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Developing Pics From SD Card & IPhone?


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Seems I’ve asked this question in the past but, if you had some important pictures to get printed and didn’t want to use an online site or drugstore, who would you use?

I’m in the Buffalo area so local suggestions appreciated.  TIA

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If you want high quality, I'd go to a photography shop. They will have the right gear ( software ) to make the prints look clear no matter what size you want. It will cost more, but it's the best route if the pictures are of sentimental value.


My wife used to use Snapfish and had mixed results. If we didn't have anything printed over 8x10 they looked fine, but we do poster type montages of trips we go on and it was always hit or miss. So she stopped using them and now uses Walmart and we haven't had any problems for the past year or so ( knock on wood ).

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1 hour ago, Lawdwaz said:

This is a one off deal and I’m going to print at least 5x7.   

Ive had plenty of frustrations printing at the local drug stores and doubt Walmart will be much better but will consider them.  

do it online thru Walmart. Really easy to do can transfer pics right from the card or a file then they will mail to you.  Pics were like .25 cents 

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Walgreens has done a good job consistently. Not sure if you've tried that drug store.

Otherwise, I'd look up local photo experts as noted - they'll use higher end paper, too. But you'll pay a premium for it.

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Thanks guys.  I went to the local Walgreens after supper to get them printed.  I was surprised when I nonchalantly asked the tech (he was horrible) how much for 5x7 prints....$3.00 EACH  Holy undies!

4x6 were ONLY $.39 LOL   I politely thanked him and headed back home and fired up this computer.  Walmart Online is only $.09 each for the 4x6 prints so that'll do for now.  They should be here next Tuesday.

Thanks for the input.

PS I've printed hundreds and hundreds at the drug stores digitally but never did it online.  I've was disappointed with Rite Aid last fall so wanted another option.  If this doesn't work out, next go round I'll try a local place called Delaware Camera Mart.

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Just now, Dinsdale said:

Printing can be all over the place for decent color at drugstores, cvs is the worst.

Try Campos on Niagara falls Blvd at Sheridan dr. bet they'd have good equipment if you wanted high quality if the pics,are important, but not cheap.


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