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How would you hunt this section of land


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 I have not been back at this place for a few years only know where to park and its far away not going to be able to scout don't think, its  a  friends spot wants me to go with him there this year . should be a good time anyway . any ideas anyone ever  hunt  by  just map before ?



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Just like most lands, you need to know where the bedding and feeding areas are. Then try to set up in between them. That's as basic as you can get. Lots of variables to go with that. But not being able to scout at all and just looking at a map, makes it a crap shoot at best. 

But once you get in there, perhaps you'll find some fresh deer sign to set up on?

But just using what you gave us, I'd pick #4 as you have the creek bottom and a little bit of elevation. Deer like edges, always remember that. Looks like a bit of a pinch point there?

Good luck, hope you guys get one out of there!

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I’d try to hunt it during gun season right after a fresh snow. Find tracks and follow them. Walk slow and silent. 5-10 steps and stop and look. Ask buck master for some tips with this. Scout it while you hunt it. Get HuntStand. Make notes, take pics, drop pins on a map. Go there as much as possible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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