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Upstate NY woman kills her young daughter, her father and then kills herself


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Just a couple of comments

First of all, what kind of a wacked out maniac does it take to use a shotgun on another person, especially family members? We all know what a messy and grotesque wound a shotgun makes, and pretty much represents a form of excessive, intentional, "overkill".

Second, it is interesting to know what a wonderful job the NYS pistol permitting system does as far as denying these kinds of wackos permits to carry a pistol. They stated that both had received pistol permits this past September. If the permit system does not detect this kind of mentally deficient applicant, then what good is the system. Yes, it was a shotgun used, and there is no permitting system for long-guns, but my point is that requiring extensive background checks and jumping through hoops to obtain a pistol permit is supposed to weed out the insane. Worked pretty well in this case didn't it?

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So how is the pistol permit system supposed to weed out the insane? The only background check that is done is criminal. Being insane is not illegal. There is no system in place to stop it. That is why a person who has been or is being treated for a mental illness can walk into a gun shop lie on a form and get a gun.

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This is a shame for sure, poor family, and mom should have seeked help. Hard to judge with out all the information but apparently the handgun was irrelevant. Added to the story for sensationalism but brings up a good point. The criminals are not allowed yet the insane are. Even if they were stoped from owning a pistol permit this would have happened, apparently. So sad, bless his soul and may they rest in peace...

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So how is the pistol permit system supposed to weed out the insane? The only background check that is done is criminal. Being insane is not illegal. There is no system in place to stop it. That is why a person who has been or is being treated for a mental illness can walk into a gun shop lie on a form and get a gun.

And yet the proponents of pistol permits always point to the insane obtaining firearms as a good reason to expand the restrictions of the permitting system. I agree, there is no way to exclude the insane unless they are actively being treated for violent mental episodes or have some documented history of violent incidents. And yet gun control advocates use the insanity style killings as fuel for further gun controls. This incident shows that the permits will not deter gun murders by those who are wacko. That was my point.

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and your point was different by saying it didn't work. It didn't work because it can't work YET. Gun nuts will use anything they can. Also you were concerned she a shotgun to make your she was nuts point. Would you have felt better if she had used a handgun? Trust me Doc, a phychologist or psychiatrist you are not. Trying to use such silly points to stir up emotions just fuels the gun control nuts. Stick to whatever you do well because psychology isn't it.

Edited by bubba
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So how is the pistol permit system supposed to weed out the insane? The only background check that is done is criminal. Being insane is not illegal. There is no system in place to stop it. That is why a person who has been or is being treated for a mental illness can walk into a gun shop lie on a form and get a gun.

Actually, there is a way to stop an unstable person from getting a pistol permit. If someone that knows them knows they are applying for their permit, and has serious concerns, they can contact the Sherriff and talk to them.

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and your point was different by saying it didn't work. It didn't work because it can't work YET. Gun nuts will use anything they can. Also you were concerned she a shotgun to make your she was nuts point. Would you have felt better if she had used a handgun? Trust me Doc, a phychologist or psychiatrist you are not. Trying to use such silly points to stir up emotions just fuels the gun control nuts. Stick to whatever you do well because psychology isn't it.

As far as me being a psychologist or a psychiatrist, I never have claimed to be one and your whole discussion of those careers makes absolutely no sense and has no relevancy other than just a random pointless attack. But, I will point out that at least I do know how to spell those terms as opposed to some that claim to be loosely related to those fields ..... lol.

My reaction to the use of a shotgun, is because I have seen the mess that is made with a shotgun. It is extreme!

As far as how deficient the pistol permitting system is in terms of keeping guns out of the hands of the insane, this case points that out very nicely. In fact it would appear that the insane get a free pass from any kind of special attention in terms of gun control legislation. And yet let a post office worker go berserk or some deranged person camp out in a university tower sniping at people, or let someone step into a McDonalds and start spraying bullets around, and yes ..... let a mentally disturbed mother blow away her child and a house-guest with multiple shots from a shotgun, and you can expect another round of renewed calls for more gun ownership restrictions, generally aimed at the average Joe Gunowner.

Now, whether you like it or not, when these things happen, these are the natural kinds of thoughts that come to mind with anybody that has any kind of inquisitive mind. I simply stated what I was thinking. So if you feel that posting those opinions is reason enough to go on the attack mode ..... knock your socks off. Maybe you have a reason for taking those kinds of thoughts so personally....lol.

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Actually, there is a way to stop an unstable person from getting a pistol permit. If someone that knows them knows they are applying for their permit, and has serious concerns, they can contact the Sherriff and talk to them.

And when was the last time you heard of anyone doing so? And you better have something substantial, not just a notion.

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