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Garden 2022


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Gotta tell ya, not a fan of those blackened tomatoes. All I can think of is tomatoes with blight.

Tomatoes are supposed to be red or green only.

How they taste?

For reference I also cannot drink cold brew coffee cause coffee is supposed to be warm. Lol.

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They're great. Love the flavor but miss the red too!

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Thats enough gardening for this year

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The risks of planting near the house. Imagine how many spiders are inside! Remember every acre of land can easily hold 1 million spiders

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Well between  the drought... bugs and powdery mildew  virus, my garden is going down hill fast .I'm watering every night and the plants keep shrinking. Tomatoes are showing signs  of stress. Squash may last another  week or two. Cucumbers are coming on hard but the plants are showing alot of stress and bug damage.  I have sprayed 3 times but the flea Beatles and cucumber Beatles keep coming back.  I have watered more this year than ever before . Being  I'm on a well I  know I can't keep this up. Tempted to pull squash and cucumbers and concentrate on saving my tomatoes peppers and bruslesprouts. 

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Well between  the drought... bugs and powdery mildew  virus, my garden is going down hill fast .I'm watering every night and the plants keep shrinking. Tomatoes are showing signs  of stress. Squash may last another  week or two. Cucumbers are coming on hard but the plants are showing alot of stress and bug damage.  I have sprayed 3 times but the flea Beatles and cucumber Beatles keep coming back.  I have watered more this year than ever before . Being  I'm on a well I  know I can't keep this up. Tempted to pull squash and cucumbers and concentrate on saving my tomatoes peppers and bruslesprouts. 

I would say your problem here is the watering at night. It’s probably what’s causing the powdery mildew and with the extreme heat not getting the plants through the hot day. Spray the garden with neem oil and dematious earth and switch to watering first thing in the morning. You will be fine

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I never water daily. I do a deep water (45-60min) every 3 days if it doesn't rain. Sometimes morning, but lots of time I wait for shade around 5pm to water. it's still early enough that it's not right before dark but sun is blocked.


Not sure where are located, but its 98 degrees here in CT again today. I think deep watering a few times per week is better than daily.

Edited by BizCT
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I never water daily. I do a deep water (45-60min) every 3 days if it doesn't rain. Sometimes morning, but lots of time I wait for shade around 5pm to water. it's still early enough that it's not right before dark but sun is blocked.
Not sure where are located, but its 98 degrees here in CT again today. I think deep watering a few times per week is better than daily.
I have a couple of hanging flower baskets that are my "Canary in the mine". If they start drooping and need water I also water the garden. Most of the time it's every other day unless it rains then might be 3 days or so and give them a good soaking.

Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk

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