I'm not quite skilled enough to need those right away, but I can guarantee you I'd get some use out of those in the not so distant future.

I'm not sure my Dremel has a collet small enough for the shaft on those itty bitty bits though.

Pretty sure I can only go down to 1/8" on the shafts.

Let me know what you got and maybe we can make a deal! :good:

Thanks for the offer man!

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They have standard 1/8" shafts, Wooly. That's what dental hand-pieces use. You might need magnification to actually see the tips on some of them, but the shafts are standard.

I think that stuff is all in the basement of my brother's barn, and I'll be there this weekend doing firewood work. I'll definitely see if I can find that box, and I'll be happy to hook you up with an assortment.

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'I hate the smell when I have to saw through the leg bones when butchering deer, so I have to ask Wooly, when you are working on something like this, does it stink like burning bone? Looks awesome and look forward to your surgical precision thanks to philosophy,s Dad's bits.

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1 hour ago, Zem18 said:

'I hate the smell when I have to saw through the leg bones when butchering deer, so I have to ask Wooly, when you are working on something like this, does it stink like burning bone? Looks awesome and look forward to your surgical precision thanks to philosophy,s Dad's bits.

I'd imagine it wreaks as you described, but I've cut up so much bone lately that I don't even notice it any more while I'm carving.

I do all the grinding work outside just because I know it stinks even though I've gotten used to it, and I don't want bone dust floating around indoors.

Sometimes when I slip on the same work hoodie the following day I'll get a good wiff of the dentists office and that usually prepares me for the stench that lies ahead,lol


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14 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

Ever try a wood burner on bone/horns?  Isn't what scrimshaw is ?

Never tried that before but I'll wait and see where this goes.

Since I still haven't completed my first piece, I don't want to get too far ahead of myself!

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Added some flames to the front fender today.

Was very close to grinding them off right from the start, but the more I played with them, the better they started looking to me.

End of the day I was pretty satisfied with how they turned out. Should look even better once I burn it and add some color....... I hope.



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All done! :imsohappy:

Just need to stain it.

I'm happy with it for my first. The squiggly scrolling was supposed to be a frame of barb wire but by this time, my bit was SHOT and melting it's way through the bone rather than cutting.

Gonna kick up the difficulty level a notch on the next one.



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If you have access to a laserjet printer ( public library may have one) you can search images in google ,print in black ink to size you want, tape to skull/bone with blue painters tape and use a heat transfer with an iron or use a cotton ball damp with acetone , rub back of paper with the edge of a nickel or similar tool and image should transfer perfectly to bone/skull.  We used to use this for Letterboxing (similar to geocaching but searching for hand carved images carved into a pink eraser like material)

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13 minutes ago, turkeyfeathers said:

If you have access to a laserjet printer ( public library may have one) you can search images in google ,print in black ink to size you want, tape to skull/bone with blue painters tape and use a heat transfer with an iron or use a cotton ball damp with acetone , rub back of paper with the edge of a nickel or similar tool and image should transfer perfectly to bone/skull.  We used to use this for Letterboxing (similar to geocaching but searching for hand carved images carved into a pink eraser like material)

Thanks guys!

I can't draw for chit, but once I start seeing things in 3D, shapes start fitting together at different depths if that makes any sense.

No laser printers here, but my plan is to incorporate some of my photography stuff into this stuff as I get some more experience and learn some new techniques. Obviously this was just a simple trial project to see how things worked and to see if I could get the hang of it. Now I want to know how to do it all, and I want to know now,lol

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