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looks like democrats going to try and steal the election

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31 minutes ago, Chef said:

Libs are not against checking where the margin warrants it. They are against widespread delegitimization of our democratic process

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yea right that's why they  spread disinformation about Russia rigging  in the 2016 election for trump  and  tried to impeach him with no proof  and new it was bs from the start btw we have proof of that  .  most be  because   They are against widespread delegitimization of  the democratic process lol ,  you should watch the news more  from multiple sources more  often I think, seems like you don't from what you are saying here  . 

they  have hand written notes  from head of  CIA  saying they new Russia bs came from Clintons .  But yet they let it cloud trumps presidency for years.  

BREAKING: DNI Declassifies Handwritten Notes From John Brennan, 2016 CIA Referral On Clinton Campaign’s Collusion Operation

According to the declassified notes, Brennan and the U.S. intelligence community knew months prior to the 2016 election that the collusion smear was the result of a campaign operation hatched by the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

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6 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:

Also , I’ve heard that in some states , mail in ballots were sent to EVERYONE registered to vote In that state ,  whether you asked for one or not , wow 

yep and if you did not send it back they could have easily filled in for you and that's why the delay in counting in places like PA  probably   the dems needed to see how many un filled  ballots they could fill in to win  anyway that's why we need voter ID and mostly in person voting ,just to easy to cheat any other way . most countries  ban most mail in voting and pretty much all have voter ID laws 

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From Versatile Hunter
->You are reliant on electronic systems in many aspects of your life. This is not something new or odd. The voting procedure in NY allows for duplicate votes to give residents the opportunity to vote in person should they have any concerns about their mailed ballots  (ie. will it arrive on time?). Not only does the system catch duplicate ballots and, in these cases, accept only the in person vote, but there are other double and triple checking protocols in place to catch errors, should they arise. Concerns about people voting twice and getting to keep both votes are not actually real. They are part of Trump’s messaging campaign to save face and aim tostay relevant past January. Don’t let him fool you. 

Again, you characterize questioning the system or process as part of a “Trump messaging campaign “, why? I’m questioning the process because this election had an UNPRECEDENTED number of hand counted mail in ballots . Just because I’m questioning it doesn’t mean I’m believing it happened and , to me , questioning the system is healthy , vital and keeps our Republic strong in ensuring the integrity of the process . Nothing wrong with that right ? 
Also , you say that the system is designed to catch double votes so that it’s impossible to vote twice , at least in NY . How do you know ? Please see my comments with Chef in terms of the mail ins being hand counted . If they’re hand counting and not verifying , AND , not entering those ballots into a machine to check if the voter already voted , then there WILL BE A DOUBLE COUNT . Having said that , if they are , however , running them through a machine then maybe you’re right. Do you know the specifics as to how they’re counting the mail ins ? I don’t .  I’m not saying you’re wrong , but simply stating here what your told or What you’ve read makes you no more informed than me . 


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12 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:


A series of suggestive question that bring reality into question does more violence than actually stating your opinions directly. Don’t hide behind “soft suggestions” or “rhetorical questions.”  This is a common approach by uninformed right wingers who haven’t spent time thinking things through yet still feel their opinions have merit.

Oh, I also wanted to comment on this part of your post : “Uninformed  right wingers” ? That’s a bit of hyperbole don’t you think? And “don’t hide behind soft suggestions”? What does that even mean anyway? Please explain , What exactly am I hiding behind ?
Because my post wasn’t loaded with histrionics and insults towards the left  I guess? 

Like  I said before , Questioning the process is healthy IMHO and does not make one A “ right winger “ or  Trump devotee . If there truly was fraud in this election it behooves BOTH sides to call it out , correct it and ensure it never happens again ; that’s all I’m saying . 

Finally, “does more violence?” Wow, More hyperbole 
And how is that? 

 We’re Just having a discussion here Aren’t we and I think you’re taking  it way too seriously lol 

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Ok , let’s assume you’re right and only registered voters received mail-ins And, that further , the system would register your in person vote if you changed your mind and voted in person. But what about this : If , you submitted  you’re mail in AND voted in person and the machine registered your vote , the mail in’s are just counted by people en masse aren’t they ? Not machines , at least , that’s the impression I’ve had from the news . And , the people counting weren’t  being Overly thorough due to the sheer volume and time constraints , trying to get it all done as quick as possible , right ? Also , they’re not running those paper ballot through machines , they’re just counting 2 piles : Biden, Trump right? Then they put on a spreadsheet, download and submit , right ? So , due to this flawed process, Couldn’t they just count that ballot as valid too and, thus , give you 2 votes ? 

