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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/25 in all areas

  1. There was more to it than that pal, he was constantly posting filth to get his jollies, something wrong with someone that pulls that crap! Al
    4 points
  2. Well , "YOUR BOY" is gone from this site . Enjoy him as you Chuckled when chef suggested that he come over here And stir up some crap . Why do you continue to come here ? You need to see what is going on at this site ? Are you that bored !
    3 points
  3. I am too lazy in my old age to build any coops, I buy Amish Sheds or coops and have them delivered and set them up the way I want. Craig's list and facebook marketplace has many to choose, all different sizes and prices. I will be having one delivered in the spring for my pigeons. Al
    2 points
  4. When they legalized rifles here in our county, I decided to go for something with reduced recoil. I had been shooting a 12 ga shotgun. So I called up my son and had him bring his .270 up for me to test fire. I honestly decided that the .270 had no kick at all. So I bought one. My suggestion is to find someone that owns a .270 and ask to take a shot or two. I would be surprised if the recoil bothers your bad shoulder. I don't know the nature of your shoulder injury, but I cannot imagine that the recoil of a .270 would aggravate it at all.
    2 points
  5. I think this thread has run it's course and I am going to lock it . Thanks for all the input . p.s. I sent burmjohn another email to do something with the site . I doubt that he will respond . If you don't see me on here , it means that I have been fired or no longer on the green side .
    2 points
  6. chef already had 3 warnings plus was given a lot of slack but chose to continue to play a game . He wanted to push me and wanted to be banned . You have him in your court - enjoy ........ Oh yeah , do I need someone to cut and paste the Entry from another site where someone admitted to supporting chef's trolling ?
    2 points
  7. Make sure they are layers and not meat chickens.
    1 point
  8. I like it, but as others have mentioned it's not ideal if your not strong enough to use it. My father had a press, but it was for loading 41 magnum and 38 spcl. I started loading rifle using a Lee Loader kit. Lee Loader All you need is a mallet to use it. I paid nine dollars for my 30-06 kit in 1980 after buying my first 06 deer rifle. I progressed to a bench mounted press after getting into woodchuck hunting and target shooting, but the 45 year old Lee loader kit sit's on the shelf ready to load. Paid eleven dollars for the 12ga loader kit thats sitting next to the 06 kit. SJC
    1 point
  9. Really? A copy and paste.. No warning? Sad.
    1 point
  10. Some good and bad here, there, everywhere. Why does it need to be us vs them? And why do some act like children. C'mon man.......grow up.
    1 point
  11. Do I wish this site will stay around for a long time, yes. But to tell you the truth why do we join sites like this? To share our experience and to gain knowledge. I'm not saying I'm leaving but the members have dwindled to a few, I don't mind that, but It's not going much further than that. It won't survive with what we have here. I'm not leaving but it is on the back of my mind. I lived a slow death of the internet putting publishing magazines out of business. That is what is happening here. A long slow death. It was great at times but now pretty much stagnate. Just being totally honest.
    1 point
  12. I checked on my bee colonies a couple days ago. The winter weather has been brutal this year, and it’s my first winter keeping bees. My fingers have remained crossed every day since I started this adventure. There is a tremendous amount of information to learn, and then try to apply to be successful. One colony I obtained in October as a cut out from a barn with my mentor, despite my best efforts, did not make it all the way through winter. The other four hives, when I knock on the sides with my ear to the walls, have a lot of buzzing. I’ll be extremely happy if my four colonies get through the year. Spring can’t come soon enough for me and my bees!
    1 point
  13. Oh it most definitely will make the bang go up a decibel or two. But crazy how much it reduces the punch.
    1 point
  14. Have to take you gun to your local gunsmith. This is mine on my 300Wby mag. Had to have it just to shoot the dang thing. They will calm the beast in any rifle. They will thread the end of your barrel and the break screws right on.
    1 point
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