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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/14 in Posts
15 points
I have two grown daughters one 23 one 26. Both college educated (and indoctrinated) Well my youngest used to hunt with me and loved going to the range. Then she found boys and drank the koolaid after going to college. She got married in September. Yesterday she called me and asked what the process is to get a handgun permit. She also said she wants to dust off her guns and get out again to shoot and hunt. Then she went on about the 2nd amendment, but I will not go into that again. I guess two years of me preaching did wear off. She also told me she voted for the first time this year as did her new husband. This sounds like we live miles apart, but the truth is she lives across the street. With different work schedules, I rarely see her. I am looking forward to getting her back to the range as well as her getting a handgun permit and doing more hunting. I said to her that just solved something that I was concerned about. No one else in my family has a handgun permit. Now I know where mine will go in the future. Made me proud to see her want to take up the shooting and hunting sports again.11 points
Had this 8pt chasing does he slowed down enough for a perfect shot ran 40 yards and hit the dirt. Not bad for my first archery buck! Been a long season glad to end it on a good note!8 points
Shot this 4 pointer yesterday at 445. My first thought was it was a vital hit so tracking in the dark won't be too bad...boy was I wrong. I found the arrow about 15 ft into the woods that he ran into and snapped off around 6 inches from the tip of the broadhead. It had some bright red blood and hair. Good sign! I searched the woods for him until around 930 pm and finally had to call it a night when I found only 4 drops of blood. So I continued today in the morning and still after another 3 hours of searching I can only find 4 drops and I started to think I may have just wounded him. I started to do a grid search in small sections closest to the last blood drop and another hour and I found him. Turned out to be a double lung shot that stuck into the right shoulder and that's why the arrow didn't pass through and broke off when he ran. The arrow shaft pretty much plugged the entry and that's why the blood was so hard too find. First deer with a bow for my first bow season ever and I'm stoked it ended up not being a bad shot!8 points
7 points
7 points
I had one last hunt Tuesday morning. I only had until 9am because my wife had to go to work. I have not been seeing any deer movement this season until last Sunday. I am in 3m . A 3 inch spike came through at 6:30 and I just couldnt do it. Once he left I hit the estrus call and a buck came trotting in. I thought he was a 6, decided to take him. Ended up being a basket 8 point. A bad shot turned lucky when it hit his spine and he dropped. Needed a second arrow, but he expired inside 2 minutes. Got the whole kill on video with a smartphone mount on my bow! Pretty cool experience, I cant stop watching the video. If I can figure out how to post a video I will post it.7 points
Found my deer! 7 hours searching between last night and this morning but I finally found him.6 points
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4 points
Got this guy last week, forgot to post a picture. Bring your hand warmers tomorrow!4 points
4 points
Here is the flint arrowhead showing the impact fracture from breaking the rib bone.3 points
You didn't know you can't have an open container in a car? Lol, oh boy. Next time try using a coffee cup Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Sad part is all of us should be able to wear brown Carharts and still be safe, if everyone was doing as they should.3 points
shot this mature doe Saturday at 1pm, walking to the blind we see a small basket 6 bedded 40 yards away knock an arrow he takes off. get to my blind to see a spike and a 4 point sparring it out for about 5 mins while a doe sat there and watched. I spooked them away so I could get into my blind. not 30 minutes later this doe and another smaller one come into 20 yards to feed on a small food plot I have, waited for what seemed like an hour for her to turn broadside but she never did. took a shot as she was quartering toward me whack saw her jump and the arrow exit a little back, thought it was a good hit cuz she was wobbling and moving very slow. waited an hour and went to see what kind of blood and what arrow looked like, I had good blood on the arrow and ground. I tracked her about 50 yards from where I shot and kicked her up out of her bed she was moving super slow so I knew she wasn't going far, kicked her up a second time and this time I backed out to wait a little longer and get my bow. at 4 I went back in at the last place I kicked her up with my buddy, we walk about 30 yards to see her bedded on property line, had to knock another arrow and finish her off before I lost her for good, second arrow did the trick, turns out my first arrow hit a little far back and broke the hip upon exiting. first kill with the bow and I got a little doe fever can't wait to get out there and take down a buck now.3 points
