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So New York State under the leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo says tobacco smoking is unhealthy, but smoking the marijuana plant that additionally intoxicates is acceptable?  Yes, acceptable if Governor Cuomo wants it legalized marijuana.  Cuomo’s the leader that wants the mind altering and cardio/pulmonary system damaging drug marijuana legalized.


So New York State spent about $10 million dollars (see paragraph two) a year to warn people NOT to smoke tobacco.  Governor Cuomo apparently finds smoking marijuana acceptable by his legalization of this plant to “smoke”?  How many millions will New York State spend to tell people NOT to smoke marijuana because it is unhealthy once it enables so many more people to use this drug without legal consequences?



So how much more will the sober working class need to donate to support drug addicts?


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  On 12/31/2018 at 3:11 AM, ADK Native said:


So New York State under the leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo says tobacco smoking is unhealthy, but smoking the marijuana plant that additionally intoxicates is acceptable?  Yes, acceptable if Governor Cuomo wants it legalized marijuana.  Cuomo’s the leader that wants the mind altering and cardio/pulmonary system damaging drug marijuana legalized.


So New York State spent about $10 million dollars (see paragraph two) a year to warn people NOT to smoke tobacco.  Governor Cuomo apparently finds smoking marijuana acceptable by his legalization of this plant to “smoke”?  How many millions will New York State spend to tell people NOT to smoke marijuana because it is unhealthy once it enables so many more people to use this drug without legal consequences?



So how much more will the sober working class need to donate to support drug addicts?



you don't have to smoke marijuana. Right now it's medically legal in NY as a vapor, tablet or tincture. The effects of already legal alcohol are far worse than marijuana ever will be. It's also proven in studies that smoking once a week or less does not damage your lungs. Smoking a pack a day does. Not to mention the effects of pharmaceuticals that are legal that could be replaced by an organic plant. 

but keep your head buried in the sand.

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I really think that legalizing weed is a bad idea, and I ain't against the use of it. I just think making easier to get will be bad. Its already easy to come by, but lets make it acceptable?

The only reason its being lealized is for money, period. All the other reasons are BS.



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  On 1/2/2019 at 11:23 PM, Rattler said:

I've heard Colorado has a huge DUI problem since weed was legalized.


oh you've heard huh? Seems we should do away with booze first dont you think? 


  On 1/3/2019 at 12:15 AM, Just Lucky said:

I really think that legalizing weed is a bad idea, and I ain't against the use of it. I just think making easier to get will be bad. Its already easy to come by, but lets make it acceptable?

The only reason its being lealized is for money, period. All the other reasons are BS.




there are other reasons. It's proven to be a safer sleep aid and pain killer than some of the alternatives which is why it's already legal for medicinal purposes. Also, making it illegal to get puts good people in a bad spot. It supports organized crime and can ruin someones life for something as simple as smoking a plant, meanwhile the police should be focused on much more dangerous drugs like fentanyl, not weed.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 2:14 PM, fasteddie said:
Years ago it was stressed that Marijuana was a "Gateway Drug" . I take it that this is no longer true ? 
I have tried the reefer back in my college days. Never once did I decide hey let me go now try heroin. Worst thing I ever did was go eat a sandwich wearing latex gloves because I didn't want to leave fingerprints. Thought I was being stealthy and nobody would know who ate my sandwich

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  On 1/3/2019 at 2:14 PM, fasteddie said:

Years ago it was stressed that Marijuana was a "Gateway Drug" . I take it that this is no longer true ? 


i know that myself and circle of friends from college never did anything above and beyond. Those that I knew who did were certainly going down that road anyhow. With the abundance of prescription pills these days it wouldn't be surprising to me if a kid takes his first pain killer before he smokes a joint. And which would you rather have?

