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In English ? Transportation of deer by other than shooter


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If someone other than the taker is transporting the deer, an additional tag supplied by the taker bearing the names and addresses of the consignee and taker must be attached to the carcass (direct from Regs)

So I'm assuming "additional tag" is something written down on say an index card or such? An then attached ?   I ask as daughter will be hunting a few mornings with me come gun season and then Mrs. TF drives down and picks her up for ballet and i'll continue to hunt and bring her deer (if she gets one) home with me. Ran through a DEC mandatory check on opening day last year and guessing they'll be set another time or two this year. And to be honest I always forget to write down "harvest and info" on actual license that day. I fill out regular tag perfect and then when reporting on line I  go "oh crap ,I forgot again"


I emailed DEC for their explanation but curious to what you guys/gals( notice how I do the 'gals" too for grow and paula) think on what they mean   

Thanks in advance

Edited by turkeyfeathers
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Ive done the 3x5 card before. I Moho give TF permission to transport my deer from camp to home yada yada yada. That was before you could sign tags over to people. Couldn’t she just sign her tag over to you and be on the up and up?

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7 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

Ive done the 3x5 card before. I Moho give TF permission to transport my deer from camp to home yada yada yada. That was before you could sign tags over to people. Couldn’t she just sign her tag over to you and be on the up and up?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Never thought about her signing one over "but" tag legally is supposed to be signed over before the kill . And if it's a buck no signing over like a DMP

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we use to just write it on a piece of paper...never attached to the deer...they all had their tags and would be piled into the back of the truck for me to take home while the guys hunted more...I hated it, no one ate the deer and I was stuck processing all of them...I finally put my foot down you shoot it you take it period.

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3 minutes ago, Larry said:

the only tags that can be singed over are DMP's no other tags can be singed over.

I'm aware of that. And DMP legally has to be signed over before actual hunting with it. Written down on your license as a transfer listing you have another tag. 

Before my time but what were party permits exactly ? 

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16 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

I'm aware of that. And DMP legally has to be signed over before actual hunting with it. Written down on your license as a transfer listing you have another tag. 

Before my time but what were party permits exactly ? 

Party permits would have more then one persons name on the tag. So who ever was on the tag could fill the tag.

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A few years ago I pulled into the processor in Kennedy with a truck full of deer from all the guys at camp. There were two DEC officers sitting out front in their car, I was ready to pay a jillion in fines and possibly do some time. But they never even got out of the car. Since then I've just gotten a scrawled note from the hunter if I have to transport

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