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I work with a non hunting married lady that has a son I will be taking this gun seson. The entire family never hunted but this kid wants too, he's 14 and I'm looking forward to helping him learn.

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my son (13) started hunting w/ me recently, it's the best, lots of fun and great bonding. Also got him to join the site. My daughter is also very interested but has a few yrs to wait .

Although my son does like the video games he would never give up hunting to play.There are some pretty cool hunting games but it's not something I have time to waste on and besides I'd rather be out there doing the real thing.


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for me and my hubby(mike- ameritaz) we take out our 3 children with us when we go out hunting our oldest is 14 yrs old and our middle child is 7 1/2 yrs old and our 3 yr old daughter is into animals. Our 14 loves it cause this year he gets to use a gun besides his bow, and our 7 1/2 year old is counting down the years till he can use something to hunt he hopes that they will lower the age again we have not told him that they just lowered the age for bow to are 12 yet lol he still thinks it is 14 , our 3 yr old she gets all excited when we are out driving around and she sees deer or turkeys boy when she sees them you better find ear plugs cause she gets all excited and if we don't stop so she can see them she keeps her squeal until you do stop, and when we do take her out hunting we have a big pop up hut blind and love that cause the whole family can be all together, we also take the kids fishing and they love it and for our daughter we just keep the plastic fish that was on it when we got it don't want her to get hooked with the hook, glad our kids enjoy the hunting/fishing with us and not wanting to be home being on the computer or being couch potatoes like alot of kids I know, even to a few of our kids friends want to go out with us but they just want to watch that is all right now cause they don't have their license yet it is ok cause maybe their parents will let the kids take the coarse and get involved too.

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my 16 yr old loved to hunt with me.He got a buck before i did at 3 hrs in to his first hunt.But then he found girls.Last time i took him out he texted the whole time.He was the only 1 out of 6 that enjoyed the woods.My 11 yr son can't wait till next year.he sets stands with me and watches all the vidieos with me and is all about the woods and hunting.Lets hope it stays that way.At least he isn't into video games.Just sports.

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Got my daughter, who just turned 9 yesterday to go, and had to drag my step son out..... we saw a 4 point, maybe a 6, he was far away, now they are wound up tighter than ten day clocks and want to go tomorow. Maybe i broke the laziness, since the step is the one who saw the buck. i didnt shoot it, didnt know exactly what he was, and didnt want to piss off the in-laws.

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So here is my question....when have you brought your kids into the woods. I have a 3 yr old daughter that was crawling around my house blowing a grunt tube at 18 months. She like to pet my deer that is mounted and everyday when I drive her to school we look for deer and she asks a ton of questions....right no the kick we are on is that deer poop we found in the yard looks like black olives..it makes me laugh everytime she says it...anyway, she wants to go with me. When i was out las weekend my wife called me and she got on the phone...she told me i couldnt go hunting without her! (broke my heart). I have been telling her that when she is 5 she can come with me, but what have you all done? I figure that I can go to a nice place during bow season ans sit in a ground blind for about 45min to an hour and then we would be done...keep it short, keep them interested and get them hooked!!

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I think it's to hard for younger people to get into the sport it cost to much money for someone going to school and working.And you only have a month or so to hunt it makes for a hard sport to get into.A lot more easy to get on a x-box and kill something!!A lot of hunters i know were more less born into it!!Sucks but hey thats the way these days are going!!

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So here is my question....when have you brought your kids into the woods. I have a 3 yr old daughter that was crawling around my house blowing a grunt tube at 18 months. She like to pet my deer that is mounted and everyday when I drive her to school we look for deer and she asks a ton of questions....right no the kick we are on is that deer poop we found in the yard looks like black olives..it makes me laugh everytime she says it...anyway, she wants to go with me. When i was out las weekend my wife called me and she got on the phone...she told me i couldnt go hunting without her! (broke my heart). I have been telling her that when she is 5 she can come with me, but what have you all done? I figure that I can go to a nice place during bow season ans sit in a ground blind for about 45min to an hour and then we would be done...keep it short, keep them interested and get them hooked!!

I have a 5, 4, and 2 year old. I started my 5 year old last year with hour sits. First time out last year with my daughter i shot a little 7pt. I took her out earlier in the week for the first time this year and saw 3 doe and missed a little buck.Tomorrow i am going to take my 4 year old out for the first time.

Keep it short, let them do what they want (mine play with calls), and don't expect to see anything. When you do see something it completely turns the hunt around. I will quiz my girls about everything they see, birds, animals, plants.

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So here is my question....when have you brought your kids into the woods. I have a 3 yr old daughter that was crawling around my house blowing a grunt tube at 18 months. She like to pet my deer that is mounted and everyday when I drive her to school we look for deer and she asks a ton of questions....right no the kick we are on is that deer poop we found in the yard looks like black olives..it makes me laugh everytime she says it...anyway, she wants to go with me. When i was out las weekend my wife called me and she got on the phone...she told me i couldnt go hunting without her! (broke my heart). I have been telling her that when she is 5 she can come with me, but what have you all done? I figure that I can go to a nice place during bow season ans sit in a ground blind for about 45min to an hour and then we would be done...keep it short, keep them interested and get them hooked!!

My dad had me out in the woods at 1 year old when he would shoot a deer he would go up to the house grab me and sit me down next to it to watch him gut it out LOL I dont remember it at all but he tells me about it from time to time

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It is all on how you are raised. I didn't have a game station until I was 13 or 14. When I got it it was so cool then it got boring and back outside I went. My grandfather was into football big time, I played little league for two years it was fun but didn't have any interest. I wanted to be in the woods.

