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Our soldiers are Losers

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Appears to be fake news.

Why because he said it is, come on man. Anything that ever comes out against him is fake. Enough already.... wake up. He said it about John McCain on the campaign trail in 16. He said what kind of hero is he... he got captured.

Come on even former secretary of defense Mattis said he is a threat to national security. How many former members of his administration have to speak out against him before you guys wake up.

This is bigger than our guns and taxes and shit now. This could seriously be the best of democracy in America.

How is it ok for him to tell people to vote twice

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It's a BS story . Let the anonymous sources step forward . Even Bolton , who doesn't like Trump said it was bogus . 

As for the comments reported in The Atlantic article, Goldberg cites “three sources with direct knowledge of this event.” News outlets such as The Associated Press have been able to confirm some of The Atlantic’s reporting with other military officials, and Miles Taylor, a Republican Trump appointee who served as the chief of staff to the United States secretary of homeland security until he resigned after allegedly witnessing Trump offering pardons to those who implemented illegal immigration policies, said that he could confirm that Trump was angry about lowering the flags for McCain after his death:

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It's a BS story . Let the anonymous sources step forward . Even Bolton , who doesn't like Trump said it was bogus . 

The only thing BS is you erasing threads and locking threads that don’t fit your political agenda

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Look what I found, this anonymous story even comes with a artist rendition must be true thank you for making me look into his evil way punching a baby, but you know you lefties think it’s ok to kill them anyway so maybe not a deal breaker for you. Thanks for the laugh.

Your logic is retarded

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39 minutes ago, Chef said:

Your logic is retarded

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No your use of the word retarded takes away from what intelligence you may have. And I sure hope no one on this forum or that visit this forum has a mentally challenged family member as you refuse to stop using this word.

Edited by 9jNYstarkOH
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2 hours ago, Chef said:

As for the comments reported in The Atlantic article, Goldberg cites “three sources with direct knowledge of this event.” News outlets such as The Associated Press have been able to confirm some of The Atlantic’s reporting with other military officials, and Miles Taylor, a Republican Trump appointee who served as the chief of staff to the United States secretary of homeland security until he resigned after allegedly witnessing Trump offering pardons to those who implemented illegal immigration policies, said that he could confirm that Trump was angry about lowering the flags for McCain after his death:

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And how many " citing sources with direct knowledge " did we hear about during the Russian collusion bullchit for over 2 years. Oh remember Schiff saying more times than I can count " I have seen the evidence and its damning directly linking the President to Russia "   And in the end with Meuller's 28 mule team they couldn't find a shred of evidence .  Every single one of these bullchit stories have been proven false. But you keep sucking up the koolaid

Edited by SportsmanNH
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And how many " citing sources with direct knowledge " did we hear about during the Russian collusion bullchit for over 2 years. Oh remember Schiff saying more times than I can count " I have seen the evidence and its damning directly linking the President to Russia "   And in the end with Meuller's 28 mule team they couldn't find a shred of evidence .  Every single one of these bullchit stories have been proven false. But you keep sucking up the koolaid

Pal there are people who are in jail as a direct result of that investigation. So they couldn’t trace it all the way back to him. That being said member of his campaign were 100% involved. Are you really that blind..

It’s really sad to see 1930’s Germany repeat it self here and watch all who sheep who will some day just claim to be following orders..

Should we get some zyklon-B and fire up the crematoriums?

That’s the path you are headed down just friend..

Unless of course you think that was a Hoax too

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11 hours ago, Chef said:

The only thing BS is you erasing threads and locking threads that don’t fit your political agenda

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This thread doesn't fit my "political agenda" , yet here it is . I don't agree with you or versitile_Hunter plus a couple others on your politics and Trump hate but the threads are still here . Post away with your BS . When it starts to name calling , the threads get locked . Read WNYBuckhunters post on rules . 

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This thread doesn't fit my "political agenda" , yet here it is . I don't agree with you or versitile_Hunter plus a couple others on your politics and Trump hate but the threads are still here . Post away with your BS . When it starts to name calling , the threads get locked . Read WNYBuckhunters post on rules . 

Happy birthday bud! Glad i could get the blood pumping this morning

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I'll admit it was a horrible/crass statement Trump said about John McCain in 2016. Especially since he dodged the service due to bone spurs in his foot (allegedly). I never like "The Donald" and always viewed him as an egotistical asshole. With that being said.....Trump is STILL better than any candidate the democrats can come up with.

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I'll admit it was a horrible/crass statement Trump said about John McCain in 2016. Especially since he dodged the service due to bone spurs in his foot (allegedly). I never like "The Donald" and always viewed him as an egotistical asshole. With that being said.....Trump is STILL better than any candidate the democrats can come up with.

How is that sentiment even possible? It’s very obvious he could care less about that average American. At least with Biden, weather you agree with him or not I think you can agree his heart is in the right place.

That is more than can be said for Trump

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16 minutes ago, Chef said:

How is that sentiment even possible?

Because the election is not about just two individual people it is about party platform and agenda and what suits and stands for my lifestyle. I am not dumb enough to cut off my nose to spite my face and vote for the libtard agenda just because of Trumps bombastic remarks which do not affect me in any shape or form. 


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President Trump says and tweets a lot of stupid things but there is no way I would vote for Biden / Harris and their Socialist Party . If Biden wins , he would be in office for maybe 6 months before being sent to the Funny Farm and that whacko Harris would be in office and taking your guns ! Harris has a sketchy background and is way far left .

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41 minutes ago, Chef said:

How is that sentiment even possible? It’s very obvious he could care less about that average American. At least with Biden, weather you agree with him or not I think you can agree his heart is in the right place.

That is more than can be said for Trump

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His heart may be in the right place but his brain sure isn’t. 

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