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  On 1/3/2019 at 2:04 PM, Belo said:

oh you've heard huh? Seems we should do away with booze first dont you think? 


there are other reasons. It's proven to be a safer sleep aid and pain killer than some of the alternatives which is why it's already legal for medicinal purposes. Also, making it illegal to get puts good people in a bad spot. It supports organized crime and can ruin someones life for something as simple as smoking a plant, meanwhile the police should be focused on much more dangerous drugs like fentanyl, not weed.


I dont think the police focus much on weed anyways. I am sure there maybe a few that do but not many.

I am sure its a sleep aid and may have other things it helps with. 

I just dont think it should be legal for recreational use. Again I am not against using but when legalized it will be abused more than it is now.

And the argument about booze, pills, ect doesn't work for me. 2 wrongs don't make a right, imo.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 2:04 PM, Belo said:

From your own link:

Overall, the number of fatalities involving positive tests for marijuana has nearly doubled since recreational legalization in 2014, from 75 that year to 125 in 2016 and 139 last year.

Colorado law specifies that drivers with five nanograms of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a milliliter of their blood can be prosecuted for driving under the influence of marijuana.

A striking finding in the new study was the death toll involving people driving around with a cocktail of drugs in their bodies. In one year, deaths where drivers tested positive for cannabis, any alcohol and other drugs tripled — from eight in 2016 to 25 last year.

“More concerning is why people are combining” marijuana, alcohol and other drugs, she said. “The combination is very concerning.”

Before fatal drug-related crashes, “drivers do tend to combine,” he said. “When you combine, it will amplify your impairment.”

It seems to me we need to recognize these substances are used by people to impair their abilities, especially when they combine everything they can get their hands on, to become as highly impaired as they can possibly get.  

NY currently wants to restrict your 2nd A rights as much as possible, restrict free speech with hate speech laws and sue people who's religious beliefs don't allow them to comply with PC demands.

NY wants people to think they have freedom because they can smoke pot, abort babies, marry a gay lover and refuse to comply with the police.  Basically, you're free to do whatever they let you do, none of which restricts the government's attempts to control you.  Actually, it enhances it's ability to do so.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 7:30 PM, Just Lucky said:

I dont think the police focus much on weed anyways. I am sure there maybe a few that do but not many.

I am sure its a sleep aid and may have other things it helps with. 

I just dont think it should be legal for recreational use. Again I am not against using but when legalized it will be abused more than it is now.

And the argument about booze, pills, ect doesn't work for me. 2 wrongs don't make a right, imo.


so if you're against it for the reason you mentioned, should we also bring prohibition back? Genuinely curious. 

  On 1/3/2019 at 8:58 PM, Rattler said:

From your own link:

Overall, the number of fatalities involving positive tests for marijuana has nearly doubled since recreational legalization in 2014, from 75 that year to 125 in 2016 and 139 last year.

Colorado law specifies that drivers with five nanograms of active tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in a milliliter of their blood can be prosecuted for driving under the influence of marijuana.

A striking finding in the new study was the death toll involving people driving around with a cocktail of drugs in their bodies. In one year, deaths where drivers tested positive for cannabis, any alcohol and other drugs tripled — from eight in 2016 to 25 last year.

“More concerning is why people are combining” marijuana, alcohol and other drugs, she said. “The combination is very concerning.”

Before fatal drug-related crashes, “drivers do tend to combine,” he said. “When you combine, it will amplify your impairment.”

It seems to me we need to recognize these substances are used by people to impair their abilities, especially when they combine everything they can get their hands on, to become as highly impaired as they can possibly get.  

NY currently wants to restrict your 2nd A rights as much as possible, restrict free speech with hate speech laws and sue people who's religious beliefs don't allow them to comply with PC demands.

NY wants people to think they have freedom because they can smoke pot, abort babies, marry a gay lover and refuse to comply with the police.  Basically, you're free to do whatever they let you do, none of which restricts the government's attempts to control you.  Actually, it enhances it's ability to do so.


you conveniently left out the part that testing positive for THC doesn't mean you were impaired as it can be in your system for 30 days.

