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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. I have been reading up on Bitcoin, and once the 21million bitcoins have been mined, what's next? They are up to 18.5million already.
  2. Agreed, I even start by closer 10 yrds or less to get that tight hole. Put the red dot on top and then you can adjust in another couple of shots out to 40 or 50 yrds
  3. The party ended 3 months ago..lol
  4. Yes Sir. "Nothing to see here, keep moving" while we disarm the law abiding population and let criminals and terrorists in through the open borders.
  5. So it has begun https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/biden-gun-control-executive-orders-04-08-21/index.html Now the country will know what NYers lived with since 2013... $200 for pistol brace
  6. You still have to apply for doe permits every yr and pay for them
  7. The mower blade would have done a number on other tines too..
  8. You need to buy a ML tag if you ever want to use the crossbow for hunting. Period The Either Sex tag can be used during bow season with bow or later part with crossbow or in the late season with Muzzleloader. Crossbow use is usually after Nov 1 and you can use it to fill any of your tags of that season. For example if i used a bow or crossbow during regular gun season, I would put my reg season tag on the deer although I used a bow or crossbow.
  9. Maybe a running shot, that hit the antler..
  10. Thank you for sharing and it was a pleasure meeting you.
  11. True thats what WI says but in my experience it has worked well if planted on a new seed bed in May.
  12. Wait to plant Fusion until after memorial day.. you will get better results..
  13. Its very simple. Order heating pads - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Electric-USB-Clothes-Heating-Pad-Gear-Thermal-Heater-Jacket-Vest-Mobile-Warming/392987284913?hash=item5b7fde15b1:g:2vkAAOSwrkBfkFtB Use Velcro or heat resistant glue and apply patches to locations you want in your existing jackets
  14. Starting to see ammo trickle in to WMarts. The other day I found a box of winchester 308 at $18.
  15. One of the best out there, but me being frugal ordered the heating elements off ebay and converted my existing jackets for 1/10 of the price and can run the usb battery lead to any pocket of my choice.
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