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New York Crossbow Hunters..

sits in trees

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To those of you who have stated only handicap/physically disabled should be allowed to use crossbows with a certification. Why? Why make it more challenging for a person who is already challenged to go hunting? Everyone able can just walk in to a sporting goods store and get a license to hunt. It is a discrimination to force someone to go through a proccess to do what anyone else can just do. Making crossbow legal would just give them the same convienience.

Why are crossbows so evil in the minds of some bow hunters. Is there really an evil element to the crossbow? Or are these bow hunters just elitists who do not like sharing the woods and resources of the state. This is a country built on the freedom of choice. To limit a choice is unamerican as it gets. If you do not wish to share the woods with others move to a communist or facist coutry.

I am an American, a Veteran and a Citizen of the United States of America. I fought for freedom and I vote for freedom. Let New Yorkers have the freedom to hunt with crossbows.

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They are either archery equipment (and should be allowed for all in bow season) or they are not.

Allowing non archery equipment to be used by some in the bow season could be used as justification to allow other non archery (guns) tools in the bow season as well.

This recurve hunter supports full inclusion of all bows at this point.

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  On 3/11/2012 at 10:13 AM, sweet old bill said:

I must just be a bad guy as I do not concur with you..wave the flag when reason does not work for your way....Phillygunns

aint you the commie that doesnt like free markets from that other site, LOL only kiddin Bill. the truth is something as simple as being able to use a crossbow was a right we had here years ago. my dad hunted with a crossbow way back before they deemed them illegal in NY state. if it was within reason people didnt make a huge fuss out of it the way they do about every damn little thing today. man its like you have to form an organization and lobby lawmakers to change your socks today, and its because of people like you Bill, and Doc and countless others who work real hard to keep people from doing what they wanna do even if it is within reason, and hunting with a crossbow during bow season is certainly within reason. when groups form to get hunters using firearms during bow season to kill deer i will be the first to join up with you to stop it because that is "not within reason"...
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Hey guys the writing is on the wall. Whether you’re for or against cross-bows sooner rather than later they will be included in the archery season, in one form or another. Whether that is in the form of limited use by old hunters and handicapped hunters or an anyone can use one.

Like it or not what we should be doing he is debating is how to go forward from here instead of whether or not it’s going to happen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

NYCC has successfully incorporated which means we are now going to begin accepting regular memberships. We are offering a $20 annual membership which allows you to vote, have input in the organizations business, hold an office, and will receive all important correspondence by mail if no email is provided. We are also offering an Associate Membership at no charge which allows NYCC to count you on our membership rolls to show the support for crossbow use. Associate members may not vote, hold office and will only receive correspondence via email if available.

You can download the membership application at the link below or from the link at nycrossbowcoalition.com, fill out the application and mail it to the address on the application along with your payment if applicable.



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You read some of these posts,and people act like if they make crossbows legal for archery season they have to use a crossbow and give up there compound,longbow or recurve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Still your choice what type of bow you want to use,nobody is forcing you to use a crossbow.......Just like with a gun,you can choose what caliber you want to pursue whitetails... It's Your Choice!!!!!!!!! I'm a diehard bowhunter and i see no reason not to allow crossbows in this state............ are numbers are dewindling every year.... But lets keep fighting amongst ourselves and will do what anti's have been trying to do!!!!!!!!! Put a end to our priveledge to hunt in the State of New York.... New York Bowhunters Association says it represents all bowhunters...NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!Just for the record,I'll stick to my compound!!!!! it's my choice..... B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m with you I’m not going to give up my bow for a cross-bow.

One thing though if someone chooses to use a cross-bow, and has put forth the argument that a cross-bow is archery equipment. They should have to take the bow hunters course to use it in the bow season.


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again cross bows will not be taught in archery. It is being taught in the gun course when it is being started as of right now. That may change in the future, but I doubt it. The reason is it is tough enough to get into a bow course now as there are less instructors, and the demand would go through the roof, and everyone will be complaining they can not use them. This is the exact path taken years ago when muzzle loaders became popular. The original plan was a course just for mlers. When they could not get adequate numbers of instructors, which I planned to do, they incorporated it into the gun course and dropped the special class. The name of the game is numbers and to get the numbers up they will do it the way they are.

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I totally agree it should be, but, I am telling you it isn't going ti happen. As instructors we have been told the way it is going to be. Unfortunately it is the reality of it. It is not going to change.

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  On 4/6/2012 at 1:49 PM, BigTomsCalls said:

It won't be taught in the archery course because the archery instructor won't teach it.

I believe the Instructors are required to teach what is in the Curriculum . I think Bubba covered this before but I may be wrong ( again ) .

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  On 4/6/2012 at 2:00 PM, fasteddie said:

I believe the Instructors are required to teach what is in the Curriculum . I think Bubba covered this before but I may be wrong ( again ) .

No your right on both accounts, but as I stated before alot of the instructors don't concider the cross bow to be archery and said that they would give up the certifacate if made to teach it. As bubba just stated there are not enough archery instructors now so the state can hardly afford to lose any.

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  On 4/6/2012 at 2:27 PM, Culvercreek hunt club said:

Big Tom---Then don't specifically address the crossbow. they dont talk about every type of gun in the hunter safety course. simple teach the bow course and require it for the use of a crossbow.

I think it should be specifically addressed for safety reasons alone.

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BigTom doesnt know what hes talking about, and he just thinks that he speaks for anyone other than himself and maybe 1 or 2 instructors he might know. Weve already established that a while back. The bottom line is, the instructors will teach what NY tells them to teach, and alot of the talkers will eat their crow and teach like they are told to. I have a feeling BigTom is just another NYB member thumping his chest in protest of the inevitable.

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