If I had kids they wouldn't get a game box until they were older and then I would still limit there time on it. We need to have a spine with our kids these days. Half the parents buy the play stations so they don't have to watch them. They can just sit them there and go about there business. I am glad to see that most of you are taking your kids out and it is awesome you will take their friends too I applaud you guys.

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Those of you starting your kids off at an early age are on the right track. I think taking them out to experience the thrill, letting them decide if it's right for them, is a great accomplishment . What about the kids that don't have the chance, gota feel sorry for them. My oldest son actually got me back into hunting after 20 years off. I took my youngest out when he was 12, and now when he's not working, can't keep him out of the field.. Doesn't even have time for a girl friend, lol. He's got that taste for big deer.

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i think the younger the better was in the woods with my dad at 3 , so was my son this spring when i called in a tom and my daughter 6 but we didn't see any thing that morning. i don't take them on hunts that will not be interesting / enjoyable for them tough. ie. don't take my boy out too chase pheasnts through tall grass but he will be out with me sitting for deer later in the season.

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So here is my question....when have you brought your kids into the woods. I have a 3 yr old daughter that was crawling around my house blowing a grunt tube at 18 months. She like to pet my deer that is mounted and everyday when I drive her to school we look for deer and she asks a ton of questions....right no the kick we are on is that deer poop we found in the yard looks like black olives..it makes me laugh everytime she says it...anyway, she wants to go with me. When i was out las weekend my wife called me and she got on the phone...she told me i couldnt go hunting without her! (broke my heart). I have been telling her that when she is 5 she can come with me, but what have you all done? I figure that I can go to a nice place during bow season ans sit in a ground blind for about 45min to an hour and then we would be done...keep it short, keep them interested and get them hooked!!

Ive had my daughter out in the woods since she was 4. I didnt try taking her on long hunts, maybe a couple of hours tops. Thats usually all that she could take at a time. I bought a hub style ground blind and thats what we usually go in. I let her bring a coloring book and some crayons, a couple of blankets and bought her her own grunt tube and some cheap binos. Over the last few years, she has been able to go out for longer sits and I started introducing still hunting and stalks to her last season. This year, she has been practicing going into my 2 person ladder stand with me. She has a safety vest and the whole 9. Make sure to get your kids some good, warm clothes to go out in, I bought my daughter a nice (and a little pricey) camo hunting jacket, a blaze hat and some camo gloves so that she feels even more into it. Last year, her and I started squirrel hunting together and we have continued the small game hunting this year. She loves everything about it, and Im pretty sure shes hooked.

One key has been not to force anything on her. If she doesnt feel like going out with me, I dont make her. She goes when she wants and that way she enjoys it more. I also offer up all aspects to her, from shed hunting in the winter, to simple walks in the spring, to scouting and hanging stands.

Its really up to the parent when they feel the time is right. 4 is when I felt she was ready to start going with me, before that I would just let her see and touch the deer I brought home, and answer all of the questions she asked (which was alot lol). If you feel your daughter is ready at 3, by all means, go for it. B)

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I've been really lucky in that both my daughters enjoy going in the woods with me. My oldest (10) has been with me when I've taken a couple nice deer and my youngest will be going out with me this year. Since they were young, the wife and I simply tell them no TV and no video games during the week. They never became "addicted." If they are bored, they ask to go in the car so we can go look for deer. They keep a running total of the number they spot. They enjoy the Dad time and I love spending time with them doing what I love. I hope it continues.


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i think the younger the better was in the woods with my dad at 3 , so was my son this spring when i called in a tom and my daughter 6 but we didn't see any thing that morning. i don't take them on hunts that will not be interesting / enjoyable for them tough. ie. don't take my boy out too chase pheasnts through tall grass but he will be out with me sitting for deer later in the season.

I agree I started going out at a very young age and I couldnt stop hunting now even if I wanted to lol... its in my blood.. I HAVE to go :)

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Thanks for the feedback guys....i have been telling her she can go when she is 5, although maybe we will go next year....we will have to see. We go hunting in the back yard, it's hysterical......!!

So today, my MIL ask me why i didn't go hunting this weekend and my daughter said he already got one. WOW say MIL...then my daughter asks me if he bit it? I said bit what? She goes...did he bite the gun when you shot him? Like fishing?? All i could do was laugh as I tried to explain that is was using the bow that she sees daddy use in the back yard during the summer. Of course that was followed by, where is your bow....?

I never thought it would be this tough to explain things to kids.........

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i took my oldest out last year when he was 3 for squirrels and he loved it. Today I planned an afternoon hunt in my treestand. (He is 4 now) He and his 3 year old brother were tugging at the heart this morning telling me how much they miss me and wanted to spend the whole day together. I couldn't think of a better way to spend a beautiful fall day with my boys. We headed out for an afternoon hunt in the pop up blind. They lasted about an hour in the blind before getting restless. We packed up and took a walk. I let them glass a large field for 30 minutes before heading home.

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My son started going hunting with me since he was 3. Loved to go hunting with me! Never passed up an opportunity! He is 16 now and discovered GIRLS! All his time is spent with his girlfriend(s)!

My daughter is 12 and has been going out with me since she was very young also. She just went out and sat in the stand with me last week. Loves to squirrel, turkey, and deer hunt with me. I do see her interest starting to fizzle out also, as she is spending a lot of time with friends and is approaching the teen years.

Don't get TOO excited about how the young ones show so much interest in hunting at such a young age. Once they hit the teen years and everything that comes with it, you might be disappointed. I never would have believed it myself, as much as my kids liked to go. All you can do is give them a good foundation and hope they get back into it later.

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All three of our kids have been hunting with me since they were five. The oldest lost interest when he was around 13 years old. The 12 year old has been bow hunting this year and loves it. My 10 year old daughter sits with me once a week. They both love being in the woods. Hopefully they will continue to participate in the outdoor sports throughout their lives.

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