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Thats about as good as the one in the lancaser bee years ago:, A new development went in next to my family's farm. I can't remember the exact phrasing but it was very close to this:    What is the town going to do about all these frogs making noise in the creek behind my house? There are so many i cant sleep at night. I payed good money for my house for the prestige of living in lancaster and a good amount for my taxes as well, this problem should be addressed quickly!

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Could be real, but TONS of folks,write post and send things like this in order to stir things up,cause trouble, be funny but mainly to see how many fall for it.

I know one guy who posts on forums one or two sentences just to delite in the paragraphs and amount of research folks will do to "prove" him wrong.

As they say , don't feed the trolls.....

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Thats why i moved far from lancaster... i even got a phone call there one sunday morning demanding that i buy this person a new hose as "my"fox and its kits chewed up their hose that morning. Honestly this happened.... i was dumbfounded for a miniute before i could respond.

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Thats about as good as the one in the lancaser bee years ago:, A new development went in next to my family's farm. I can't remember the exact phrasing but it was very close to this:    What is the town going to do about all these frogs making noise in the creek behind my house? There are so many i cant sleep at night. I payed good money for my house for the prestige of living in lancaster and a good amount for my taxes as well, this problem should be addressed quickly!

Someone should have told this woman thet the frogs will eventually "croak" !

I know of folks that had homes built in Williamson near Spencer Speedway . They have the gall to complain about the noise coming from the track . Why did they build near a race track ? Duh !!!!

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The problem is  these people vote, and the politicians listen to them if they make up a majority.  That is how some of these wackey laws get through.  We as  bowhunters, gun hunters, and just plain lovers of nature have to stand tall and stay united.  Keep informed, and thank you to the people who created Hunting New York forum, and sites like this one , so we may continue our rights to do what we have done in the past, and for our children in the future.

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