3 points
Got this six pointer Saturday morning at 11am. Drove through the night from Long Island for a one-day hunt. Had a doe come right to me at 7:30, passed. Saw a few more deer in the distance around 9am; and a bunch of turkeys. Then, this guy came up the main trail headed toward the corn. If he turns left, he'll come right to me. He turns right. I let an arrow go and miss low- I guessed 30 yards, he was 36. He jumps into the hedge row and mills around for a few minutes. He then crosses the main trail and heads in my direction along a rub line I'm set up over. I knocked another arrow. He gives me a broadside chance at about 30 yards and I let it fly. Felt like a good shot. But, the deer doesn't react at all. He stood still for a few seconds. At this point, I'm confused. I was pretty sure I made a decent shot. He starts to turn back and head slowly down the ridge. I knock a third arrow and notice his rear end starts to dip a bit- not sure if he was gonna pee in a scrape or just tip over. He gives me a quartering away shot at 40 yards and I let the arrow fly. WHAM, the arrow sticks in the back shoulder and the deer jumps in the air. Waited a few minutes and tracked him about 75 yards and jump him- find a pool of blood and my second bloody arrow. Back out and wait another half hour, track another 75 yards and find him piled up. Best part was that he ran almost directly back to my truck. Never heard of a deer sticking around to take a second arrow. This was only my third time hunting my new land and I couldn't be more thrilled with the action so far. Turns out that the first arrow was a decent hit, just a few inches back. The second shot stuck in the back shoulder and was laying in the blood pool at the spot where I jumped him.3 points
Well archery season has come to a close for me. Tonight was my last bow hunt of the year. With a packed schedule between work and personal and knowing I was not going to get out again before leaving for camp Friday for the gun opener weekend. So I decided what ever presented the perfect opportunity I would take. It has been a long and slow archery season for me. Did not see a whole lot of deer and or action. My trail camera's said else wise hence the reason I was holding out till the end but just did not connect. Perhaps during the gun season. Either way he came in at 4:00pm giving me a perfect 15yd broadside shot. Drilled him through the heart ran about 60yds and expired. Nice little basket 8pt. Exciting hunt, no tracking, easy drag, freezer stocked, & a fine memory of the hunt what its all about. No trophy for the wall but a memorable one3 points
3 points
I took a nice plump doe this morning at 26 steps from the uprooted tree I was sitting against. I shot low thinking she may duck at the shot, but she never had time to react and I plugged her straight through the heart. As soon as I pulled the trigger, her side exploded in a cloud of red! She dropped in only 50yds after a the bolt passed completely through her. Sure wish we had some of yesterdays snow left for dragging today, but at least I wasn't freezing my nuts off,lol3 points
Hi all i've taken a few bears the last one about 15 years ago. In that time I've passed up some 20 bear waiting on a real big one with the white V chest. Well on 11/9/14 i did almost that no white chest! Killed with a hybread arrow ( modern with Flint point ) a 142 grain side notch broke a rib in half on its way into the heart. 75 yds. Later I watched him take his last step. Dressed out at 550 lbs. and should place in the top three archery all time NY archery bears. How do you post pic's ?2 points
2 points
I was wondering if anyone else has a favorite or lucky song that has to be listened to before heading out to hunt on oprning day. Mine is Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits. The song has nothing to do with deer hunting but I have to hear it cranked up in my truck or on headphones before I head out. Been doing this for more than twenty years. I'm a guitar player too so maybe I am a little weird. lol.........2 points
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2 points
Is never over,just another page in the book ! I know what you mean though,I pretty much stopped last Wed. And I'm off work till Monday night. To much other stuff going on. My gun season can be somewhat like bow as we limit large tracks of land to few hunters,no walking,drives and so forth. Good luck!2 points
People here rarely tire of kicking this horse. Its one of the biggest issues facing NY in the hunting relm. I agree 100% with your statement. Voluntary is good, and recruitment of others into that voluntary mindset should happen through education, not forcing things down peoples throats. The farms I hunt are a good example, used to be a brown and down, drive the deer every day type of deal there. Most of the guys there have been thinking differently for a few years now. Most of the farms around us are as well. Last year, and so far this year, we only shot one buck that was not to the ears, and that was a youth's first deer. We have great deer showing up and everyone is happy. Why? Because we all CHOOSE to hunt the same way, nobody forced anything on us. We still do some drives in some areas, heck, they are alot of fun, and we put a good dent in the doe population that way. We have fun, we knock down some great deer, and we make lots of great memories.2 points