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Belo, you ignore the fact it is currently unknown what effect even traces of THC in the bloodstream has on sobriety and focus, as well as it's possible amplification effect on other substances used when there is still THC in the blood stream.  More data needs to be examined and more research needs to be done, but legalization will happen first regardless.


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  On 1/3/2019 at 9:08 PM, Belo said:



I dont believe I have given a reason for why I feel it should stay illegal. Again I do not think the arguement about booze, pills, ect matters. I don't feel more legal drugs are a good thing for society thats my reasoning and only one.

I understand where your coming from and thats okay. Alot of my friends agree with you about legalizing it. But do not think for a second its being legalized for any other reason than tax dollars. If they give out permits for growing like they did for medicinal grow permits there will only be a few large companies that profit. And those companies will have lobbyists for sure to keep laws in their favor.

And when it is legalized will the government release all prisoners that were convicted of marijuana charges? Will they also expunge criminal records of such charges? I dont think so. I think the law will become stricter to protect those big companies. 

Drug czars protect there business at all costs.  It may become worse than it is already.


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  On 1/3/2019 at 3:49 AM, ADK Native said:

Marijuana sales in New York State will be highly regulated to ensure they get the money.  Sales outlets will be asking for identification, video taping those in the stores and credit card transactions can be traced.   The government will know the marijuana users.

So if the Federal government would have cause to deny a sale of a firearm due to marijuana use regardless if marijuana is legal or not, does anyone think Governor Cuomo will allow the sale because he will legalize marijuana?  I think NO.  And furthermore since it will be easier to identify users, laws can be passed to take away firearms already in possession.  Rational?  If your not eligible to purchase a new firearm, you cannot be qualified to keep the old ones..  


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  On 1/4/2019 at 12:13 AM, ADK Native said:
Marijuana sales in New York State will be highly regulated to ensure they get the money.  Sales outlets will be asking for identification, video taping those in the stores and credit card transactions can be traced.   The government will know the marijuana users.
So if the Federal government would have cause to deny a sale of a firearm due to marijuana use regardless if marijuana is legal or not, does anyone think Governor Cuomo will allow the sale because he will legalize marijuana?  I think NO.  And furthermore since it will be easier to identify users, laws can be passed to take away firearms already in possession.  Rational?  If your not eligible to purchase a new firearm, you cannot be qualified to keep the old ones..  

So how are they going to know who’s growing at home? Part of the legalization is to allow people to grow 6 plants at home as long as they own not rent. The government has no way of being 100% sure who smokes pot and they never will.
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After reading all the comments from the anti pot guys I just had to comment. Have any of you smoked weed before? The way some of you guys talk about it, you’d think we were talking about LSD here.

I’d bet most of you have closet stoners hidden all throughout your families and you don’t even know it. That’s because it’s not such a big deal. Weed doesn’t make you trip balls for hours on end. It levels you out, calms you down for a hour maybe two and then wears off. So many professional people use weed on a daily basis and most people have no clue.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 9:19 PM, greensider said:

This has nothing to do with health it's simply about taxing every penny he can from all of ny residents 


so what if it is? This isn't a new tax, lord knows we've had enough of those. This is a tax on something that is completely voluntary. Don't want to tax, don't buy it. Some states have allowed residents to grow a small number of plants as long as they don't sell and stay under a certain amount.

This years "how does your garden grow" thread could be fun haha.

  On 1/3/2019 at 9:20 PM, Rattler said:

Belo, you ignore the fact it is currently unknown what effect even traces of THC in the bloodstream has on sobriety and focus, as well as it's possible amplification effect on other substances used when there is still THC in the blood stream.  More data needs to be examined and more research needs to be done, but legalization will happen first regardless.



oh man this was a good laugh. People have been smoking weed for a long time my friend. I bet 80% of the members on this board have at least tried it, and I'll take a shot in the dark and say at least 40% used it with some regularity in their past or present. You might find this totally laughable, but I think you'd be surprised how many people smoke pot or at least did with some frequency in their past. Heck, I think you'd be surprised how many enjoy the fine china. Personally I'll never put anything in my body that could immediately kill me, or I could easily overdose on, but that's besides the point. 

