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Giant, toxic hogweed


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A couple of years ago, I saw some of it growing along the East Lake Road along Canadice Lake. I haven't seen it since. Back then there was no one to call that I was aware of. I understand it's some pretty nasty stuff.

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Thanks for this post I have never heard of this stuf before until I read it.  I was setting up trail cameras and I found a bunch of plants that look pretty darn close to this stuff behind my house.  Took a bunch of pictures and will be calling the hotline.  Some of these things have to be 10 feet tall.  There is just enough detail on the plants to make me wonder if it is a hogweed and then theres just enough to make me think it is.  The leafs are not as broad as they are on DEC's pictures but everything else seems to look the same.    Will let you guys know the outcome.  I live on the Salmon River to boot and its within 30 yards of the river bank.  Keep ya posted.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guy that works for me just found two more patches of Hogweed. One small one at a persons home we work with and another along a stream in Catt co. 150+ plants. Owner tried to take care of it himself and ended up with burns all over.

If you see this stuff i highly recommend staying away. If you get the sap in your eyes it can blind you and the blisters can persist for over a year in some cases.

If you find it (especially now) you will know it.

6-8-10+ feet tall with purple blotches on the stem and huge leaves. Its going to seed right now and the seed heads will be as big around as dinner plates. If you end up with this on your property the seed can persist for years so you might have to be eradicated multiple times.

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We had one plant growing in our front landscaping this spring behind a shrub.  We found it in our spring cleanup, and it was already 18-24 inches tall.  I covered myself from head to toe, covered it with a large garbage bag, pulled it out by the roots, wrapped up the garbage bag, and disposed of it in the trash.  We don’t have any clear definitions of how to deal with this in Madison County.

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What I have here is called cow parsnip.  Looks very similar to hog weed but the top of the plant where the seeds are are a bit different.  Cow parsnip from what dec said is more common and it will cause skin irritations to certain people.  Glad it is cow parsnip and not hogweed. 

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What I have here is called cow parsnip.  Looks very similar to hog weed but the top of the plant where the seeds are are a bit different.  Cow parsnip from what dec said is more common and it will cause skin irritations to certain people.  Glad it is cow parsnip and not hogweed.

Cow parsnip is probably the most common mix up for hogweed.

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