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Does anyone else do the DEC bow survey?


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Just wondering if anyone else does the DEC bow hunting survey?  I got one in the mail one year and have done it every year for the last 3.  I think its pretty interesting to look back at the end of the year and see how many deer i have seen in each area, the times etc.  It asks for how many deer did you see, how many bucks/does, bear, yotes, etc...  and the unit area and the time of day.  I have always wondered if they use this info towards the deer count?  cause if so this would cert skew the numbers since a lot of times see the same deer just on different days/sits. Last year saw 52 deer during bow season , the year before 76.  

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I did it on long island for about 20yrs. I'm not sure if they still give out the patches every 5yrs. ,but I always thought it was fun to get them. If I remember correctly they use it as an average there's a lot of faults with it like you already mentioned seeing the same deer,some guys I know count every deer they see know matter where it is[roadside] and if you kill it they count it but have know idea it's gone.

all in all it's a fun survey I don't hunt long island enough to do it anymore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I completed the survey last bow season for the first time.  I enjoyed logging the different types of animals I saw during sits, and recapping the day at the end of the hunt usually provided me with some additional reflection that I found beneficial. 

As an example, remembering which path the deer walked and pairing that info with the weather, mast supply, and wind direction enabled me to hunt better and more precise (hopefully) locations during the next sit.  The survey, which I filled out when I arrived back home, was a good prompt for that reflection.

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On 8/2/2017 at 5:49 AM, Robhuntandfish said:

.....  I have always wondered if they use this info towards the deer count?  cause if so this would cert skew the numbers since a lot of times see the same deer just on different days/sits. Last year saw 52 deer during bow season , the year before 76....

Exactly why I quit doing the survey! Not sure how DEC interprets the hunter reporting a sightings number, when in reality was seeing same deer numerous times in same location. IRC, location of reported sightings is pretty vague. Maybe the DEC's mysterious fudge-factor is being applied!?! Started keep a journal with whatever info might think is pertinent, ie; weather conditions, wind direction, specific sighting details (time, travel direction, deer ID if possible, demeanor, etc) and any anecdotes. Something I like to review during the cold, snowy winter months for possible future use.

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From DEC's website:

"The New York Bowhunter Sighting Log is designed to provide information on long-term population trends for selected wildlife species. The log was started on an experimental basis in several areas of the state in 1995 and expanded to cover the entire state in the fall 1998. These type of data are collected by New York and a number of other states as an index of wildlife populations. As data accumulate, we are better able to track population changes and improve our ability to make management decisions for a variety of species"


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have done it each of the last three years.  They send it to me in the mail every year.  I always keep a copy before i send back , its interesting to look back on what you saw and where in the season.  I do wish it was split a little different - cause you cant report more than one location in a day.  And I often hunt one spot in the am and a different one in the pm.  

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