I agree with Philoshop I would give it one more look a lot of us have been in that position & it is good you feel the way you do it sucks to lose an animal & it should feel that way & that you learn from your mistakes. IMO if you dont feel bad after something like this & learn something from it you shouldn't be hunting. Again I would give it one last look even though it has rained & chances may seem slim Good Luck2 points
I don't have an answer for you, but let me give it a try: A crossbow is, by any conceivable description or definition an archery implement, yet there is no archery training or certification required. You are, however, required to sign a form that you print from the DEC's internet website attesting to the fact that you have read their rules and suggestions and are capable of using the implement. You are required to carry this signed propusk (russian term for regulatory form) whenever you are using the implement. You cannot use the archery implement during archery season, except for the last two weeks of that season, during which time you must have a valid muzzle-loader permit in order to use the archery implement during the portion of the archery season which has been designated for crossbow use. I hope this is getting clearer. Tagging a kill made with a crossbow will be the same as any other archery implement: early season archery (last two weeks only), regular season gun, or late season archery/muzzleloader, except that any kill made with a crossbow must be made while in possession of a valid muzzleloader permit but may be used when the muzzleloader tag is not valid. The people who think this stuff up seriously need to find something else to do. Sorry CvaBob, I don't have an answer to your question. Thanks for letting me rant a bit.2 points
Good luck man! Start scanning the sky's for any vultures or crow concentrations that may indicate a dead animal.2 points
2 points
I would call the finding Bigfoot people. I think you may have hair from a Bigfoots ass. you didn't find a big pile of crap or hear howling and grunting or some stinky pine cones. if you did then there you go what you have is a Bigfoot taking a dump and ripping the hair off his ass with the pine cones.2 points
There you go. Regulate them right the heck out of the sport if they aren't fanatical enough .... right? Hey that's another way to get bigger bucks to hang on our walls. Fewer hunters. That idea sounds like a winner. New game management concept ..... lol.2 points
Hopefully you will still honor this submission, sorry for the delay.2 points
Seems logical that anything that causes frustration and failure on the overwhelming portion of antlered deer will result in more bucks and older bucks. So the question gets to be, do you want regulations that frustrate hunters. How far do you want to go with mandating frustration? 2 points on a side? .... 3 points on a side .... 5 points on a side? Just keep upping the restrictions until even more hunters quit? To my way of thinking, a hunter who holds back on taking yearlings because it is their idea, probably is achieving older deer and also not being frustrated because the restriction is his own self imposed limitation. We really are getting regulation-happy these days. It seems to be everybody's answer to everything......Pass a law.2 points
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2 points
I think you should only be able to shoot young deer the half hour preceding sunrise and the half hour following sunset,only from a stand you place on the property line and right next to the neighbors stand. You must not wear any hunter orange,and must mark the blood trail with survey tape. There did I cover them all? AR restriction discussions generally go,south fast.... Now where I hunt in 8 several large farms,land owners all have self imposed AR ,it's seem to work well for us. I see more bigger bucks then before ,now we ve been doing it for idk 10 plus years and control miles of prime farm land. Sure there are some gaps in it and I'm sure a few guys get desperate and shoot a young one here and there. We have an annual meeting of hunters,last one we had 75 plus guys attend,seems to be catching on! Keep in mind few will kill a big buck each year even under our conditions .2 points
Actually NY has one of the better records - better than some states with mandatory BO. The original post is a condescending piece of crap.2 points
