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I'm dying...


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Hey thanks again for all the support. I gotta admit, today it seemed a little easier than the last few days once I got busy. The hardest part was stopping at the gas station today and not buying a pack just because that's what I've always done. Pretty sure I know how that would have ended. :B)

So it looks like I'm going on 4 full days and starting day 5 in the morning. Much better than I thought I'd be doing at this point. My biggest problem now I think is that I just miss smoking as the cravings have subsided quite a bit. It is a pretty good feeling to take such steps towards kicking the habit but I could probably kill a pack in 2 hours if I had it right now,lol.

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My old man smoked two packs of Camel no filters and quit cold turkey. But had to have lifesavers in every pocket. So gum, straw or lifesavers will work ,hang in there Wolly we need more of your wonderful pictures.


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Now it's all brain power.

Uh-ohhh....now I'm screwed,lol. ???

Today is going surprisingly well.

I didn't even think about a ciggy untill you guys mentioned it! :B);)

So far, feeling pretty darn content to just eat this morning.

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When you get the urg for one, go and do something productive where your not thinking about it. Helps alot. But like they said, Take it day by day. dont think of it as, oh i havent had one in 2 days. think of it as, i havent had one today and dont need one...

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I used to smoke 2-packs a day until I caught my Son trying to smoke at age 12, I quit cold turkey this was back in 1975. I have not had a smoke since then, and no one in my family smokes. You have to do it one day at a time. Good luck I know you can do it. :)

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  • 3 months later...

I recently tried to quit. Been smoking since I was about 10yo and now am 47. I recently went 4 days without a smoke. But when I went for a weekend trip to the cabin,...well,the beer made me do it! LOL Tried the patch once....made it for 2 weeks...till I visited the local pub,that was it. SOOOOO......my worst enemy is beer/whiskey and smokes. No,I won't quit drinking for the sake of smoking. I am going to give it another shot though,and try harder this time.My breathing seems fine to my Dr. but he don't hear me in the morning when I get up.Big difference.I know I need to quit,I spend about $200-$300/mos on the damn things and see no good from it. Nasty habit is all it is. Hope you faired well Wooly.

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You just really have to want to quit. You can say it over and over and try and convince yourself, but if you dont truly want to stop, you wont. Took me a whole bunch of trys, but I have finally been smoke free for over 2 years and running. Best thing I ever did. I drink form time to time socially and never have a craving. I am 100% repulsed by the smell anymore.

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