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  On 1/3/2019 at 10:34 PM, Just Lucky said:

And when it is legalized will the government release all prisoners that were convicted of marijuana charges? Will they also expunge criminal records of such charges? I dont think so. I think the law will become stricter to protect those big companies. 

Drug czars protect there business at all costs.  It may become worse than it is already.



this is actually a pretty good discussion point. I believe California did, or is working on doing just that for those that were only caught with possession and not additional crimes related to selling etc.. Personally I struggle with the idea. On one hand we have overcrowded prisons full of violent offenders. Billy got caught for the 3rd time with an eighth be+cause that was his vice, is he really hurting anyone? And the answer is yes and no. He committed a crime, a crime he knew was illegal and did it anyhow, so why should he get a pass? He also gave money to most likely helped fund a larger organization that is doing things far worse than selling weed. And then again, he picked a flower bud that was growing in the ground, put it in a pipe and lit it on fire and breathed in the smoke. There's no processing of weed like there are other drugs. It's a flower that you pick and if it's legal now, why continue to punish that person? I go back and forth.

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  On 1/4/2019 at 1:51 PM, Belo said:
this is actually a pretty good discussion point. I believe California did, or is working on doing just that for those that were only caught with possession and not additional crimes related to selling etc.. Personally I struggle with the idea. On one hand we have overcrowded prisons full of violent offenders. Billy got caught for the 3rd time with an eighth be+cause that was his vice, is he really hurting anyone? And the answer is yes and no. He committed a crime, a crime he knew was illegal and did it anyhow, so why should he get a pass? He also gave money to most likely helped fund a larger organization that is doing things far worse than selling weed. And then again, he picked a flower bud that was growing in the ground, put it in a pipe and lit it on fire and breathed in the smoke. There's no processing of weed like there are other drugs. It's a flower that you pick and if it's legal now, why continue to punish that person? I go back and forth.

Albany county is already well on its way of expunging past weed offenses in anticipation of weed becoming legal here. That’s how I know it’s already a done deal. If Albany county DA is no longer going to prosecute under 2oz and toss current and past cases, in my eyes that’s blatant proof it’s gonna happen soon. Here’s a article with more details.

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  On 1/4/2019 at 1:43 PM, Belo said:

oh man this was a good laugh. People have been smoking weed for a long time my friend. I bet 80% of the members on this board have at least tried it, and I'll take a shot in the dark and say at least 40% used it with some regularity in their past or present. You might find this totally laughable, but I think you'd be surprised how many people smoke pot or at least did with some frequency in their past. Heck, I think you'd be surprised how many enjoy the fine china. Personally I'll never put anything in my body that could immediately kill me, or I could easily overdose on, but that's besides the point. 


I don't know about you, but I find it pretty easy to point out the people who've been smoking pot for many years.  I'm not surprised at all by how many people smoke it.  I'm surprised by how many don't think it has retarded their abilities to succeed in life.  Sure many are doing well, but who's to say they couldn't have been doing better?  Anyone who thinks smoking a lot of weed doesn't have any affect on your mental capacities, is smoking too much weed.

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  On 1/4/2019 at 6:06 PM, Rattler said:

I don't know about you, but I find it pretty easy to point out the people who've been smoking pot for many years.  I'm not surprised at all by how many people smoke it.  I'm surprised by how many don't think it has retarded their abilities to succeed in life.  Sure many are doing well, but who's to say they couldn't have been doing better?  Anyone who thinks smoking a lot of weed doesn't have any affect on your mental capacities, is smoking too much weed.


Yeah, there is a word for it.  "Stoned".  That's exactly what most of them look like to me.




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