Harvested this Buck last Friday (11/7) in Steuben County. Got in the Stand around 5:30 a.m., it was 28 degrees and raining, it continued to rain til about 8 a.m. then it turned to snow. Had a couple smaller Bucks and some small deer pass by throughout the morning so I decided to stay in the stand til 11 a.m. At 11, let my Bow down and started packing up when I noticed this Buck coming straight at me. Quickly pulled my Bow up and nocked an arrow, by this time he was passing under my tree. He stopped at less than 10 yards, I drew and released my arrow. I heard a "whack" and off he bolted across the field. I watched him go into the neighbors woods about 200 yards away at a dead run, never slowing down. When I got down, I found that my arrow had snapped off with about 8" still in the deer. My buddy and I headed down and got some lunch, came back about 1 p.m. to the location where I saw the deer go in. We found a couple thumbnail size drops of blood and then we came to the property line. I called the neighbor and thankfully, he gave me permission to pursue. After another 100 yards of following minimal blood and scuff marks, the blood started spraying out! Another 50 yards or so and there he was piled up. Never found the arrow but, apparently when it dislodged it allowed the blood to come out. I hit him right behind the front shoulder and the broadhead appeared to hit the opposite side shoulder as there was no exit wound. I took him to the Butcher on Saturday and when I got back to Virginia on Sunday, I get a call from the Butcher informing me the deer must have been hit by a car recently because it was infected from front to back and was a total waste. Ugh...was looking forward to some Venison Tenderloin & Burger...and lots of it!2 points
Story Here..http://www.nyantler-outdoors.com/adirondack-muzzleloader-buck.html2 points
Went into this sit after a big 8 with a tall caramel rack which was to be my last sit for bow.... Saw 2 other bucks and a doe n 2 fawns ... Didn't see the big 8 n was about to call it quits n hit the can a few times , couple minutes later here he comes trottin to me nose to the ground trying to figure out where his girl is... Not the biggest I've seen from the stand but he'll do ... Been a tough bow season for me , saw a lot of deer but for one reason or another never came together... Hadn't gotten my usual doe this year so I'm happy to have some meat in the freezer! Big boys need watch out next Saturday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
Killed this deer in PA, not NY with a crossbow earlier this week. I switched over to crossbow here 10 years ago when they became legal. If this is NY only, I'll take the post down.2 points
Took this buck with my Carbon Express Crossbow Monday morning 3 November. It is my first cross bow deer. I initially resisted the move to a cross bow but felt I was an interesting piece of weaponry and liked what I heard about its reputation for clean kills. I hunted two very enjoyable days in the ADK's last week but Monday was my first day hunting in the Southern zone this year near our present home. Got my butt into the woods early in morning in spite of 15- 20 degree F chill factors, NW wind 12 -15. Climbed into my tree stand at 0630. Didn't see a thing, 1000 hours came and went with no sign of deer and I started thinking about coming out of the tree stand and heading down to the house to dig some potatoes for supper. But told myself " the deer could be moving this morning because it is cold, you lazy comfort loving son of gun, you are going to stay in this tree at least another hour!" At about 1030 I saw a medium sized doe moving coming toward the stand. She looks back over her shoulder. Suddenly a buck emerges! He is on her trail! He proceeds closer to the stand but is moving quickly. At 20 yards I made a "verbal buck grunt". He stops. I fire an arrow into his rib cage and hear a "thwack". The buck runs to the west and I see him slow down as he goes out of view. I wait 10 minutes and get out of my tree stand. I locate the arrow that I fired and determine it has passed completely through the animal. I believe the arrow took out both lungs. I walk to where I saw him last and find him there only about 35-40 yards from the shot. I said a prayer of thanks for the animal and the way it all went down so quickly for the deer.2 points
Aquired a new piece of land this year in 7S and did some scouting..Found a nice grove of Oak trees bearing acorns adjacent to thick cover in a transition from hardwoods to pines.I hunted it a few times without much action until Monday morning.The wind blew hard all weekend then finally monday it dawned calm and clear.Setup my climber with the wind in my face and set in..I had things to do back at the cabin and only intended to hunt till 9am. Well 9 am comes and I stand up and take the arrow off the Excalibur and put it in the quiver,,As i'm pulling up the rope I hear movement to my right and I see the back of a deer through the pines only about 15 yds away! I gently take the arrow back out of the quiver put it on the crossbow and flick off the safety. i got deer walking right to me along the logging road only 10 yds away.First in a range was a doe and a yearling..another doe..a small button buck...then a nice big doe bringing up the rear. I put the crosshairs on her and let it fly.I saw the lumenok make a perfect shot and she ran 20 yds and fell over..she got back up and stumbled and fell for good. Venison for the freezer!.now its time for some horns.. Excalibur Matrix 310 , Illum.Diablo arrow and Excalibur Boltcutter 150 grn fixed broadhead.2 points
1 point