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Stateland /improving

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Funny how state land is "forever wild" (ADK)and should never have any trees cut. But we will cut trees to make new trails, keep existing trails and roads open. We will stop forest fires, even if naturaly occuring. So again how is that natural??? I feel something should be done to get some diversity in some of the forest deviod of life due to poor habitat... Or just close the entire park so only people who can hike a few miles can enjoy it, who cares about everyone else as long as it is quiet when I go hiking... We should close 87N due to the fact that someone might be hiking close to the road and might hear a truck... I debated clear cutting or controled burns , setting up food plots, planting apple trees and other assorted vegitation to help the deer and animal population but figured I would rather not get arrested for it. Hope you see the sarcasm.

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I would be absolutely shocked if the DEC ever gave the go-ahead to install food plots to an individual. There is pretty much a no-touch policy when it comes to state land. They have pretty much made it a policy that nothing can be cut, moved, stacked or in anyway disturbed or altered by casual users other than themselves or people assigned to work on their behalf. It really isn't even legal to clear out shooting lanes. So unless you could figure out a way to make a food plot without touching anything, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

On the other hand, it would be interesting if various sportsman's groups were to make a proper pitch to them about entering into some sort of coop program where they volunteered themselves as manpower for whatever habitat improvement projects the DEC may want to get involved in. Given the right "sales-pitch", maybe such outfits as rod & gun clubs might have more success along these lines than just individuals.

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No idea on the rules.....but wish NY would do it for us. In Pennsylvania, many parcels of state land have food plots that are maintained regulary by the state.

Whoa, whoa there Biz. NYS has much more important things to throw your money at, like paying the crap assed Buffalo Bills to stay here........

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I would have to agree with Doc on this one. I think it would be a cold day in hell before NY let you put a plot on state land. I got a warning ticket one time for picking a few mushrooms. So I would think digging up the ground would probably chafe there panties a bit. Not to mention it wouldn't really help anything just get a few more deer shot by someone else from all your hard work.

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No you can not do it, it would be jail time for you. I one time suggested that when they allow cutting of the red pine in North Pharsalia state game lands have the company cutting the pine have a requirement to plant food plots and not just leave all the tops so a hunter can not even walk thru the cut over areas. I was told no way, leaving the tops was nature way and not the DEC to add food plts was not being considered.

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  • 2 months later...

Got the next few day's off and going to see what kind of trash has piled up.Got my bag's and trash can's ready.Have to do some work on my ground blind. So let's see what crap theese fool's have left.It's sad the way people leave all this crap for other's to clean up.

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Got the next few day's off and going to see what kind of trash has piled up.Got my bag's and trash can's ready.Have to do some work on my ground blind. So let's see what crap theese fool's have left.It's sad the way people leave all this crap for other's to clean up.

That is great of you to pickup trash. I do the same when I am on state land or any land for that matter. Can't stand to see bottles and junk laying around.

As to food plots, I think it would cause wars between people hunting. I know you have the mindset of not worrying if others use it, but I can just imagine the fights that would occur.

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Just a thought & I've done this; if you know of any wild apple trees where you hunt state land, kill off any tent catipillar nests, get a long dead stick - it seriously helps. Want to do more - spike the drip zone on the same tree.

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Just a thought & I've done this; if you know of any wild apple trees where you hunt state land, kill off any tent catipillar nests, get a long dead stick - it seriously helps. Want to do more - spike the drip zone on the same tree.

I have located several apple tree's.I am going to watch this area more than the swamp area that I have been hunting in.Swamp's have been productive however not so much in early seasons.Back to picking up trash what scum use this land,I have removed 3 trash can's plus of just GARBAGE this past weekend.There is nothing that pisses me off more than dirtbagg's leaving this crap.What happened to the carry in carry out rule,I know the DEC watches these area so why is this happing.
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Sounds like a great idea, but knowing NYS.. Its probably illegal to take a piss on state land, so i doubt theyd go for it

I wonder if I COULD SET UP CAM'S TO CATCH THE ONE'S DOING/DUMPING.Would this be legal.
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  • 2 weeks later...

IN the area here, a local farmer plants either alfalfa or corn on a piece of state land. They have to leave a certain amount every year for feed. So I guess in a way it is a food plot. I would contact the DEC to make sure.

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