No the mail in’s are opened and sorted by people and then scanned through the same machine you used. A little education on the subject can clear a lot up

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how about this  just have universal voter ID laws and  in person voting .  No mail in ballots except for  military  overseas  or a very good excuse but only if you ask for it  and have ID.  with out that don't expect people to trust the outcome . for all we Know these mail in ballots are fakes made in china  who knows they fake everything else we make.

Very good excuse... what the hell do you call a global pandemic? Or let me guess you think that’s fake too

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17 minutes ago, Chef said:

No the mail in’s are opened and sorted by people and then scanned through the same machine you used. A little education on the subject can clear a lot up

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Maybe , I’m gonna see if I can research it . Ballots were counted differently in different states from what I understand though right ? That’s why there was such a big mess in PA and GA , MI etc. 

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Maybe , I’m gonna see if I can research it . Ballots were counted differently in different states from what I understand though right ? That’s why there was such a big mess in PA and GA , MI etc. 

No when the ballots were counted was different, some states counted mail in ballots as they came in others waited till all in person ballots were counted before they started. This then allowed trump
To cry fraud as mail in ballots where overwhelmingly for Biden and it’s what caused his late surges

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35 minutes ago, Chef said:

Very good excuse... what the hell do you call a global pandemic? Or let me guess you think that’s fake too

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you can go to the store and buy food many times a week  but you can't  go to a polling place  once every 2 or 4 years  ?

 covid19 is a bs excuse to rig election with mail ins  


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you can go to the store and buy food many times a week  but you can't  go to a polling place  once every 2 or 4 years  ?
 covid19 is a bs excuse to rig election with mail ins  

That is a retarded statement, there are plenty of people out there who don’t go to the store multiple times a week, also the store does not cause communities to gather en mass.

If that’s how you feel about COVID I think it’s best you wear no mask go to NYC and take as much public transportation you can for one week. Then maybe we won’t have to listen to your ridiculousness any more

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29 minutes ago, Northcountryman said:


Terrible analogy 

Then tossed in the rejected pile if it was a trump vote  because what's to stop them when they had no poll watchers in many of these places .the only safe way to vote is ID in person should be the law of the land  unless you have  a really good excuse .to lazy or high and  drunk to  go to a polling station is not one of them . 

 Those Who Cast The Votes Decide Nothing. Those Who Count The Votes, Decide Everything” 


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Then tossed in the rejected pile if it was a trump vote  because what's to stop them when they had no poll watchers in many of these places .the only safe way to vote is ID in person should be the law of the land  unless you have  a really good excuse .to lazy or high and  drunk to  go to a polling station is not one of them . 
 Those Who Cast The Votes Decide Nothing. Those Who Count The Votes, Decide Everything” 

That myth you are taking about in reference poll watchers has already been debunked... how by a layer for the Trump campaign admitting it right before his case got thrown out of court

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8 minutes ago, Chef said:

That is a retarded statement, there are plenty of people out there who don’t go to the store multiple times a week, also the store does not cause communities to gather en mass.

If that’s how you feel about COVID I think it’s best you wear no mask go to NYC and take as much public transportation you can for one week. Then maybe we won’t have to listen to your ridiculousness any more

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so they don't eat  go get gas or ever  leave the house 

joe biden says come on man  

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so they don't eat  go get gas or ever  leave the house 
joe biden says come on man  

I don’t eat out, I have groceries delivered, and I don’t need to go inside to pump gas now do I... keep your idiotic theory’s coming and I’ll continue to show you how dumb they are

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1 minute ago, Chef said:

That myth you are taking about in reference poll watchers has already been debunked... how by a layer for the Trump campaign admitting it right before his case got thrown out of court

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yea sure it is  and Epstein didn't have  a island 

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3 minutes ago, Chef said:

I don’t eat out, I have groceries delivered, and I don’t need to go inside to pump gas now do I... keep your idiotic theory’s coming and I’ll continue to show you how dumb they are

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yea sure you do and you hunt from your house  I suppose :rolleyes:    but its ok for the delivery guy to have to right  

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