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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/24 in all areas

  1. I'm going to say something and take it or leave it I think it pertains to what 4seasons is saying. I have been here since the beginning this site developed nicely. Things happened and people got crossed. So they left and now we have this place to ourselves and manage to be pretty civil and stay on topic. There is a wide range of topics in the Forums. Pretty much a place to post about anything. This maybe a personal thing but I don't like when a topic like "what's for dinner tonight" has some one posting all their meals at high end restaurants. I think a topic like that should relate to some type of game dinner. I really don't care if you ordered a 3 lbs lobsta (lol) in a fancy place. Show me the roast you smoked for 10 hrs! I'm using this as an example and you might think its petty. I guess in the end a Forum like this has to be open ended. You will get all types and have to deal with them. Like Doc said just don't respond or overlook it. Cranking down on it will shut people out. (yeah I know no new members). BTW heard Biz broke his leg mowing his lawn. He always ate at these fancy restaurants thought he would have lawn service! lol
    2 points
  2. Snapped a quick one through the window of my gun room this morning, the local birds out in the pasture scratching up some grub. Al
    1 point
  3. I love the board's now easy going atmosphere, I do not miss the cheap shots or name calling, personal attacks on certain members, and the trolls, you had a bunch of adults acting like pre teen girls at a pajama party! For me it is about quality content and sticking to the board's theme which for the most part should be hunting-outdoor related. Hundreds of garbage posts about everything but!, those mean little to me. I think it is running great now! Al
    1 point
  4. Also I learned a few things non hunting from a few guys and it came in handy after buying a house I feel if I stop posting I will get picked out again. Lol
    1 point
  5. Also I'm am glad you guys are digging up old post.
    1 point
  6. I found some good beer on this site and had beer sent to me because of this site.
    1 point
  7. This site and any site need to have new members. Everyone has a different perspective on any situation, and it would be nice to hear of different ideas or hear different scenarios. Also it's hard to get on here when it's slow and freezes often. It's easier to get in other site.
    1 point
  8. I've been told by old time deer hunters, woods deer that stay out of light conditions, have dark racks. If true, it might go with darker hide color also.
    1 point
  9. I went on EBAY and purchased 60 clear plastic luggage tags for a total of $15.25 . They are better than using plastic baggies . I will be giving them to my sons , grandson , friends , etc . https://www.ebay.com/itm/186332376563?_skw=luggage+tags&itmmeta=01J8T9AFJC0WFNEDASCH2Z26XC&hash=item2b62466df3:g:WKAAAOSwvC1l6WeN&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkXvq3QezS43mxp8jAv61vbC94BLsN8x4cSZ0C7TFiCZj3WSG626kaHPhnxqcwcxxTOUKUXKZZ3iwp2z6Ap4lEikoZpltW5YBu42nQ7I%2FjEFI024CbpGA7zrKjKRYxgIpPo2q23yM6bjC8iCtYNXRkSHDqc2fTjESUenM26iMftJ9qb75CfE1NmrKnP3hy%2F0Rdb2F5KYU2LOOyMf3%2BiEoEPDaAWwecPvmjdEXGvcmWaTBnIpDsamgIt%2Bh5mhGIPN2TMCDF3EeYpbjEC0BYWiEOyNEiGRLEBe9weISZJtzsdmA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6b5qcnGZA
    1 point
  10. 132 lb field dressed doe (PA chest girth est) from last Saturday evening at my parents:
    1 point
  11. The shops in Maine and NH that tag deer are acting as as agent for the state. The shops charge $2 to tag or $5 if you want to tag and weigh the deer on their certified scale. Most of the guys doing the tagging and weighing are volunteers because its a fun social event. The best time is when a kid brings in his or her 1st deer . They get swarmed from the other hunters there with handshakes and High 5's congratulating them. My youngest son who was 14 when he got his 1st deer still mentions how he felt like he " belonged " in the hunting community after having over 20 hunters and 2 game wardens who were there all gave him the thumbs up and handshakes . And of course , they all want to hear the story ! . He is 26 now and that event left an a lifelong impression . You cant put a value on that because its Priceless !
    1 point
  12. Not that Saturdays weather was bad or anything but we just filled out the tag, put it in a sandwich bag and zip tied it to the deer. Don't forget the tag needs to be filled out while getting the deer out of the woods but you do not have to attach it to the deer until its out of the woods.
    1 point
  13. Unfortunately I now only have access to this forum from my work computer. I use to be able to log in through Tapatalk on my phone but now even that has stopped. I tried resetting my password but with an absentee owner my request never gets fulfilled. Anyways... onto the hunting portion of this story. My daughter and I went out Saturday evening and set up in a log pile to get a jump on where we have been seeing a doe a few evenings a week. The plan worked out and she took her first ever deer in the start of her third season hunting. It was a pretty wild 15-20 min as the doe popped out but offered no shot. We where not in the best of cover so we had to stay as still as possible but you could tell the doe was getting increasingly nervous. I think she could tell something was off but we where just hidden enough and she was up wind from us. She eventually worked up the courage to try and circle around us to get down wind but she didn't even have to get down wind all she had to do is get directly to our left because at that point we are completely exposed. She gets to our left, freezes, starts to stomp her hoof at us then eventually blows and takes off running. Here's the wild part she stops 60 yards away completely broadside just blowing away almost like she saw us but we somehow still had her confused. My daughter acts fast gets the gun on the doe and whispers "I'm shooting" I just simply replied "take it". Her gun goes off and the does front legs tuck into her body while she crashes to the ground and bulldozes and flips for 10 second before dying within site. High fives some hugs and probably a few tears of joy where had. Even though we knew the deer was dead and not moving we sat back down to let it all sink in. After about 10 min I have her get her tag out and start filling it out. At about the 20 min mark we slowly work our way over to the doe, thank her for her sacrifice before taking pictures and getting to work. This is a day neither of us will ever forget and has probably taken over as the best day I've ever had in the woods.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Exactly what I do. Make no remarks in useless Karate posts or posts about what you might drink for alcohol on a nightly basis. On A Hunting Forum. But I will make a post like that when I am talking about a Hunting site. And I can promise you I am far from alone in those thoughts. Maybe we are at that point where you could take some of your own advice.
    1 point
  16. Are you seriously criticizing the content of the few messages that are being posted here? I think I now understand why so many people left.
    1 point
  17. To each their own. I get some useful information; maybe post some good information for others to view. Take it or leave it !
    1 point
  18. This site will not be going away anytime soon. Continue to enjoy. You will no longer see a bunch of clutter like what kind of beer someone is drinking. Most of the members left here were never ones that lived on the site daily. And it’s so nice not to see the useless banter posted daily.
    1 point
  19. I remember the Empire site acting the same way, then went away one day.
    1 point
  20. I enjoy both sites and will continue to do so !
    1 point
  21. We all lose interest in things. It happens. I don't know why John doesn't poke his head in here time to time but he has treated me really well. A lot jumped ship just thinking this was going to shut down. It's alive and well and really I go to the other site and it's a mirror of this one. Nice to chat with the guys but I'm fine plugging away right here. This website has come a long way. Fast Eddie knows, black screen with white or yellow type can't remember. Let's just play it out and if one day it ends, it ends. But for now I think we are in for a great deer season. We have done this twice in 15 years. Bucks on the pole before noon! Hope this year is the same!
    1 point
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